The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Luck to you for your future endeavors.

Thanks! It is scary because I have gotten comfortable at my job and unsure if I am capable of doing this job but I have never failed at any job I have taken since I was 15 years old. Why not?
Thanks! It is scary because I have gotten comfortable at my job and unsure if I am capable of doing this job but I have never failed at any job I have taken since I was 15 years old. Why not?

Maybe it's ur "drive to excel"....Bet anybody would be a little scared to change careers....I remmy with my very early retirement (advertising/newspaper), after a year, I became so bored....I went into the Thrift Shop business with a partner and just loved it....also worked in a Seafood Restaurant on the beach....loved that also! And found out how really hard restaurant works work for such little pay!...But it was Fun!..I've done a lot of fly-by-night jobs...for the heck of it!....All the jobs, I just threw myself into them and worked hard....Especially loved working at "Rose Hill Bed & Breakfast", a very old quaint house!...

Good Luck! I'm sure you'll be just fine, Shel! Go for it!
No treatment for the neuropathy. It's just called - deal with the pain. I have heard you can get cortisone shots, but not me. I think I will get some shoes that aren't so heavy, but we are working on getting things for me. We have 2 walkers in the garage, but the doctor suggests getting one that has hand brakes and a seat. If I have a wheelchair, it won't fit through the doors of the house, and we're not sure about the cost of the scooter. I'm gonna wait to see if I get my Medicare this Fall.

If a specific treatment isn't available, the pain of the neuropathy can usually be controlled with medications. The simplest treatment is acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin. Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) and anti-seizure medications, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol) have been used to relieve the pain of neuropathy. Capsaicin, the chemical responsible for chili peppers being hot, is used as a cream to help relieve the pain of a peripheral neuropathy. Pregabalin (Lyrica) has recently been approved by the FDA for the treatment of post herpetic neuralgia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, while duloxetine (Cymbalta) has been approved for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The addition of these drugs to our set of tools to treat peripheral neuropathy is very exciting and indicates the interest in this area.

If you believe you have a peripheral neuropathy, you should contact your healthcare practitioner since many causes of peripheral neuropathy can be successfully treated.

Peripheral Neuropathy - Is there any treatment for peripheral neuropathy on MedicineNet

Thanks for that info. I can't take ibuprofen, but I do take Tylenol with no help. I have been on Cymbalta for this, but they called it Diabetic Nerve pain. No help. After a while the system gets used to the meds and doesn't help any longer. Last tests that I had and all the doctors have said that there isn't much they can give me since insurance doesn't cover enough of it. This is something I have been dealing with for the last 12 years and is only now spreading to the whole lower body. So far, I am able to deal with the pain. I have good and bad moments, but then most of life provides those. My biggest issue is that I am unable to pick up my feet now. I can walk (more like shuffle along), but I can get from point A to point B. Takes a little longer, but I can do it. Driving isn't too bad since I drive an automatic. Once I get my foot on the accelerator pedal, I leave my heel on the floor and I can pivot my foot to the brake when needed.

Had a man come up to me a church this morning, asked me what was wrong and I explained everything. Seems he is a specialist in this area on this. I described everything I have had done and all the medications I have been on and his comment was that the original doctors "messed" up early on by misdiagnosing me. He said that since I have already lost enough to not be able to pick up my feet, mainly all I can do is seek "pallative" treatment but that there will not be a "cure". He said that I was welcome to come to his office and gave me his card. He would love to see what he can do, but since I have been dealing with it for so long, he's not sure what can be done.

I can deal with it. It was just the newness of it that "freaked" me out, but I am okay with it. I know I can do this and be fine.
thanks Botts and Rockin' Robin...I have nothing to lose by going for it. :)
Updating my resume..going to apply for a job. Dont want to give details about it but it is time for me to move on to something more challenging and with much much better pay. Wish me luck!

Go for it! You deserve to find something that makes you happy and hopefully will pay more. Hoping the outcome of this applying will be a good one! :fingersx:
If you're going to purchase a walker. Be sure to get one with a seat not to mention the brakes. They're the better one. It'll help you with balance more. You must try them out before getting one because you should have one that will not make you bend down so much. What I'm trying to say is get the one that will match you and your height.

You could hire one to test them.
If you're going to purchase a walker. Be sure to get one with a seat not to mention the brakes. They're the better one. It'll help you with balance more. You must try them out before getting one because you should have one that will not make you bend down so much. What I'm trying to say is get the one that will match you and your height.

You could hire one to test them.

I am planning on getting one of them. For now, I will be using the one that is adjustable that was my mother's. It's sitting in the garage and hasn't been used since 11/2008. We also have one that belonged to my father-in-law in the garage.

A friend from church told me where to go to get one fit for me. Not only for my height, but also my weight. She has a red and black one. Another man at church as a totally black one.
Mad that another weekend ended so quickly!!! GRRR!
Reading how copyright laws are antiqued and needs to be updated to allow for some creative flows as the current copyright laws and patent laws are crippling new companies and new artists.

Reading how copyright laws are antiqued and needs to be updated to allow for some creative flows as the current copyright laws and patent laws are crippling new companies and new artists.


You should create own company logo. Last 10 years ago, I had made my business company name "SilentCom" for creating my home page but i was upset that other company have trademark name of it. I had changed new company name.
Well, I got a weird call from a weird man with a weird name...his name is Roopie.. I don't understand what the hell he is talking about because he is so animating to me. I asked him twice, "who are you?" He suddenly decided that I am not nice, then hang up on me. :giggle:

So, I guess I am roopied!

By the way, my friend happened to know him...he is from the Bronx. he said that Roopie is definitely WEIRD!!

Whew, I am not only one thinking that person is weird!

Maybe, weird male stalkers are attractive to me! :eek3:
My son had too much fun on the merry-go-round at the playground last Friday. Ended up in the ER, him getting 3 staples in his legs. Which was not the worst part. The doctor did not numb it before they put the staples in. He said it was consider a trade off since the numbing shot hurts just as bad as popping the staples in. :dunno:

My son was a trooper, he only screamed a couple of times.
My son had too much fun on the merry-go-round at the playground last Friday. Ended up in the ER, him getting 3 staples in his legs. Which was not the worst part. The doctor did not numb it before they put the staples in. He said it was consider a trade off since the numbing shot hurts just as bad as popping the staples in. :dunno:

My son was a trooper, he only screamed a couple of times.

That's sad! My younger daughter lost half of a front baby tooth playing on the merry-go-round when she was little.
am exciting to be part of ASL Idol on this saturday!

am exciting to play first spring softball league on this friday!

am not exciting for this week of IEPs...

am exciting to get thousands of dead presidents on this friday :]

am not exciting that will have lousy weather on this week in Bay Area.
That's sad! My younger daughter lost half of a front baby tooth playing on the merry-go-round when she was little.

He will not be going on the merry-go-round for a while. Much less a playground... :lol:

Last time he had to go to the ER he busted his head on the Arch at the top of the slide. He was hanging on it to push himself down hard and fast down the slide. He misjudged and pushed his head right on the arch. Boom!! blood everywhere! That was just 3 years ago. They used glue that time.

Playgrounds are dangerous for my son.
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