There's never any privacy for Deaf people.

The whole bathroom, washroom, restroom, toilet thing has me thinking about which word/s I use. I usually say 'bathroom' but if asking about it's location in a restaurant or school etc. I used restroom or washroom. I don't think I have ever used the word 'toilet' (ie: I need to use the toilet), that just sounds a little too specific and descriptive haha.
I would imagine, like most guys I know, he starts unzipping before he even reaches the bathroom. :P the guy I live with likes to have his fire hose in hand and ready to go by the time he reaches the door way. LOL

I don't know of anyone that does this... well, one possible exception. Ex mayor of Washington DC... Marion Barry... He was charged $35,000 for shoving and exposing himself to a cleaning lady.
Jiro, LOL yorkies are so picky! serious! my mom's two picky fur girls (yorkies) are impossible to please. I can picture your dog staring at you when you are doing your businesses. :rofl:
I don't know of anyone that does this... well, one possible exception. Ex mayor of Washington DC... Marion Barry... He was charged $35,000 for shoving and exposing himself to a cleaning lady.

Oh my god i totally forget about barry. he was on TV about the cocaines. i bet i did meet you at gallaudet. :hmm:
Oh my god i totally forget about barry. he was on TV about the cocaines. i bet i did meet you at gallaudet. :hmm:

Yeah, Barry had a lot of problems. He didn't do himself any favors. :giggle:

It's possible we met at Gally. It's a small world (especially small deaf world).
Booger, if you're still following this potty thread, maybe you should install a kitty door in the door to the bathroom? That way you can lock the door and kitty can still come in for the box. No one should be breaking in while you're... busy.
Hahaha...wait till you have sons.

I grew up with 3 sisters and my mom - having two sons was an educational experience into world of the male psyche and behaviour. Now, rude bodily functions (which would have elicited very loud and severe vocal chastising from female family members) don't faze me one bit anymore. Got de-sensitized, heh :) Guys unzipping and whipping out members before reaching toilets? happens every day when my sons get home from school. It's gotten so predictable that I know to beat a hasty exit as soon as they come in to avert my delicate retinas :D

I know myself (and my brother) and I am hoping my kids are girls. For some reason I am thinking they will be much easier to raise. But I know for sure if I have girls that they are definitely going to have to have a separate bathroom than the one I use.
I know myself (and my brother) and I am hoping my kids are girls. For some reason I am thinking they will be much easier to raise. But I know for sure if I have girls that they are definitely going to have to have a separate bathroom than the one I use.

Easier to raise? Oh good lord, you didn't grow up with three sisters, eh? I was so glad to have sons - they're much lower maintenance all around.
Easier to raise? Oh good lord, you didn't grow up with three sisters, eh? I was so glad to have sons - they're much lower maintenance all around.

really? oh. :ty: I will keep that in mind.

I guess it doesn't matter because it's not like we get to choose. :hmm:
I cringe at the thought of someone walking in on me or knocking on the door while I am trying to take care of business. It is a private time and matter for me only to deal with. I do not need anyone to socialize with me at the time or what not.

My other peeve is why do other girlfriends insist on coming in the same stall or restroom I am in. I say "Do you mind?" and run them off. I know we have the same equipment but dang!!!
The same stall?! You must have deluxe restrooms. :giggle: I haven't been in any stalls that big except for the handicap accessible ones.

I have heard of two-seater outhouses.
Well, you know the old saying "people in glass houses should not throw..." Oh wait, did these glass houses have glass bathrooms too?

Well, a glass bathroom would solve the issue of knowing if the bathroom/stall is occupied. :giggle:

Aren't other countries much less sensative about privacy in the restrooms? In Japan, I went to a pub and there was only one restroom. The stall walls go all the way to the floor. There was a row of urnals on one wall and a row of stalls. If you had to go, this was your only choice, use this or leave the building and find another place. Possibly find a hotel that has seperate Men and Women restrooms?
I have heard of several pubs/bars in the UK that have two toilets per cubicle in the ladies, so women can sit together and chat while taking care of other business. Apparently some women find their need for a chat is greater than their need for a bit of privacy. Not us men though. It tends to be that you should stop talking once you enter the restroom/bathroom/toilets/lavatory/W.C./gents and it becomes a zone of peace before you step out into the noise of the bar, weighing a bit less than when you entered. This has changed in recent years with everybody having mobile phones. But when I was younger, the quiet was quite weird in contrast to the noise and banter outside.
I have heard of several pubs/bars in the UK that have two toilets per cubicle in the ladies, so women can sit together and chat while taking care of other business. Apparently some women find their need for a chat is greater than their need for a bit of privacy. Not us men though. It tends to be that you should stop talking once you enter the restroom/bathroom/toilets/lavatory/W.C./gents and it becomes a zone of peace before you step out into the noise of the bar, weighing a bit less than when you entered. This has changed in recent years with everybody having mobile phones. But when I was younger, the quiet was quite weird in contrast to the noise and banter outside.

Yeech. I just hope they don't have a contest to see who can do it the loudest. :eek:
I have plenty of privacy! An apartment to myself, no one busting their way into MY bathroom.. oh wait, my dog does that....
The same stall?! You must have deluxe restrooms. :giggle: I haven't been in any stalls that big except for the handicap accessible ones.

I have heard of two-seater outhouses.

Handicap stall or restroom with one toilet and sink.
I have heard of several pubs/bars in the UK that have two toilets per cubicle in the ladies, so women can sit together and chat while taking care of other business. Apparently some women find their need for a chat is greater than their need for a bit of privacy. Not us men though. It tends to be that you should stop talking once you enter the restroom/bathroom/toilets/lavatory/W.C./gents and it becomes a zone of peace before you step out into the noise of the bar, weighing a bit less than when you entered. This has changed in recent years with everybody having mobile phones. But when I was younger, the quiet was quite weird in contrast to the noise and banter outside.

Some places have that also.. or a "family restroom" with adult toilet and kiddie toilet in the room where parents and kids can go in the restroom together.
I don't understand the public bathroom problem. I've used public restrooms and porta-potties for decades, and I don't recall anyone ever opening up a locked stall door. I've even used public restrooms where the stall locks were broken, and still no one burst in on me. :dunno:

I was the bathroom at market basket and had the door locked some kept trying to open the door! When I was done I asked the woman why she kept trying to get in and she told me once waited a long thinking the bathroom was being used and no one in it! HUH ! She could see the door was locked , you had been lucky to not had run into crazy people.
The bathroom in my house growing up had no lock on . So I would try to used the closest door by opening to it against the bathroom door. Once I was drying off after a shower and saw my ex brother peeping into the bathroom and he had his creepy smile on his face! I was 14 years old not a little girl . It made me angry to realize he could had been watching me all the time and I could not hear him!
I have heard of several pubs/bars in the UK that have two toilets per cubicle in the ladies, so women can sit together and chat while taking care of other business. Apparently some women find their need for a chat is greater than their need for a bit of privacy. Not us men though. It tends to be that you should stop talking once you enter the restroom/bathroom/toilets/lavatory/W.C./gents and it becomes a zone of peace before you step out into the noise of the bar, weighing a bit less than when you entered. This has changed in recent years with everybody having mobile phones. But when I was younger, the quiet was quite weird in contrast to the noise and banter outside.

Well, no offense to the ladies or gents... but, I will NOT be sharing a bathroom stall.