The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Dang, I was going to watch Sanctuary - episode 9 Requiem online, but I'm keep getting CONNECTION_ERROR *IP number* Hostworks. :(
im so pumped up for this saturday- ASL Idol..

im gonna to command the old ASL- "Jabberwocky" to rise from the almost-to-be-fade/dying away...

It took me for a week to get perfect of "Jabberwocky" in ASL.. I studied on Eric Malzkuhn, Theron Parker, and Joe Velez.
Got a pay increase of my salary - fuck yea. :cool2:
im so pumped up for this saturday- ASL Idol..

im gonna to command the old ASL- "Jabberwocky" to rise from the almost-to-be-fade/dying away...

It took me for a week to get perfect of "Jabberwocky" in ASL.. I studied on Eric Malzkuhn, Theron Parker, and Joe Velez.

My brother won 1st place in an ASL Idol contest. Won $500!!!
Wow! That's real money. Congrats to him!
That was 2 years ago and yes, he bought everyone drinks at the bar when he won. :0 )
Awesome! Hope you win.
im so pumped up for this saturday- ASL Idol..

im gonna to command the old ASL- "Jabberwocky" to rise from the almost-to-be-fade/dying away...

It took me for a week to get perfect of "Jabberwocky" in ASL.. I studied on Eric Malzkuhn, Theron Parker, and Joe Velez.
*&&^%$! Internet explorer 8 is the worse broswer I have ever had, and I fucking have had it. It keeps going on outage when I attempt to visit a site such as facebook, I can not use other browsers at work.

*&&^%$! Internet explorer 8 is the worse broswer I have ever had, and I fucking have had it. It keeps going on outage when I attempt to visit a site such as facebook, I can not use other browsers at work.


Yes, I had problem with facebook in using IE 8 at my work. I switched to google and better work with FB. IE 8 sucks!
*&&^%$! Internet explorer 8 is the worse broswer I have ever had, and I fucking have had it. It keeps going on outage when I attempt to visit a site such as facebook, I can not use other browsers at work.


My kids use the IE8 and have no problem with FB. I use IE8 only for certain things, other than that - I love my Google. Too bad you can't use that at work.
Just found out, I have a deaf movie night this Friday night. We will be seeing "Orphan". Don't know much about it, but I'm looking forward to it. Daughter wants to go with me to keep an eye on me so I don't fall. $3 per person and $1 per soda. There is also the bar, but I don't drink.
KristinaB it sounds fun. It's a good start for you both to go to the Deaf event. awesome.
thanks.. i do truly hope to win ASL Idol BUT it will be fierce competition. Lets see how it will be goes on this saturday @ 1pm.

time to practice ASL- "Jabberwocky".. if i win, drinks on me :]
Wirelessly posted

is enjoying living here in Iowa so far not too bad at all. I do miss the west but Ill get used to it. :)
Wirelessly posted

is enjoying living here in Iowa so far not too bad at all. I do miss the west but Ill get used to it. :)

Will you now change your name to "Rolling Hills?" :lol:

Grant Wood painted lots of them, and they do kind of look like the Iowa countryside.
Wirelessly posted

lol maybe I could do that. I saw Des Moines, its bigger than I thought and has super slow speed limits and the cops are strict as hell.
thanks.. i do truly hope to win ASL Idol BUT it will be fierce competition. Lets see how it will be goes on this saturday @ 1pm.

time to practice ASL- "Jabberwocky".. if i win, drinks on me :]

Keep up with your practice!
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