What are you thinking about? Part VI

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(Drags cigarette)
Cop it up to the fAll. If you ladies wouldn't of dragged us all down to this fallen ugly world by eatin that damn apple
(Inhales smoke, exhales smoke in the shape of a naked eve in the garden who is smokin hot)
You wouldn't have such pangs of childbirth
(Drags cigarette)
But instead. Smokin hot eve eat the apple,
And thus here we are
(Drags cigarette)
The Fall, yes, but blaming Eve didn't work for Adam, and it doesn't work for you either.

P.s. It wasn't an apple. Look it up.
I have a spring mattress, AND a box mattress. No, it's not constipation, either, cause I took a sh*t not long ago, so I'm good. And FYI-- no tubes will be going up my ass anytime soon.


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Don't be to confident in that. You hear about that guy named mark in New Mexico?
Apparently depending on who's wind one believes, after he was done posting on the net (some site that shouldn't be named) he was driving around and was stopped by the fuzz.
(Drags cigarette, breaths deep, stares deeply to distant mountains, exhales smoke in the shape of...)
The fuzz being bitchy due to a lack of donuts and working girls on the beat, didn't know what to make of this guy. He exited the vehicle but rather then putting his hands on. His head crossing fingers as commanded' instead for reasons unknown grabbed his ass cheeks or what is termed in popular parlance his buttocks.
(Drags cigarette, quickly exhales looks away then back)
The fuzz ass-ummed he was hiding something, in truth he just needed to drop a deuce. After a somewhat protected struggle they dragged him down to the Er, where they promptly and repeatedly raped this man, who's name was mark, up the ass with a tube to see if he was hiding drugs.
They first found nothing but allot of what I here will term wee jobies.
So they again rapped him up the ass with a tube.
They still found no drugs.
This went on for some time until even doctors where put off by the grim spectacle.
(Drags cigarette ' breaths deeply exhales)

You've been. Warned
Don't be to confident in that. You hear about that guy named mark in New Mexico?
Apparently depending on who's wind one believes, after he was done posting on the net (some site that shouldn't be named) he was driving around and was stopped by the fuzz.
(Drags cigarette, breaths deep, stares deeply to distant mountains, exhales smoke in the shape of...)
The fuzz being bitchy due to a lack of donuts and working girls on the beat, didn't know what to make of this guy. He exited the vehicle but rather then putting his hands on. His head crossing fingers as commanded' instead for reasons unknown grabbed his ass cheeks or what is termed in popular parlance his buttocks.
(Drags cigarette, quickly exhales looks away then back)
The fuzz ass-used he was hiding something, he just needed to drop a deuce. After a somewhat protected struggle they dragged him down to the Er, where they promptly and repeatedly raped this man, mark up the ass with a tube to see if he was hiding drugs.
He was not
So they again rapped him up the ass with a tube.
This went on for some time until even doctors where put off by the grim spectacle.
(Drags cigarette ' breaths deeply exhales)

You've been. Warned

Heard of the story. And FYI, cops already know I have prescription drugs, so that part is okay. Plus, they can't do that here, anyways, without the district attorney's approval first.
Heard of the story. And FYI, cops already know I have prescription drugs, so that part is okay. Plus, they can't do that here, anyways, without the district attorney's approval first.
What cops? All the cops on the planet?

For someone who's always concerned about going to jail for no good reason you're putting an awful lot of confidence in law enforcement to follow the rules.

Oh the laughter it hurts. :laugh2:
I find it best not to make up answers if you don't know a word. It is smarter to either look up the word or say nothing.

Trust me-- I know it's related to that 2009 injury. I am quite strong, and have healthy muscles. If it's not what I think it is, then no, I don't have it. I will be all right-- preservance will get me through the pain, and no pain medications, either.
What cops? All the cops on the planet?

For someone who's always concerned about going to jail for no good reason you're putting an awful lot of confidence in law enforcement to follow the rules.


Cause I know they'll be arrested by the Feds if they don't. It's happened several times here already, and they're on high alert to NOT do any civil rights violations.
Cause I know they'll be arrested by the Feds if they don't. It's happened several times here already, and they're on high alert to NOT do any civil rights violations.

This here I'm not dumb enough to go bitching about every little ache and pain.

"They seek out reassurance from family, friends, or health care providers on a regular basis"

That, I don't do. I also don't worry about new symptoms, either. I'm focused on maintaining my health, and avoiding any accidents, because I AM accident-prone.
People who do not know the definition of hypochondria are most likely the ones who have it.
People who do not know the definition of hypochondria are most likely the ones who have it.

Yeah, maybe. Problem is, I'm not diagnosed with it, and I DO have a doctor who takes careof my mental side of the meds, and that's not part of my official diagnosis, because for one thing, where the doctor works records their calls for quality reasons, and they would have told her if I'd been calling there daily, which I KNOW I haven't been.
It's better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


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hmm.... what should I do this weekend? the weekend before spring break? hm... well of course, gotta finish up homework that are due by Sunday night, but that's no big deal. hmm....
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