The Away Message Game...


Active Member
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
OKay,'s a great way to have some fun. (And by FUN, I mean, just that. FUN!!!!!)

This is not a place to attack others...It is not to be taken personally, no offense is meant, nor should any be taken by anyone! Comparable to BBNT's "personal web site" thread, just to give an idea...

Post below, the away messages for AD members. Be creative and have fun! In good taste, of course. ;)

^Angel^'s Away Message: Spreading sunshine and making people smile. If you're in a bad mood, IM me.

Liza's Away Message: Reading smut. Turn me on and I'll respond later.

Levonian's Away Message: Taking a ride on the Mayflower. Be back once the ship returns to port.

Cheri's Away Message: Being supermom and superflirt isn't easy. I'll be back once backup arrives.

ravensteve's Away Message: Still on the phone with my therapist, who still says it's all right to be deaf.

Get the idea? :) Good. Let's play!
DreamDeaf's away message: Raising a ruckus, causing chaos, and dreaming her sure to add your dream to my wagon!

RoadRunner: Locked in the closet, be sure to tell ^Angel^

^Angel^: Not available, Spreading sunshine and making people smile.

MizzDeaf: Still thinking good thoughts, leave your thought with my thoughts.
Malfoyish: In bed with Malfoy, be sure to leave a message with Mr. Coffeeman.

Cheri: Eating cherries, plotting on my next Mafia hit, don't page me just yet.

Oceanbreeze: By the ocean, hair flying in the breeze, watching the whales. Leave your message with the dolphins. They know how to find me.

Tweetybird: Am busy running away from Sylvester, write your message on a yellow feather, and I'll be back to pick it up.
DreamDeaf : Thinking up ways to embarrass people. Do you want to be next? If so, please do leave a message.

Katzie: Baby up for adoption. Send in self-addressed, postage-paid box big enough to accomodate toddler and several boxes of cookies. Toddler will arrive fully charged and ready to raise hell.

Banjo: Petitioning the Ministry of Magic. Send an owl at your own risk.
Roadrunner's Away Message: I'm STILL in the closet. Would someone please tell ^Angel^ to come find me?

TTT's Away Message: Life is not fair. I've learned this the hard way. YES, I'm still online, damn it!

Zesty's Away Message: I've gotta zest for liiii-iii-iiiife. Why do people give me a bar of soap every time I say that???
Fly Free's Away Message: I'm busy being just a little bit naughty. Leave one, and spank you very much.

BBNT's Away Message: I'm on the web looking for some lingerie. I want something flashy, y'see...something that'll show off a little leg. Let me know if you have any ideas. Victoria's Secret preferred, although I might accept Frederick's of Hollywood....what girlfriend???

Oceanbreeze's Away Message: Are you in a good state of mind? If you are, then go ahead and leave a message. If not, then back off, you filthy little mudblood!
Ravensteve: Am away at court filing papers for class action suit, please leave message with lawyer. I need your name to add to the suit, so I know who I'm suing.

Deaf258: I'm out looking for the perfect gift, please forward my messages to BBNT's email address.

Magastu: I'm out saving the world, righting wrongs, conquering evils, freeing women from slavery. If you're a woman, take a number, and wait in the waiting room. There's wine, champange, chocolate-dipped strawberries and cherries for you. Men can wait outside in the rain.

Fly Free: Im out perving the women of AD. If you're a woman, I'll be right with you, and perv with you. If you're a man, you're outta luck.

Nozobo: I'm busy in bed with Oakley_04, after we finish, I'll be back after I wipe off.

Oakley_04: I'm busy in bed with Nozobo, after we finish, I'll be back. MAYBE.

DelicPumpkPie: I'm busy making pies with my lesbian sistas, it may take a while. You can't rush a good!
Malfy, this ROCKS!

I was laughing soooo hard! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

:thumb: Thanks for the laughs and keep them comin'!!!!!
Meg said:
Malfy, this ROCKS!

I was laughing soooo hard! :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

:thumb: Thanks for the laughs and keep them comin'!!!!!

My pleasure. I think AD needs a few laughs, eh???

e's Away Message: Go to Take a look at my avatar. Get the picture? GOOD. have a three-second head start...then I'm going to hunt you down and strip you of your chocolate.

VamPyroX's Away Message: Sharpening my teeth. Wanna put your neck on the line, next?

Mayflower's Away Message: I need more bananas. No, I'm not at the store. Use your imagination on this one.

Certainly would be awesome to hear more from some of the rest of you - c'mon, guys. Jump in. Have FUN!
Meg's away message: Am away taking a bath, with bath salts, bath oils, scented candles, rose petals, and a Chippendale model... go away and don't bother me for the next 12 hours. No, make that 24 hours.

Alex: Am busy chasing the Postwhore before Road Runner is locked away in the closet, St. LinuxGold is shut out of the monitor and unable to deliver the last of the 2004 deliveries, VamPryox is too busy sharpening his teeth and E is trying to find a tampon big enough for the flow... if you need someone banned, ban them yourself.

LinuxGold: Cannot find the gateway, need to reboot and need a smoking bathroom back in time for Xmas. Leave a message, and I'll know immediately if you've been good or bad.

VamPryox: Looking for some good fires, need a female vampire to make little vampire babies, any females out there that wanna apply? Just IM me, I'll be over in a quicksilver moment.

E: Am in bathroom, no explaination necessary. Just throw me a tampax, and leave your name by the door. I'll get back to you in the next five days.
Malfoyish: I would tell you where I am, but then I'd have to curse you.

Liza: Liza is away at the moment, and please leave a message as long it isn't about a dream. One more request to interpret a dream and I swear to God that I will kill you.

BBNT: I like to touch myself. Do you?
Malfoyish away message: "I just got caught stealing answers for my potions final. I'll be back to you after I've served my detention in the Forbidden Forest. Leave a message."

Fly Free away message: " I'm out perving the ladies. Leave a message, and maybe, I'll perv you too."

Cheri away message: "I'm out getting my flirt on. Leave a message, and I'll get back to you.....Thursday."

Angel away message: "Out looking for replacement Halos. Be back when I find one that suits me."

Leviathan away message: "I'm out stocking up on more bananas. I NEED MORE bananas!"
Malfoyish's away message "I itch really bad, can anyone spare their VAGISIL ? "
magapoo's away msg: i am busy measuring my willy for my future ladies.. ill be right with you.. if this is an emergency, please page me! :)rofl: )

meggiepoo's away msg: busy multitasking to perk up my memory/brains and buffing my boobs for the long haired dorks .. if you need me for services, buzz me immediately! :)rofl: )
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:rofl: :rofl: @ this thread, ....

Malfoyish's away message: " If you are so Malfoyish you may leave your message if not, then take a hike..."

Oceanbreeze's away message: " I am busy cutting my toe nails, let me find my missing toe that I accident cut off..."

Magatsu's away message: " I'm shooting my darts at the poster of Bush, leave your message, but it better not be about Bush!! "

Cheri's away message: " If you are looking for this blonde who flirts, then you can leave your message here, if you are looking for the other blonde, get the hell off my line "

Zesty's away message: " my my Look who's here?, can't you see I'm busy chasing some guys here, so buzz off "

Meg's away message: " I'm taking a bath now, if you are Donald Trump, buzz me three times then I'll be right there "

Roadrunner's Away Message: My Angel awaits with Devil's Food. I'll be back when we're through with our session in Heaven. What the hell are you still doing reading this?

Meg's Away Message: I am sooo wet. Right now there are a pair of hands roaming over every inch of my body, rubbing soap and exotic moisturizing creams in all crevices. Get your head outta the gutter. I'm in the shower. I'll get back to you once I've dried up.

Taylor's Away Message: Are you a good lookin' lady? Then go ahead...give me one reason to use my cuffs. If you're a man, I'll arrest you first.

Magatsu's Away Message: Cupid's had an accident. Will be back as soon as arrow is removed from own ass. How could I have missed??????? And WHY am I attracted to myself now????

Liebling's Away Message: On the net looking for more penis photos. Make a deposit and I'll measure it later.
Malfoyish said:

Roadrunner's Away Message: My Angel awaits with Devil's Food. I'll be back when we're through with our session in Heaven. What the hell are you still doing reading this?

Meg's Away Message: I am sooo wet. Right now there are a pair of hands roaming over every inch of my body, rubbing soap and exotic moisturizing creams in all crevices. Get your head outta the gutter. I'm in the shower. I'll get back to you once I've dried up.

Taylor's Away Message: Are you a good lookin' lady? Then go ahead...give me one reason to use my cuffs. If you're a man, I'll arrest you first.

Magatsu's Away Message: Cupid's had an accident. Will be back as soon as arrow is removed from own ass. How could I have missed??????? And WHY am I attracted to myself now????

Liebling's Away Message: On the net looking for more penis photos. Make a deposit and I'll measure it later.

malfy!! you crack me up!! i nearly peed in my pants!! sheesh!!