Wanna be a Mod? v. 2.0.3


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
AllDeaf is seeking full-time moderators, preferably one that can moderate between 12 and 6 AM Eastern Time, for the following categories:

- Main Forums (all)
- Deaf Life Forums (all)
- Visualization Forums (all)

This is a voluntary position. You will not get a penny from us. However, you are qualified to receive a free web account (web space and a "@alldeaf.com" e-mail address) upon request.

Here are some of the moderator's duties:

1.) A moderator should enforce the Forum rules, and make sure AllDeaf remains a fun and friendly online community.

2.) A moderator is willing to invest some of their time in creating new threads/posts daily. No severe post-whoring and going off-topic often, though.

3.) A moderator must show a positive and neutral attitude towards the members, and are willing to assist them if needed.

If you're interested in being a moderator, please sign in and tell us why you deserve the position. Final decision will be made by the AllDeaf community and/or the Administrator.

Any questions or comments, feel free to post here.
would this pertain to 12-6 am meaning in reverse for my time 6-12 hawaii time??? just checking. i dont want to make myself a fool here,i wouldn t mind volunteering for that :) soemthing new for me to learn and also wouldn't mind posting threads and etc. up to u :) the more the moderators the better the website would maintain...
I could moderate a few categories, but the only problem is that I have my paper route from 1.00 am to 4.30 am. So, I guess this rules me out. If you need a moderator for other time frame, I wouldn't mind though. I usually am on my computer after my paper route until around 9 am, then sleeping. I usually get back on my computer after 9 pm until 1 am.

I'm mostly interested in DeafLife forums, and I believe that I could bring up several interesting topics for these forums, however I wouldn't mind moderating other forums. I believe that I usually create well written replies to questions presented by the members of this site, and have a good sense of restraint from post whoring, limiting my postings to real replies instead of chit chatty replies.

I have a great deal of respect for every single member of this community, and try to understand what they are trying to say. I have no problem at debating issues, as long as it does not turn into insults and name-calling matches. In the past, I have practised some restraint from returning the insults back to offenders in question.

I enjoy this website very much, and visit this website every single day. It is interesting to see what people post here and seeing that members here have a great deal of respect for their fellow members. This really adds up to the sense of a great community that one could be proud to moderate for.
12 to 6 right now is up my alley. I do many overtimes that are 12 to 8 eastern time...summer time is slower with the OT though cuz I do take many vacation.
I could apply..but..my wife don't like it when I'm up until 8 am...so I'm in the progress of gettin' back on the regular sleeping schedules.
I would interest to be part of AD's mod member only in the nesscary to be aviable for time spares ... but i had to delince it until next time probaly would be more better chance for me to glue my butt to the chair for few hours lol...

well, for the applicant ppl for this position , I wish all of u the best luck !
I would be interest for mod positition but since I'm going off to college so I probably won't be online as much as before so... I would hold my position until things get settled down...
i wouldve nominated Kuifje after reading his post on his pointers and agree but unfortunately his time doesnt agree with the hours Alex is looking for mods to cover :(
Originally posted by Fly Free
i disagree even tho time zone yes would fit in but personally i disagree

U might disagree but think having experinces and learning about them would benfit me and using my tools i learned in two weeks time and also learning from my mistakes and my mind, like i said it doesn't have to be ME and i would also recommend U as well IF u want to be a mod, cuz u also have a good judgements and learning how to help others too... and u have good thoughts of putting threads into that cag. and getting alot of feedbacks from poeple as well and also u know how to have fun. At least i don't bite ur head of and i respect ur opoion....
I would like help but im just to busy right now. May the best person be choose for mod postion. Good luck.
I don't mind to be a mod for the AllDeaf, but I have some things to do (school, going out, etc).

However, I would like to nominate Wonderbum, Prostock19, GoldenLeaf74, or Funnybebe78 for moderator position (of course they are willing to commit the hours).

Originally posted by Fly Free
i disagree even tho time zone yes would fit in but personally i disagree
:werd: I won't comment any more further.
That would be cool to be mod - I prefer to be mod for the penis forum ;) my time zone would be 9 to 3 am which would be 12 to 6 am Eastern time, so it is not a change for me. I am usually on at that time.... ;) but whoever becomes mod - congrats!!!!!
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
That would be cool to be mod - I prefer to be mod for the penis forum ;) my time zone would be 9 to 3 am which would be 12 to 6 am Eastern time, so it is not a change for me. I am usually on at that time.... ;) but whoever becomes mod - congrats!!!!!

:werd: good luck :) ..... the earlier ur on the better the hours u can mod, and not have to worry abt the EST times cuz most are in bed anyhow :)
Originally posted by Oddball
I don't mind to be a mod for the AllDeaf, but I have some things to do (school, going out, etc).

However, I would like to nominate Wonderbum, Prostock19, GoldenLeaf74, or Funnybebe78 for moderator position (of course they are willing to commit the hours).


:werd: would nominate those other ppl too -- Purrs im sure would be VERY good mod!!!! :thumb:

i would also nominate ChelEler too if she has the time