Post a picture of your senior picture

downing said:
Ahhh. here is my senior is okay... ughh. Class of '92

Do not show your picture to my sons. ;) You are so beautiful in Senior picture. You should be a model.
Levonian said:
Hmmm…now I’m convinced that these two are related. Especially since Mayflower has red hair, and Reba has red hair in her avatar. I dunno—maybe it’s just me, but I see a definite resemblance. :shock:

This will freak you more.
This is my mom's grad picture. She was a redhead (also redhead was her brother and father; and four of my cousins).


  • mom.jpg
    84.9 KB · Views: 46
Reba said:
This will freak you more.
This is my mom's grad picture. She was a redhead (also redhead was her brother and father; and four of my cousins).

zesty said:


Well, yes—Reba and Mayflower are related. That’s already been established. They are both descended from William Brewster—a passenger on the Mayflower. But as I stated above, there are millions of Mayflower descendants alive today, so two Brewster descendants meeting randomly on the Internet is a curious coincidence, but not an astonishing one. It does appear, however, that they are more closely related than would be expected from simple random selection. And in my opinion, Reba’s mother bares an even stronger resemblance to Mayflower than Reba does.

Reba—have you ever researched the incidence of congenital deafness in the Brewster lineage? If so, what were the results?
Levonian said:
And in my opinion, Reba’s mother bares an even stronger resemblance to Mayflower than Reba does.

Yes I agreed with you, especially they share the same nose shape!! :fly: :fly:
Levonian said:
Reba—have you ever researched the incidence of congenital deafness in the Brewster lineage? If so, what were the results?
No, I have not. Has Mayflower been researching that?

Oops, :topic:
Levonian said:
Well, yes—Reba and Mayflower are related. That’s already been established. They are both descended from William Brewster—a passenger on the Mayflower.
It gets even more complicated. My mom was a 9th great-granddaughter of Wm. Brewster, and my dad was a 10th great-grandson of the same Wm. Brewster, so I am double descended from him.
Yeah Reba I already knew that both of u are
related with one another, but
I'm not sure about how can Reba be
"double descended" ? For example,
Sound like your mom and dad were
something like "distant cousins" married
with each other. Correct me, thanks !
Tamara said:
Yes I agreed with you, especially they share the same nose shape!!

Reba said:
No, I have not. Has Mayflower been researching that?

Tamara—exactly what I was thinking.

Reba—no, she hasn’t. This is something that I’ve started thinking about only recently. There has always been some dispute over what caused my wife’s deafness. Her mother maintains that she was deafened at the age of three by a pyretic infection. My wife has stated that she has an intuitive feeling that she was born deaf. Some evidence backs this up: The infection, from its description, does not sound severe enough to have caused deafness. Also, she has traced her ancestry back to residents of coastal Massachusetts. In addition, a seventh-generation descendant of W. Brewster was a well known deaf artist. I do not know if he was born deaf or hearing, though. I’ve ordered a used copy of Lane’s biography—it should be here in a couple of days, and it may answer that question. None of this, obviously, is conclusive proof. But if I look into it, and discover that there is a higher than normal incidence of congenital deafness in the Brewster lineage, then I will consider it to be sufficient justification for spending the money necessary to get her tested for the presence of the connexion-26 mutation. That is, if she is still interested in knowing.

I see absolutely no reason why you should apologize for going off topic. It seems perfectly acceptable for our resident lunatics to do so 20 or 30 times a day or more with their schizophrenic ramblings, so I’m sure that this transgression is well within tolerable limits.
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wow.. Looking EXTACTLY shaped of some areas...

Must be long-lost-relatives as condiser far cousin or sumth'n like that..

you should have dig more deeper and to see ancestry history background...

Wishes you have great luck!
Levonian said:
In addition, a seventh-generation descendant of W. Brewster was a well known deaf artist. I do not know if he was born deaf or hearing, though. I’ve ordered a used copy of Lane’s biography—it should be here in a couple of days, and it may answer that question.
The Lane book looks interesting.
I found this related write up about the Lane book. Very informative.

A traveling exhibit of Brewster's work over the next two years includes a show at the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, N.Y., April 1-Dec. 1, 2005.
Yes, I'm agree with Levonian that Mayflower's and Reba's look are almost similar, especially Reba's mother's look. Very interesting. :eek: