<___< i hate the SATs.. (and i know this thread is a bit old... since June something, lol)
My english is good, I guess, but math... ARGH! so my highest SAT score was 950...
In my experience, SAT is biased. one of the reasons, of course, is because every school is different, a low-income school doesn't get the same education as a snotty school in up north so to apply that standard is very difficult especially when it comes to NATIONALLY testing.
But secondly...I learned little of something from my psychology class: whatever you learn in a certain place (say, your classroom at your regular school)... You remember THAT information better ONLY in THAT PLACE or nearby (on the same campus, basically). If you are asked to retrieve that information say, 5 miles away at another campus, you will experience difficulty to retrieve it accurately.
Now to apply that theory to my case, my high school didn't provide the testing site on our campus so the students were forced to travel to different high schools that did service the SATs. I went to a different high school and a local college for my SAT test (i took it three times... the teacher expected me to have a 1000 *SUPERDeaf expectation (if you dont know what this is all about, it comes from another thread ach* so I coughed up $25x3=.... er..... like i said, math, ARGH!)
and I have noticed that I performed MUCH better at the college than the high school i went for the testing (this one was FAR from me than the college) My first score at the college was great then i went to this faraway HS and my score PLUNGED then I retested back at this college and it got EVEN better than my first score.
That must say something... [nods nods]