What did you learn today?

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That my rent is going to go up, a lot!! And that I have until the 25th to decide if I'm going to renew my lease.....even though my it doesn't expire until September 30th, if I decide at some point after 7/25 to renew my lease the rates will go up even more than what I was quoted today.


Ugh, super ugh

signs of times...everything's going up

Lucky, I got house of my own
That my rent is going to go up, a lot!! And that I have until the 25th to decide if I'm going to renew my lease.....even though my it doesn't expire until September 30th, if I decide at some point after 7/25 to renew my lease the rates will go up even more than what I was quoted today.


Ugh, super ugh

That sucks but maybe you'll find something better
It's really annoying!! I wanted to leave here anyway, but I kind of wanted to wait until I'm steady busy at the new clinic. I'm leery of having rent that some months I might have a hard time paying. But I thought I had a couple more months to see how the new job pans out. I'm doing okay, but it takes a bit of time to build up clientelle.

The sticker is, if I sign a 12 month lease it will only go up $20, if I sign a 6 month lease it goes up $50, which is what I have been doing, 6 month leases because I was hoping to a get the job I got I just didn't know when. The place is too small, it's a 2 bedroom, I sleep on the sofa my son and daughter each have a bedroom. I do not want to get roped into this place for another year! But what will suck, is if I don't agree and then I can't find a place cheaper, or a bigger place about the same and come september who knows how much more they'll want for that 6 months lease.....right now it would be $50, what if goes up $70, or $100 ugh.

I almost want to say screw and move back to NH or follow my parents to Texas, but I already have the ball rolling for my divorce so I have to stay in SC til that's settled. So really I shouldn't be on here I should be looking on the net for another place lol.
You shouldn't have to stay in SC until your divorce is settled. Just don't establish permanent residence elsewhere. "Visiting your parents" would work. As long as you sign the papers by proxy or go back to SC to sign in person, that should be ok?
Sorry Ambrosia, hope you find a better place and soon. Good luck!!!
You shouldn't have to stay in SC until your divorce is settled. Just don't establish permanent residence elsewhere. "Visiting your parents" would work. As long as you sign the papers by proxy or go back to SC to sign in person, that should be ok?

I don't know, I'm a poor person I'm not using a lawyer. We don't have anything to fight over. The only shared debt we had was the house, which I let him have and then he turned around and stopped paying the mortgage and let them foreclose on us :mad: any credit cards, loans or other assets (cars) weren't shared. We just agreed to keep or pay our own crap. Well he stopped paying anything and now he's homeless and living in his truck in NH. He likes the pity. I know for a fact he's been offered a place by different people, but he'd rather wallow in misery, "look at me, my life is so hard, my wife is such a bitch waaaaaaah". I neeeed this divorce lol So I don't want to do anything that might be a problem, plus I have bills to pay so I have to always have a job. I'm almost done paying off my car. phewwwww
I've learned that I'm more misunderstood than understanding myself...if that figures....or whatever it means...
I don't know, I'm a poor person I'm not using a lawyer. We don't have anything to fight over. The only shared debt we had was the house, which I let him have and then he turned around and stopped paying the mortgage and let them foreclose on us :mad: any credit cards, loans or other assets (cars) weren't shared. We just agreed to keep or pay our own crap. Well he stopped paying anything and now he's homeless and living in his truck in NH. He likes the pity. I know for a fact he's been offered a place by different people, but he'd rather wallow in misery, "look at me, my life is so hard, my wife is such a bitch waaaaaaah". I neeeed this divorce lol So I don't want to do anything that might be a problem, plus I have bills to pay so I have to always have a job. I'm almost done paying off my car. phewwwww

uhh he sounds like an ass.
uhh he sounds like an ass.

You have no idea, I could write a book on his asshattery. I'm sure he's manic depressive. He can't take responsibility for anything ever, and he has anger management problems. All things that add to his asshattery. Pretty much why I couldn't stand it any longer.
He sounds exactly like the ass I used to be married to, too.


Let's compare notes :giggle:
I think half his problem now is he has no idea how to take care of himself. I did everything, I paid the bills, did almost all the cleaning, made all the phone calls (until I just couldn't do the phone anymore) did all the kid stuff. If something didn't get done or taken care of, it was because I didn't do it. The man would call me at work "where's the remote? where's Ashlyn's shoes, where's blah blah" My god man!!!

He was totally anti socialtoo, wouldn't talk to anyone. We'd go to my parents house and he'd sit in a room by himself. Then when we'd get home he'd be all "your family hates me, I'm not good enough for them, nobody talks to me when I'm there" :hmm:

Seriously he wouldn't talk to anyone. Now I lost my hearing in my left ear at 20, met him right after I turned 22, so that ear was deaf already. But I remember once not long after I started losing it in my right, I had hearing aids, and you could talk into my ear and I could hear you, but to talk on the phone I needed my aids. Anyway one night I was in the shower, yes THE SHOWER, he brings me the phone to order a pizza!!! He didn't want to talk to the person on the phone, so he brings it to me while I'm ...in water!! and don't have my aids in anyway :laugh2:

And he was a bully. I think he wanted me scared of him. He never knocked me around but he'd get in my face screaming and throw crap at me. I cleaned up so many broken drinking glasses and wine glasses over the years. Put back together a couple remotes and his cell phone, yes he threw is phone at me. And he'd do this in front of the kids, and if I said anything to him about the example he's setting he'd be all "you should just be glad I don't hit yo in front of them like my dad did my mom". :shock: wtf is that?

enough was enough was enough....... was it anything like that?
Well, we didn't have any kids. This was a guy that ran his money into the ground in a very bad way, and continued to, after the divorce. He nearly got the house to foreclose -- I found out in the nick of time and got a new loan and booted his sorry ass out. Got him to sign a quit claim deed and indemnification and all to relive him of his so-called obligations. He also thought nothing of cheating on me -- it was common for him to come home with hickeys. After about year 2 into the marriage, I wanted out, but my mom convinced me to stay "give it a chance," she said. I gave it 10 years more. I finally quit after that. I went and married myself a wonderful man instead.
Well, we didn't have any kids. This was a guy that ran his money into the ground in a very bad way, and continued to, after the divorce. He nearly got the house to foreclose -- I found out in the nick of time and got a new loan and booted his sorry ass out. Got him to sign a quit claim deed and indemnification and all to relive him of his so-called obligations. He also thought nothing of cheating on me -- it was common for him to come home with hickeys. After about year 2 into the marriage, I wanted out, but my mom convinced me to stay "give it a chance," she said. I gave it 10 years more. I finally quit after that. I went and married myself a wonderful man instead.

Good on you!!! The kids were big reason I stayed so long, that and losing my hearing and being on my own with them was a bit terrifying for awhile, I got over that, and eventually I wasn't just sick of it all, but then kids became a big reason why I decided enough was enough. I don't want my son thinking it's okay to treat his wife like he did, and I didn't want my daughter thinking it was okay to be treated like that.
You have no idea, I could write a book on his asshattery. I'm sure he's manic depressive. He can't take responsibility for anything ever, and he has anger management problems. All things that add to his asshattery. Pretty much why I couldn't stand it any longer.

good title! :lol:

Let's compare notes :giggle:
I think half his problem now is he has no idea how to take care of himself. I did everything, I paid the bills, did almost all the cleaning, made all the phone calls (until I just couldn't do the phone anymore) did all the kid stuff. If something didn't get done or taken care of, it was because I didn't do it. The man would call me at work "where's the remote? where's Ashlyn's shoes, where's blah blah" My god man!!!

He was totally anti socialtoo, wouldn't talk to anyone. We'd go to my parents house and he'd sit in a room by himself. Then when we'd get home he'd be all "your family hates me, I'm not good enough for them, nobody talks to me when I'm there" :hmm:

Seriously he wouldn't talk to anyone. Now I lost my hearing in my left ear at 20, met him right after I turned 22, so that ear was deaf already. But I remember once not long after I started losing it in my right, I had hearing aids, and you could talk into my ear and I could hear you, but to talk on the phone I needed my aids. Anyway one night I was in the shower, yes THE SHOWER, he brings me the phone to order a pizza!!! He didn't want to talk to the person on the phone, so he brings it to me while I'm ...in water!! and don't have my aids in anyway :laugh2:

And he was a bully. I think he wanted me scared of him. He never knocked me around but he'd get in my face screaming and throw crap at me. I cleaned up so many broken drinking glasses and wine glasses over the years. Put back together a couple remotes and his cell phone, yes he threw is phone at me. And he'd do this in front of the kids, and if I said anything to him about the example he's setting he'd be all "you should just be glad I don't hit yo in front of them like my dad did my mom". :shock: wtf is that?

enough was enough was enough....... was it anything like that?

You did the right thing no one should have to put up with that ... you were a single mom even before you were a single mom ...
Well, we didn't have any kids. This was a guy that ran his money into the ground in a very bad way, and continued to, after the divorce. He nearly got the house to foreclose -- I found out in the nick of time and got a new loan and booted his sorry ass out. Got him to sign a quit claim deed and indemnification and all to relive him of his so-called obligations. He also thought nothing of cheating on me -- it was common for him to come home with hickeys. After about year 2 into the marriage, I wanted out, but my mom convinced me to stay "give it a chance," she said. I gave it 10 years more. I finally quit after that. I went and married myself a wonderful man instead.

huh really ??? why the h**l would a man cheat on a hot chick like you ?!?! :naughty:

my ex-wife cheated on me ... but yep I stayed ... cause of the kids (her kids ... they called me daddy)... finally got tired of it and left ... she was a twit and has tried to get me back since I left and divorced her over 10 years ago even though shes remarried ... last time was 2 - 3 years ago her daughter graduated high school and wanted me to go ... my exwife was said she would pay for my gas, hotel and anything else if I went ... guess what she finally admitted she wanted me to go cause she wanted to sleep with me that she was tired of her current hubbys "vienna sausage" and wanted something better ... yep TMI I know but thats how it went and I didn't go to the graduation.
huh really ??? why the h**l would a man cheat on a hot chick like you ?!?! :naughty:

my ex-wife cheated on me ... but yep I stayed ... cause of the kids (her kids ... they called me daddy)... finally got tired of it and left ... she was a twit and has tried to get me back since I left and divorced her over 10 years ago even though shes remarried ... last time was 2 - 3 years ago her daughter graduated high school and wanted me to go ... my exwife was said she would pay for my gas, hotel and anything else if I went ... guess what she finally admitted she wanted me to go cause she wanted to sleep with me that she was tired of her current hubbys "vienna sausage" and wanted something better ... yep TMI I know but thats how it went and I didn't go to the graduation.

I could probably be the hottest chick on the planet, it wouldn't change anything for him. This lyin', cheatin' stealin' behavior of his was just how he is. Oddly enough, he was actually a nice guy as far as conversing with. Probably the reason I stuck it out so long. But when you get right down to it, he's not nice underneath. So anyways ...

:lol: @ vienna sausage. Ouchie. :lol:
Humidity and mosquitos just don't mix. Got a whole bunch of citronella candles going. The men are working out in the garage putting up new shelves. It's only 82 but that's Minnesota HOT !!!!!!
The candles and oil lamps don't really work....fact.
Next time you go to home depot, or a garden center buy some lemon grass and citronella plants and plant them around your property.. works wonders as I have some just for the very reason that I am allergic to mosquitoes. It will also keep other pests at bay as well.
Peppermint plants keeps spiders, ants and termites away as well.
Ooh, thank you for the info. Shopping, here I come!
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