There's never any privacy for Deaf people.

I don't even want to give them a chance to open the door! What I really hate is when I am keeping the door shut with my hand and they are still trying to force it open which then results in me yelling "I'm in here!" while trying to keep door shut and not lose my aim and have accidental spillage while floating all at once. HATE that.

I know what you mean, I hate having to hold the door to keep it shut. Going to the bathroom shouldn't be a stressful experience.
You take that into the bathroom with you?

Or is that some scatological euphemism that I don't know?

Either way, that's disturbing. :eek2:

I would bring it with me if this has become a systematic problem like Bender's :giggle:
washroom sounds better than bathroom. bath makes me think of myself in the tub and doing the business. :eek2:
you are SO sexy

Ok, I was unable to keep the mental image out of my head with that post. Just give me a minute to recover... :shock:

All right, I think I am ok now... Oops not yet :shock:

I think we are all going to need some serious alone time after this!!! :giggle:

Hahaha...wait till you have sons.

I grew up with 3 sisters and my mom - having two sons was an educational experience into world of the male psyche and behaviour. Now, rude bodily functions (which would have elicited very loud and severe vocal chastising from female family members) don't faze me one bit anymore. Got de-sensitized, heh :) Guys unzipping and whipping out members before reaching toilets? happens every day when my sons get home from school. It's gotten so predictable that I know to beat a hasty exit as soon as they come in to avert my delicate retinas :D
Hee. Actually, we do call public washrooms "bathrooms" in Canada, as crazy as that is.

Does anyone say "water closet" anymore?

"Toilets" is what makes me think of people doing "the business". Bathrooms make me think of .. well, baths.
I don't even want to give them a chance to open the door! What I really hate is when I am keeping the door shut with my hand and they are still trying to force it open which then results in me yelling "I'm in here!" while trying to keep door shut and not lose my aim and have accidental spillage while floating all at once. HATE that.
Why would someone want to enter an occupied stall? That's scary. :cold:

If a public restroom is in a really dangerous location, I have someone stand guard on the outside.
Does anyone say "water closet" anymore?

"Toilets" is what makes me think of people doing "the business". Bathrooms make me think of .. well, baths.

Hee. I find it interesting how in the USA, they are commonly referred to as "restrooms".
restroom = please have a sit just right there and take a rest
Does anyone say "water closet" anymore?

"Toilets" is what makes me think of people doing "the business". Bathrooms make me think of .. well, baths.
Must be a regional/cultural difference. :dunno:

I think "water closet" in America went out when the toilet fixtures quit using a separate water tank mounted above, and a long chain for flushing. Even my grandmother (born in 1900, a very proper New Englander) called it a toilet, located in the bathroom. She did call the refrigerator an ice box, though. :giggle:
Must be a regional/cultural difference. :dunno:

I think "water closet" in America went out when the toilet fixtures quit using a separate water tank mounted above, and a long chain for flushing. Even my grandmother (born in 1900, a very proper New Englander) called it a toilet, located in the bathroom. She did call the refrigerator an ice box, though. :giggle:

I believe people called it as "Crapper".

and it's made by Thomas Crapper :giggle:
Hee. I find it interesting how in the USA, they are commonly referred to as "restrooms".
I think that goes back to the era when public restrooms, such as in upscale hotel lobbies, restaurants and theaters, included a lounge area. I know the movie theater where I worked was originally a grand vaudeville theater. The ladies restroom had two separate areas. One with toilet stalls and sinks, the other with large mirrors and upholstered plush lounge seats. In its heyday, women would congregate in there to use the facilities, freshen their makeup and hair, gossip, and smoke.
Oh yes! restroom sounds better. some ladies use "powder room"
"Powder room" is also the current real estate designation for the half-bath. I guess that sounds more upscale (and therefore more valuable) than half-bathroom or two-piece bathroom. :lol:
Because some people are that stupid.
Do they think that if they enter, you will exit thru the stall's back door?

Yes, they must be really stupid or really kinky or up to no good. Ugh!
the only one who always barge in is my dog. he just peek his face in and stared at me for a couple of seconds and left.

I never really understood why he always does that.

Your dog is probably trying to tell you what it feels like to be stared at while taking a shit on the lawn. lol :giggle:

He's looking at you and trying to say (unsuccessfully), "You got it now, Jiro? Feel's weird and uncomfortable, don't it, Jiro? I'm going to keep doing this until you agree to look the other way when I do my business outside, Jiro, ok? Jeez, he still didn't understand me. *sigh* *goes away*"
Your dog is probably trying to tell you what it feels like to be stared at while taking a shit on the lawn. lol :giggle:

He's looking at you and trying to say (unsuccessfully), "You got it now, Jiro? Feel's weird and uncomfortable, don't it, Jiro? I'm going to keep doing this until you agree to look the other way when I do my business outside, Jiro, ok? Jeez, he still didn't understand me. *sigh* *goes away*"


he doesn't shit on the lawn. he hates walking on grass. he has his own toilet area (wee pad) in bathroom. it cracks me up whenever he peeks his head in, stared at me for a few seconds and then leave.