US policeman used Taser on 72-year-old woman

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Funny. The speed limit on the interstates here is 65 mph. Hardly supports your point that going 60 on interstates is excessive and reckless.:cool2:
that's why it's dangerous. Don't forget that it used to be 55 mph. 65 mph was introduced quite recently. In some states - some highways are 70 mph like Virginia and Pennsylvania. That's why you will get double fines & points if you get pull over for speeding violation or related (even on 65 mph zone) like NJ Turnpike and Garden State Parkway. You may get arrested as well depending on your driving habit on fast interstate.

It is still a 15 mph excess. It is relational according to what the posted speed limit is.
at 60 mph.... a dangerous speed for elders...
Guys & gals.. this is where you need to research before you post.

We don't want the egg on our faces when we use hysterical debating & bolded red fonts only to find out the facts are moot.
:shock: I opposed for a cop to use taser on a 72 years old woman. That was soo wrong! He could have a better way than usin' taser. Who's goin' to be next for an officers to use taser ? On teen kids ? Children ? I think it is way overboard! Taser on elderly citizens are too much in despite of how you think of how dangerous some elderly drivers are. This is soo UN-American to me.
In Texas, if you refuse to sign the citation, you get arrested. Here's a good explanation why.

Police officer wanted me to sign a traffic ticket and I refused

Ultimately, she wasn't tased for speeding or driving recklessly, but for resisting arrest. At that point, she was committing a misdemeanor. It wasn't a punishment, but a way to subdue her.

It may have been ideal if he could have physically forced her to the ground using a leg sweep or a wrist lock or something without hurting her or himself. However, that in itself is risky depending on his level of training in hand to hand combat. Even if he were a master in Aikido or Judo (which he probably isn't), it can be unpredictable.

Do I think the taser was the best way to go? I don't know. It's easy to armchair quarterback something like this, but I haven't received his training he has nor do I know the level of training he has. Until I know more, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he made a quick decision in good faith that using the taser was the least risky option for both her and himself.

I think situations like this illustrate the importance of cameras on police cars. They not only hold the police accountable for their own misconduct, but they also protect the police from false allegations of abuse. The lady is now trying to say that she wasn't argumentative or combative and thank goodness we have the video vindicating the cop and showing her to be a liar.
What the officer had done was turned something so little into something so big. She simply did not follow orders, QUOTE]

the woman did this not the officer, she was combative and disruptive, and thought she was above the law she needed that taser
the woman did this not the officer, she was combative and disruptive, and thought she was above the law she needed that taser

I don't care how combative or disruptive this 72 years old woman was. There is absolutely no reason howsoever to use a taser on a 72 year old woman that did not have a weapon or had went for his gun, or had attacked the officer personally.

I've personally seen an elderly woman pulled out a mace and had sprayed another woman just because she was cut off when pulling in the store parking lot, if this 72 years old woman did the same thing as the woman I've saw, then I would gave that officer a right to used that taser on that 72 years old woman.

You see the differences?
Guys & gals.. this is where you need to research before you post.

We don't want the egg on our faces when we use hysterical debating & bolded red fonts only to find out the facts are moot.

Word. =/
I, personally, think this woman should listen and obey.

I never understand how it okay to let woman to get away without sign the ticket... =/ She did not obey the law, anyway.
I re-view the video and see the clear.

Some of you claimed that 72 years old lady was disrespect to Police Officer. I don´t see it... Why?


A lady DID what the police officer says is get out of her car and stand. Suddenly the Police Officer roughly pushed her. It got her MAD... It´s disrespectful and rude what Police Officer did to her. He should ASK her in respectful and manner way to go with him to the safe place where he want to talk/question to her.

He threated to taser her that´s why a lady knew what he did wrong... She told him to do what he wants... It´s test either he CAN do that or not but he CAN do that.

I do not see anything that a lady deny her wrongdoing for speed driving but don´t like Police Officer´s manner behavior toward her as she obey him for get out of her car and stand.....

What the Police Officer did is unprofessional and disrespectful.
I don't care how combative or disruptive this 72 years old woman was. There is absolutely no reason howsoever to use a taser on a 72 year old woman that did not have a weapon or had went for his gun, or had attacked the officer personally.

I've personally seen an elderly woman pulled out a mace and had sprayed another woman just because she was cut off when pulling in the store parking lot, if this 72 years old woman did the same thing as the woman I've saw, then I would gave that officer a right to used that taser on that 72 years old woman.

You see the differences?

there is no difference obey the law, if you do not you cannot cry at the consequence the woman brought it on herself for not obeying the law I dont care how old you are obey the law, if the law is not the same for everyone then we shouldnt have them , all or nothing
I re-view the video and see the clear.

Some of you claimed that 72 years old lady was disrespect to Police Officer. I don´t see it... Why?


A lady DID what the police officer says is get out of her car and stand. Suddenly the Police Officer roughly pushed her. It got her MAD... It´s disrespectful and rude what Police Officer did to her. He should ASK her in respectful and manner way to go with him to the safe place where he want to talk/question to her.

He threated to taser her that´s why a lady knew what he did wrong... She told him to do what he wants... It´s test either he CAN do that or not but he CAN do that.

I do not see anything that a lady deny her wrongdoing for speed driving but don´t like Police Officer´s manner behavior toward her as she obey him for get out of her car and stand.....

What the Police Officer did is unprofessional and disrespectful.

he told her several times to back away and she did not this is a threatning tone to the officer she was rightfully tazed
I re-view the video and see the clear.

Some of you claimed that 72 years old lady was disrespect to Police Officer. I don´t see it... Why?


A lady DID what the police officer says is get out of her car and stand. Suddenly the Police Officer roughly pushed her. It got her MAD... It´s disrespectful and rude what Police Officer did to her. He should ASK her in respectful and manner way to go with him to the safe place where he want to talk/question to her.

He threated to taser her that´s why a lady knew what he did wrong... She told him to do what he wants... It´s test either he CAN do that or not but he CAN do that.

I do not see anything that a lady deny her wrongdoing for speed driving but don´t like Police Officer´s manner behavior toward her as she obey him for get out of her car and stand.....

What the Police Officer did is unprofessional and disrespectful.

in case you didn't know - the cop's intention for making her step out of car is to arrest her, not question her.

Do you understand? Please open your eyes and listen to what I'm trying to tell you. THE LAW SAYS YOU MUST SIGN THE TICKET OR FACE ARREST. The driver refused to sign so the cop asked her to step out of vehicle so he can arrest her.

OK? Do you understand, yes?
number one - the old lady sped RECKLESSLY at dangerous speed on slow-area with her HUGE 2-tons pick-up truck

She only drove 15 mph over speed limit.

Are you saying that you never drive over speed limit?

number two - the old lady DISOBEYED officer and taunted him

No, I do not see anything but she did OBEYED Officer for get out of her car and stand. It´s him who roughly pushed her... It got her mad.

number three - the old lady RESISTED arrest

Arrest ? The Officer should ticket her for her wrongdoing to save taxpayers´ money... :roll:

number five - tasering her is the most preferable choice than aggressively arresting her which will result in serious injury for old lady. Did you see how she fights back????

His roughly manner and disrespectful got her mad.

CONCLUSION - thanks God the police officer was there to stop her from speeding further and to arrest this MANIAC off the road! She most likely will crash someone. A few lives have been spared on that day......

I only see that she did not deny her wrongdoing. She stopped and got out of the car to follow Officer´s order. She stood, suddenly Officer roughly pushed her.
She only drove 15 mph over speed limit.

Are you saying that you never drive over speed limit?
Why are we talking about me? I didn't speed at 60mph. She did. That is a very dangerous speed. This is not just speeding over "15" mph. She sped 60 MPH (that's 96.6 KPH for you). Don't you agree that it's dangerous to speed that fast?

No, I do not see anything but she did OBEYED Officer for get out of her car and stand. It´s him who roughly pushed her... It got her mad.
That's your opinion. I see differently. She's angry because she doesn't want to sign the ticket. that's what starts the whole thing. ALL OFFICERS tell and WARN the drivers that if they do not sign the tickets - they will arrest them. What you think why the officer asks the driver to step out of vehicle? BECAUSE THE COP WAS GOING TO ARREST HER.

Arrest ? The Officer should ticket her for her wrongdoing to save taxpayers´ money... :roll:
huh? The officer DID ticket her for speeding! The LAW SAYS if you do not sign the ticket, you will get arrested. What's so hard for you to understand? Please respect and understand our laws.

His roughly manner and disrespectful got her mad.

I only see that she did not deny her wrongdoing. She stopped and got out of the car to follow Officer´s order. She stood, suddenly Officer roughly pushed her.
nope! She got angry cuz she doesn't want to sign the ticket!
what's funny is.... even if you attempt to grab her knee with your foot - you will most likely break her leg and the media & public would be scorning you. Like what ASLGAL said - whatever the cop does, the cop will still get shit on by media and public anyway.

Exactly what I tried to tell you in my previous post that it´s bad stress for the Police Officers if they doing their job unprofessional. It will be okay as long as they handle in respectful manner way.
Exactly what I tried to tell you in my previous post that it´s bad stress for the Police Officers if they doing their job unprofessional. It will be okay as long as they handle in respectful manner way.

Are you a cop? Do you have any cop experience? Do you have any background in law enforcement field to say such simple thing? Do you have any experience to deal with offenders?

Please re-read ASLGAL's post #55. She is a former cop. She knows what she's talking about. You don't.

Exactly. Around here we have red light cameras. If they catch you speeding or running a red light, they mail the ticket to you with your court date on it, or, if you choose, the amount of the fine, and where it can be paid.

So the old woman refused to sign the ticket. All that means is that she was disagreeing with the citation. Nothing prevented the cop from giving her the ticket anyway, noting that she refused to sign. The court date has been delivered to her that way. If she fails to show up for court, or to pay the fine, then the judge simply issues a bench warrant for "failure to appear" and the pick her up and take her to jail.

Yes, that´s exact same what my American co-workers said to me. I questioned them about traffic law where I learn from debate threads.

Your description is the exact same here in Germany.

I also agree. Call for back-up. There is no need to taze a 72 year old, 4'11" unarmed woman simply because she is uncooperative with signing a ticket. Tazers are to be used to protect the officer from a direct threat of harm from a suspect. Even though this elderly woman was uncooperative, there is no indication whatsoever that she posed any sort of a threat to the officer. Any cop that is so afraid of a 4'11" 72 year old woman probably has no business being on patrol. What would happen if he ran up against a real criminal?

Yes, like what I said before that he suffers a parniod... :roll: He would use his common sense...
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