US policeman used Taser on 72-year-old woman

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Yes, that´s exact same what my American co-workers said to me. I questioned them about traffic law where I learn from debate threads.

Your description is the exact same here in Germany.
exactly what did you ask? and exactly what they did they say? You may have misunderstood.

Yes, like what I said before that he suffers a parniod... :roll: He would use his common sense...
Again - he already called for backup. Did you see the part where he talked to radio SEVERAL TIMES? What do you think what he was doing? Talking to himself?

Common sense? where's the old lady's common sense? Do not argue with cop. Do not fight with the cop. Obey the cop's order. Sign the ticket and you can argue with the ticket later at court. Where's the common sense for old lady, huh?
I don't support red light camera, also many states don't have it and some states already banned on red light camera for tracking on speeding or any violation.


We have many camera for speed driving here in Germany. I got a ticket by the post from Police Department, telling me how many speed I drive over limit with the proof of the camera. If I disagree then I can protest in writing or go to lawyer. I accept my knowledge for my wrongdoing and went to Bank to transfer money from my account Police Department´s account with my register number. This is a very simple. If you ignored red light... it´s very serious... banned driving liescne up to few months... involved car accident ... very serious.

You are seriously missing the point....

You always defends the police, is there ever a case where you don't agree with how the police handled the situation? I'm not even defending the woman, I'm not saying she should have given a pass for speeding. She should be ticketed, she broke the law by speeding. I'm talking about using a taser on her was out of line.

A taser should be used when one feels one life is in danger, was his life in danger? No.

Unfortunately he is so lucky that she is alive--- women like her age have poor heart condition, she could have die from a taser, being 72 years old woman who is so much smaller than the officer is, and who could have went into cardiac or respiratory arrest.

:gpost: *nodding agreement*
Excessive and reckless speeding? Where exactly did you see that listed on her charges? She was going 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. Given that most officers will give you 10 for free, 5 miles is hardly excessive. And no where does it say she was being cited for reckless driving.

Wrong again. Red light cameras also monitor speed, and they are subject to points issued by the DMV.

Yeah, he was real concerned about her safety.:roll: That's why he sent electric jolts through her body.:roll:

Yes I know that´s why I told Jiro why I laughed at his post. 15 mph ? reckless and dangerous ? :lol:
Yes I know that´s why I told Jiro why I laughed at his post. 15 mph ? reckless and dangerous ? :lol:

She did not drive at 15 mph. She drove at 60 mph.

Answer my question - is that speed very dangerous?
People with bad hearts do drive , my dad drove a car up to the day he day he dies and he had a bad heart! I was a health aid for amost 9 years and I took care of a lot people with bad that drove their car and some mu my clients were very combative! Some were down right nasty and very out spoken! I am not sure were you're getting from facts froms . My sister has a poor heart and she drive to and she will put up good fight ! And my dad never had accidents in all the 60 years he drove a car!

Yes, that´s right. My hubby´s great Aunt still drove after 2 heart surgeries. She drove until she was 88 years old and died natural... Some people I know have bad heart and can driving.

We have many camera for speed driving here in Germany. I got a ticket by the post from Police Department, telling me how many speed I drive over limit with the proof of the camera. If I disagree then I can protest in writing or go to lawyer. I accept my knowledge for my wrongdoing and went to Bank to transfer money from my account Police Department´s account with my register number. This is a very simple. If you ignored red light... it´s very serious... banned driving liescne up to few months... involved car accident ... very serious.

good for you! that's your country's way and I respect that. In my country, we do it differently. Please respect it. :ty:

In here - signing the ticket IS NOT an admission of guilt. It means you promise to show up the court later. If you do not sign the ticket, it means you refuse to show up at the court. That's why officers will arrest you. Please respect the law. It's not very hard. Just sign the ticket and you can go to court to argue about it. It's very simple.
She did not drive at 15 mph. She drove at 60 mph.

Answer my question - is that speed very dangerous?

Don´t you know how to count the math?

Yes we know that she drove 60 mph in 45 zones... It´s 15 mph over speed limit..

60 - 45 = 15 mph over speed limit
Don´t you know how to count the math?

Yes we know that she drove 60 mph in 45 zones... It´s 15 mph over speed limit..

60 - 45 = 15 mph over speed limit

YES or NO?

is 60 mph a dangerous speed?
exactly what did you ask? and exactly what they did they say? You may have misunderstood.

I told you yesterday what my American co-worker told me and then Webexplorer and Jillio´s posts support my American co-worker´s over traffic law.

Don´t insult my intelligence. I told you yesterday why I don´t comment your post unless you responsed Webexplorer´s post first because his description is almost same here in Germany. Jillio confirmed his post...
I told you yesterday what my American co-worker told me and then Webexplorer and Jillio´s posts support my American co-worker´s over traffic law.

Don´t insult my intelligence. I told you yesterday why I don´t comment your post unless you responsed Webexplorer´s post first because his description is almost same here in Germany. Jillio confirmed his post...

Why don't you read and listen to ASLGAL's post? She's the former cop.
YES or NO?

is 60 mph a dangerous speed?

Don´t twist my post. I showed you the math because you proved ADers and me wrong in your previous posts that it´s 60 mph, not 15 mph. I showed you the math...
Don´t twist my post. I showed you the math because you proved ADers and me wrong in your previous posts that it´s 60 mph, not 15 mph. I showed you the math...

so don't you think 60 mph is a dangerous speed? Why can't you answer my question?
so don't you think 60 mph is a dangerous speed? Why can't you answer my question?

she doesnt want to answer it, her intellegence is too big for any of us lol 60 miles per hour is not dangerous unless your in a 45 or 30 it depends on the speed limit posted, someone going 60 in a 20 (school zone) is dangerous 30-35-40 (local) dangerous 45-50-55 (ouskirts, sideroads) dangerous 60-65-70 (highway) she was doing 60 in a borderline (local, sideroads) thats dangerous and shes old too that makes it even more dangerous
I agree that 60 mph is a dangerous speed especially for older drivers.
there is no difference obey the law, if you do not you cannot cry at the consequence the woman brought it on herself for not obeying the law I dont care how old you are obey the law, if the law is not the same for everyone then we shouldnt have them , all or nothing

You're making it sound like cops are allow to do whatever they want to citizens. If citizens don't follow the law, cops are allow to fire a round of shots and brutality :shock:
Don´t twist my post. I showed you the math because you proved ADers and me wrong in your previous posts that it´s 60 mph, not 15 mph. I showed you the math...

She did drove 60 mph into a 45 mph speed limited. That's 15 mph more than what the speed limited sign had posted. That's going over the speed limited, you can't do that, you'll get ticketed for that. :)
You're making it sound like cops are allow to do whatever they want to citizens. If citizens don't follow the law, cops are allow to fire a round of shots and brutality :shock:

the cops are the law, and I didnt see that happen here this wasnt brutality this was pure stupidity on the womans part, she may have had alzheimers or something the officer told her repeatedly to follow a command (simple one at that) she failed to comply so wham she gets tazed, are you saying its okay for people to talk back to cops and disobey an order?
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