Strange NEWS: Moon for Sale?

It will be worth to buy it.. then 50 years later it can be worth thousand dollars :D
I think I will buy one! :deal:

I think I'll buy a piece of Mars as well! :deal:
A fool and his money are soon parted. :roll: This is the biggest crock of shit since the International Star Registry. How many of you got all mushy-eyed and reached for the Kleenex box when Landon had a star named after Jamie in ‘A Walk to Remember’? Well, you might as well have dried those tears and wiped that snot off your simpering face, because Jamie didn’t get diddly named after her. The only body with recognized authority to name astronomical objects is the International Astronomical Union. And they don’t have any affiliation whatsoever with the ISR. Likewise with this clown in Nevada. The deeds that he sells will never be recognized as legal title by any government in the world, ever. If you really want to waste $20 on paper, go buy yourself a three month supply of Charmin. At least it smells pretty and you can put it to good use.
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I won't be surpised if some1 is willing to bid that high to own moon or mars so they can make other planet be home as well like earth too :roll:
Hmm all these talk makes me to think that Kmart's stocks are attractive to buy. :roll:
Wha...a joke?
I was kindly... feels funny about this issues topic.. which speaking of for sale moon.. blah blah.. Excuse me, Sound like Ridcouisly! Ha...
Is that good investment ? I do not think so!