What did you learn today?

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Useless? LOL your not using your head. I CAN! I would deposit check for somebody for X amount of money, then transfer that x money to his/her bank account. It CAN be done.

that link is useless for him. he's depositing a check for somebody... not transferring money to him.
We only know though the virtual world thats all, plus in addition to the fact that I know her that she loves to kick guy's nuts.

We see that logic, but he added that because we know each other.
Useless? LOL your not using your head. I CAN! I would deposit check for somebody for X amount of money, then transfer that x money to his/her bank account. It CAN be done.

depositing a check that doesn't have your name on it? well then that's just pah-toot! :lol:

or here's a simpler way... deposit it for him and then he owes you a beer. that's it! :cool2:
From Reba, I learned that toads make little holes-
i learn today read train timetable before getting the train
Wirelessly posted

It not worth getting upset with what people write in social medias.
Humidity and mosquitos just don't mix. Got a whole bunch of citronella candles going. The men are working out in the garage putting up new shelves. It's only 82 but that's Minnesota HOT !!!!!!
i learnt that it wasn't right up until 1940 in Australia that they banned Amborgine shooting!! i mean like hunting same as rabbit shooting, thats really late, quite shocking...
worse got wrong train...
Rio social media if you mean fb, people who take it serious are bonkers and those who write twaddle about others are cowards....if not able to look someone in the eye when they insult you they not worth bothering about defriend them.
i learnt that it wasn't right up until 1940 in Australia that they banned Amborgine shooting!! i mean like hunting same as rabbit shooting, thats really late, quite shocking...

OMG i no realised this...so it quite probable people about that still remember even done it or been victim...we know afro/americans had it rough but sadly very few have tried to fight descrimination Australian Amborgine had and still have...this something i learn today
Today I learned... About Gallaudet! I cant wait to start going to school there :)
just seen sourcefed on youtube apparently many americans think brits are interbreeding with allians....fair play
That my rent is going to go up, a lot!! And that I have until the 25th to decide if I'm going to renew my lease.....even though my it doesn't expire until September 30th, if I decide at some point after 7/25 to renew my lease the rates will go up even more than what I was quoted today.


Ugh, super ugh
I learned I must look at pepperoni packages first before buying. I accidently bought HOT AND SPICY. Erk. I threw them in the freezer. :lol:
I learned I must look at pepperoni packages first before buying. I accidently bought HOT AND SPICY. Erk. I threw them in the freezer. :lol:

That will make them cold, but not less hot :laugh2:

Does your hubby like spicey.....or your dogs?
I actually love spicy foods. Like very spicy buffalo wings. I've got a high tolerance. But these kind of ruined the pepperoni.

I think I will make pepperoni, cheese and black olive quesadillas in a few days. Try and use up this pepperoni.
That my rent is going to go up, a lot!! And that I have until the 25th to decide if I'm going to renew my lease.....even though my it doesn't expire until September 30th, if I decide at some point after 7/25 to renew my lease the rates will go up even more than what I was quoted today.


Ugh, super ugh

That sucks what are you gonna do?
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