What did you do today?

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have you tried jacob's ladders? I'm dying to try it! it's cool you've been going to gym--hope you're close to your goal.

aggh seeeennd some over to me! I'm already too cozy to get up and start the oven... blah ... *yawns with hand covered* ..

Wow, my gym doesn't have that equipment. It'll take me a least one year to reach my weight goal. :S

Sorry, I'll send you some TimTam instead. ;)
So far, I have not done much, but son and hubby are worn out. I made an early run to WalMart, then lazed around until I took MIL to the hairdresser and here I am. Hubby and son have washed 4 vehicles, and have been cutting trees and bushes down. MIL wanted most gone, but we have this big tree (rubber or something like that - she thinks it's a banana tree) and they are cutting the branches that are covering the 2nd driveway by the garage. We have a nice pile of limbs and branches for the city to pick up on Tuesday morning. It can't be bigger than 4 feet high and 4 feet deep, but we can go as long down the side of the road on our property as needed. Luckily, we have plenty of road front. So far, we are looking at 16 feet.
I'm allergic to the gym. :o

Today I :barf: and then slept til 3. Not fun.

Judah convinced me to order in for his dinner tonight. He picked sushi. I really hope delivery sushi isn't a death sentence because I don't know how to resist it. :sadwave:

Avocado, spicy tuna, Cali, spider, dragon + kani su and yakitori...
Cheap at least. Chevy, I figured he is talking to us on his iPad.

Now he may be in Sydney.
About 2 hours after I posted, I arrived in Sydney... now I'm heading home this evening.
And yes, I was using my iPad as it has 3G :)
About 2 hours after I posted, I arrived in Sydney... now I'm heading home this evening.
And yes, I was using my iPad as it has 3G :)

I imagine you had fun. :)

As for my excitement, I picked up my new earmold today. It is a brilliant neon pink, but to me the picture my husband took and I put as my avatar looks sort of like an unhealthy skin tone.

Not sure if it is my vision or my husband's photography skills.

Anyone who wants to can tell me if it looks like pink flamingo color in the picture, as that is what it really is.
I did an early zumba class, grocery shopping, laundry and cooked me a good Mexican brunch :giggle:
I love Mexican food...I just don't think it was a good idea for me to try to eat sushi after being barfy today. *faints*
I love Mexican food...I just don't think it was a good idea for me to try to eat sushi after being barfy today. *faints*

Oh no! I hope you feel better. I noticed my post above you :lol: I am soo full just had some Mexican sweet bread 3rd round oh, the guilt now lol
I felt like Gollum chasing after "the precious" all day today. It was tiring.
chillin, roaming online for an bit before I head out to the city to catch bus home....
hold on to your golds, it will shot up in value so high in the next few years, gold dealers knows there thats why they are buying up. You see, the value of gold co relates to the value of oil....

Yeah, my brother said $1,400 an ounce right now. I guess I better wait.
Yesterday, worked from 7 am to 3pm at my 2nd job, came home to two rowdy boys, a husband slaving over the grill in this cold, and brother/girlfriend watching TV. Took a nap, chatted with my best friend on VP for an hour, and hung out with my hubby, my brother and his girlfriend all night...we watched "Grown-ups" from Netflick..was hilarous. Put my son and his friend to bed and then spent almost all night being awaken by my son's friend crying for his mommy. I had plans today but I think I will cancel them due to being sooo out of it from lack of sleep.
So far I'm just enjoying my Sunday morning in jammies, about to make breakfast soon. Going to vacuum after, then go out for a while. Too beautiful out, even tho its cold, to not.
Ate Reese's Eggs! Tastiest candy ever.

Now I'm getting ready to head out to Target and get new laundry baskets and a 3DS
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