Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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The day has been messing up for me :| I'll go to bed shortly . it is 3:21 a.m. here :eek: have a good night :bye:
did not know you have iPod. cool! you can hear the songs? Also I got new pet so called parakeet I call him BLUE MOON! He looks blue.

I can hear the music only if it's turned up on max - but I can only hear it in my HOH ear. I hear absolutely nothing in my left ear which I am profoundly deaf in. Like the other day I was out for a walk around the track when a friend of mine was walking from behind and trying to get my attention, I could not hear nor did I notice she was there until I happened to see her out the corner of my eye. It kind of made me feel silly and people tend to forget especially when I have headphones on. She also commented that she could hear the music clearly from where she was standing and she asked if the volume bothered me which I replied no.

It was also quite embarrassing the other day in church I forgot I had my iPod in my pocket and one of the church members tapped on my shoulder and pointed to my pocket. oops. I had no idea my pants were making music in the middle of the sermon. :lol:
my hubby and i went to halloween party yesterday, we really enjoyed here... also i was judge with other few guys to see who best halloween for adults so we did vote 3 peoples so my hubby was 2nd place.. he was good hehehe... after that we went over friend's for bonfire then we came home abt 12am.. whew
I can hear the music only if it's turned up on max - but I can only hear it in my HOH ear. I hear absolutely nothing in my left ear which I am profoundly deaf in. Like the other day I was out for a walk around the track when a friend of mine was walking from behind and trying to get my attention, I could not hear nor did I notice she was there until I happened to see her out the corner of my eye. It kind of made me feel silly and people tend to forget especially when I have headphones on. She also commented that she could hear the music clearly from where she was standing and she asked if the volume bothered me which I replied no.

It was also quite embarrassing the other day in church I forgot I had my iPod in my pocket and one of the church members tapped on my shoulder and pointed to my pocket. oops. I had no idea my pants were making music in the middle of the sermon. :lol:

Yes very funny. However here very thick snow falls right now!
Today was church day of course so I just went to church, got to see an old friend her husband was in town to drive her and the kids back to Dallas (geez I can't imagine, itd be just as cheap to fly with the way gas prices are considering they drive a suburban. Damn their money. :lol:)

Anyway I got to see my friend and she seemed like she's perked up a tad but I still worry. She looked tired and worn and I didnt get an open opportunity to talk with her. But it was good to see her and hear her voice though I can no longer make out her words.

Also it was Sunday dinner with the family and it was a low fanfare. Just my parents, my moms sister and her husband, and my grandparents as well as Maddie. My cousin's husband came by with their daughter to visit with us before he had to go to work. And Ive spent the afternoon watching the Cowboys get their asses kicked by the Patriots.

For the workweek, the regular supervisor is going on vacation this week so it may be organized chaos at best this week. Its definitely one of those weeks where I can just hurry up and get someone trained for my old job so I can move permanently to my new job. UGH! If Im off the line I dont have to worry about the line bosses, just keep the floor clean and the ice picked up, that's it. I can come and go pretty much as I please.

Also I just realized we are in the middle of OCTOBER! I have to get the Christmas ASL DVD ordered so I can start working on the ASL hymns for the Christmas concert at the Russellville mall - FC - YOU HAVE TO COME BY AND SEE!!! I will sign for you and you can join if you'd like. I think TJ would like it. And Im seriously thinking about entering the duck calling contest for the Russellville Fall Festival. I'll be honking all week and driving my family nuts likely. :lol:
drinking my tea and viewing forums.. :type:

have a good day or night
my hubby and i went to halloween party yesterday, we really enjoyed here... also i was judge with other few guys to see who best halloween for adults so we did vote 3 peoples so my hubby was 2nd place.. he was good hehehe... after that we went over friend's for bonfire then we came home abt 12am.. whew

At RebelGirl's house?...
I am gonna go up and help our good friends with some cleaning. So that keep me busy for couple of hours! Then come back, wait for someone to take my old desk taken out of my room so that I can rearrange my office. Other than that it'll be a good day! Have a great day ADers! :cool:
Today was church day of course so I just went to church, got to see an old friend her husband was in town to drive her and the kids back to Dallas (geez I can't imagine, itd be just as cheap to fly with the way gas prices are considering they drive a suburban. Damn their money. :lol:)

Anyway I got to see my friend and she seemed like she's perked up a tad but I still worry. She looked tired and worn and I didnt get an open opportunity to talk with her. But it was good to see her and hear her voice though I can no longer make out her words.

Also it was Sunday dinner with the family and it was a low fanfare. Just my parents, my moms sister and her husband, and my grandparents as well as Maddie. My cousin's husband came by with their daughter to visit with us before he had to go to work. And Ive spent the afternoon watching the Cowboys get their asses kicked by the Patriots.

For the workweek, the regular supervisor is going on vacation this week so it may be organized chaos at best this week. Its definitely one of those weeks where I can just hurry up and get someone trained for my old job so I can move permanently to my new job. UGH! If Im off the line I dont have to worry about the line bosses, just keep the floor clean and the ice picked up, that's it. I can come and go pretty much as I please.

Also I just realized we are in the middle of OCTOBER! I have to get the Christmas ASL DVD ordered so I can start working on the ASL hymns for the Christmas concert at the Russellville mall - FC - YOU HAVE TO COME BY AND SEE!!! I will sign for you and you can join if you'd like. I think TJ would like it. And Im seriously thinking about entering the duck calling contest for the Russellville Fall Festival. I'll be honking all week and driving my family nuts likely. :lol:

Me too I gotta practice on signing ASL to song for the church as they want me to do it for Christmas time so I didn't mind to do that. :eek3: haha!

Sure I will be glad to come by the mall and watch you and maybe join ya! Let me know when and time. ok? :) I love to sign to the songs as I used to be in Singing Fingers, Dyamnic Digits and FHA singers back at ASD so it was fun! I sure missed doing that! :(


It's raining cats n dogs here! Bleahhh..It is so ugly day and rain make me sleepy! :ugh3: So I am gonna watch the movies that I borrowed from TJ's father. Are we done yet? Lord of war, Wild hogs, The Prestige, PathFinder, Open Season, The Condemned, and Vacancy.

Have a great day ya'll :)
Hello! just wanting to say HELLO! to y'all.. I am leaving for school.... be back home later.... so I am still around. :)

I am looking forward to go Trick n Treating with TJ on the Monster Street in Morrilton! I am sure I am not the only one! and Tj is excited about the movie- Transformer came out today! haha. TJ's father said TJ was so happy that he got the movie for him.. I cant wait to watch the movie with him this weekend! :D
rain rain rain here.. blah.. LOL! umm, we will have a meeting this morning then come home n rest.. hehe
Man it was NICE fall day here but too bad I had to work, UGH!

FC -- The choir dude said he changed his mind and said he isnt going to need me to sign for the mall concert in Russellville after all as the 'format' isnt suited for signing.

I wanted to back hand him so badly for letting him lead me one like I was a part of something only to find Im not. I'll mention it again in a couple of weeks and see what he thinks, but Im still ordering the ASL DVD so I can do a Christmas special. Such as Silent Night all in sign - no lyrics just the signs. Now wouldn't that be fitting, lol.

As for work OMG its been hellweek. The fill-in supervisor is absolutely playing favorites and Ive been getting my backside ridden for supposedly double-hanging the line and throwing bad meat up there. Wednesday I was ready for a Margarita and thought very seriously of messing with my blood sugar so I could have a legit reason to go home. Yes, it was THAT bad Wednesday. But today (Thursday) it was alot better. The line boss came up to me this morning and said - oh we're making youre job easier - I thought yeah right its laced with sarcasm. Then she said we no longer have to tear the meat in half, just leave it all in butterflies unless one half is completely mutilated or if both halves are bad. OMG it was smooth sailing all day up there. But by 12:30 my eyes were going nutty looking at all that meat. Im ready to get off the line again, Im seriously getting burned out after having spent all week doing the same thing all day every day for 8 hours a day. I hope and pray to God that we aren't working Saturday. If we do I'll be checking myself into the state hospital for chicken induced insanity. :crazy:
Good luck with the chicken induced insanity ;)
but ya know ever since I started working there I find myself eating chicken far less often than I used to. I already have to look at more chicken than you can shake a stick at all day - I damn sure dont want to eat it. And guess which is my LEAST favorite part of the chicken is..........
breast meat. Guess what I have to do all day.........
. any guess will do.....
Have you ever tried to find a better job than the chicken plant?
Oh believe me when I say it Jake I do want a better job but with the crappy job history I do have I need to stay on for at least a year or two build up to show prospective employers that I want to work. All the jobs that Ive had since 2004 Ive been fired from. That doesnt look too good on a resume.

But I also want to go back to school so what I may end up doing is this:

stay on dayshift until SL is paid off and a new vehicle is bought. Then switch to sanitation to see if I can afford the upkeep of the car as well as the payments while Im in school. If I can enroll in school, work sanitation shift overnight and attend school during the day. Do that until I reach the halfway point of my Bachelor's Degree then start looking for work whilst staying in school and continuing to work. This shows prospective employers that hey Im willing to work and Im working on bettering myself at the same time. As DHB said in another thread - you have to start from the bottom and work your way up. For me, the chicken plant is my bottom.

But because the CEO of my company and I are on a first name basis Im hoping to use my education to see if I can move up within the company somehow - basically go from the line to working in Human Resources or in the main office uptown.
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