What are you thinking about? Part III

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I'm thinking about which of the two pictures I will attemp to start with in my painting lessons.
I'm thinking how the hell am I going to get that before midday tomorrow...
I am thinking about how well my interview went today. And how I am surprised that the same manager I had 11+ years ago is still working at the store I interviewed at today.
I'm thinking if i actually have a chance learning ASL on my own. Seems like an almost impossible task!
Thinking of my new beau <3 and as well as thinking of the Holidays and what I'd like to do with the upcoming holidays. hmmm.
What am I thinking about:
1)About how almost all of my "friends" stopped hanging out with me when my hearing went from about 75% in one ear down to about 10%
2)Upcoming surgery to remove a tumor from my left audio nerve
3)On Nov. 18, 2002 my brother had MAJOR surgery that doctor ****ed up on, and my surgery will be around that same time. Same hospital, possibly same doc
4) My dad passed away in January 2001, and my bro in january 2003, so January will be an epically sad month because of the 10 year anniversary
I am thinking how sore my legs are:giggle:
I'm thinking about how I have more bruise on the crease of my arm from the bandage tape than the blood drawn for labwork itself. I yanked the tape off and now it look like it is bleeding under the skin.
I'm thinking about how I have more bruise on the crease of my arm from the bandage tape than the blood drawn for labwork itself. I yanked the tape off and now it look like it is bleeding under the skin.

Those are just called petechial hemorrhages, not that big of a deal. Some people are just more prone to it. Its just tiny capilaries that are ripped by the adhesive tape ripped off.
thinking about all the homework I have to do this weekend plus working 16 hours at my 2nd job as well. When will I ever get a break?
I am totally exhausted too, Shel. Been working tons of overtime. We're launching a new website and I'm the senior website administrator so lots of project management going on! I can't wait for things to ease up.
Been thinking about the wonderful chat I had with an old friend. We finally connected after 15 years. First I moved away, then she moved away, then I moved back. She was never one to write letters even though I tried. I haven't seen her for 15 years. She lives 4 hours away now. She was my maid of honor and sang a solo at my wedding.
I am totally exhausted too, Shel. Been working tons of overtime. We're launching a new website and I'm the senior website administrator so lots of project management going on! I can't wait for things to ease up.

I am constantly tired at work and when I get home, I dont get to rest. Got to cook dinner, help my son with homework, clean up, get ready for the next day, give my son a bath, and put him to bed. By the time all of that is done, I am mentally dead which is why most of my posts during the weeknights aren't thought provoking nor debatable. I read the hot topics but cant function mentally to participate in them. I am seriously becoming burnt out this Fall due to 2 jobs and 2 classes. I hope the spring, it will be better.
Those are just called petechial hemorrhages, not that big of a deal. Some people are just more prone to it. Its just tiny capilaries that are ripped by the adhesive tape ripped off.

Thanks :) I was wondering if I was too harsh on my skin. I'll be more gentle next time.
I am pain my tooth is very easy grin not easy! that is why!! that is complication!!! that is difficult!!
I am thinking that I'm looking forward to a day off on Saturday. Because tonight at work will be a 9 days straight. (Unless if I get call in work on Saturday.)
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