Those Born 1930-1979

I drank some water from the garden hose.

I wandered around alone with strangers at the old shipping port of Oakland (there was no security gate) also wandered around alone at a fleamarket and my parents were looking for me. I went back to where I was and they found me back there (d'oh!)

I even made friends around the neighborhood, too. Those all were in the 1980's.

I was a very adventurous boy that loved to wander out to many places.
Hehehe... I agree.

I think that modern times have gotten out of hand with all the political and legal mumbo jumbo. :roll:
i cant remind that years on lists before! but i was born in 1981
In 1960 to 1970's, I remember - I woke up in the morning and walking down to the woods. My siblings, neighbors and friends made the tree house. I always love go down to tree house to make sure that the wood steady strong with nails. Poor my Dad because we always took all of his tools and nails. Oh dear, you should see my Dad's face when he came home to see big messy in the basement.

I looked back what I did wander alone into the woods from my parent's house. Nowadays, many parents are holding their children due to protection.

No seat belt in the cars

Drink outside hose in the summer alot

Feed the raccoons at night times, I let them in my house to play with the raccoons

No computers

No pager blackberry or sidekick

No microwave

Nowadays, kids have everything, it keep them busy to stay home due to safe. I miss my old days, I played alot of games outside with neighbors. Selling the lemon at the booth. I sell one cup of lemonade 25 cents. It worth alot to me.

Candy cost only 10 cents

Soda cost only 50 cents

Milk cost only 1.00

Now milk cost $3.25 dollars...

I saw my Grandpa's paycheck made only $27.35 dollars a week from his work in 1962.
Massachusetts wants to consider a no-spanking law. This was on Glenn Beck last night.when i was growing up i got the shit beat out of me with a belt, yard stick and anything my mother and grandmother could find. Kids today get away with so much parents today have to worried about CPS knocking at their door.And if this bill gets past other states may follow.There is nothing wrong with a pat on the long it not abuse.
Massachusetts wants to consider a no-spanking law. This was on Glenn Beck last night.when i was growing up i got the shit beat out of me with a belt, yard stick and anything my mother and grandmother could find. Kids today get away with so much parents today have to worried about CPS knocking at their door.And if this bill gets past other states may follow.There is nothing wrong with a pat on the long it not abuse.

No spanking law? Aren't things bad enough already? Kids today are so disrespectfull and it looks like they want them to be even worse! how sad! Might as well pass a law choosing who has right to be parent or not.
Wow... Very True.... i was born in the year of 1944....i can remember the price of coke was 5 cents.. a pack of cigarettes cost 25 cents... through the cig machine it comes with two books of matches along with one pack...
I remember going to Deaf people's home to talk for hours and also to check to see if they are home or not because I don't have the big tty machine that I could not afford at the time. No computer back then. I was born in 1945. I know everything was cheaper for coke, shoes, clothes unless you can find some clothes and shoes at the CO-OP places. Gas for the car was way cheaper like 25 cents a Gallon, something like that. I would love to go back to the days where prices are cheaper than it is today. No wonder there is sooo much violence because of that. We are broke.
. . . Might as well pass a law choosing who has right to be parent or not.

Not so loud, they might hear you!

On that note, I remember my niece had to take care of a "baby" one weekend. I didn't approve of that because that information, how she cared for it, may be used against her when an adult and she has a child, authorities may dig back through her school years to see how she did. I trust no one and would never, ever, allow my own children to take a class like that. If parents can't teach their kids how to treat each other, talk to sex to your own kids, then don't go blame the schools for how your rotten kids turn out!
That's true! Forgot about that! Plus, a car with 100K miles on it wa shot and rusted out (here in Minnesota).

In addition, we could whistle at a pretty woman and she wouldn't get offended. Do that now (I did a couple years ago), I got this :madfawk: instead. Women don't know what they're missing, although I imagine it was a bit much for the ugly women and they couldn't bear not being whistled at, so that ended that. Could ask a woman for a date, which was easier back then, today, I'm scared of getting sued.

About the woman that I whistled at . . . I'm willing to be that I was the only man who ever whistled at her, not to mention she was inside of an a/c car and other guys, too. LOL!

In bold above - I have to agree with you, Pete! ;) I am a bit scared of asking women on a date, if they would consider to sue for some one tiny reason.

I am from the 80's but I have to be honest here, I do miss my 90's - these years is where I grew up down here. I am an adult now. Gee, these years has gone fast.
Yeah, I was born in 1971, I miss those days!!

Back In The Old Days

Recollecting the memoirs of the past,
Where our youthful days could'nt last,
Enjoying the talents of our dreams,
In glory, future horizon, brightly gleams,
Where care nor concern befall us all,
So intense doth youth gladdened us all,
With energies so full of sun rays,
Back in the old days,

In everyday lives where we've been through,
Aging as our joys became a few,
With hardships we've faced with dispute,
As we constantly nurse our dying fruit,
As our next beloved generations came along,
Doth we realize in past, we no longer belong,
Forever doth we desirously ponder in all ways,
Back in the old days.
VERY TRUE!!! I am 70's baby!!! I remembered I played A LOT and made friends from neighbors. And stayed outside late till 8 or 9 I don't remember how late I stayed out. I remembered I bought candies but I don't remember how much they were. I don't really pay attention to the price...I'll just grab it and pay then zoom! LOL! Even I went out Trick or Treating with friends at night with no adult tagging along. It was FUN! I drank water from the was too much fun in 70's and early 80's (till around 83 to 84 it changed, I don't remember exact when it that.) I also was very mischievous child.