Oy! Teacher Tells Student He Could Be Arrested for Talking Badly About Obama

Do you know another pair of words for suspending a teacher with pay in May?

Summer vacation.

This teacher hasn't been punished at all, and there's no reason to believe she will suddenly learn her subject this summer. She is teaching her students false information.

It wasn't my choice but the article that where kokonut posted said the teacher is suspended with pay.

I think that teacher should be suspended on first offense, if repeat then fired. I just consider fire as last resort because some teachers are improving after suspension and coaching.
First ammendment rights are a little more complicated in a school and with minor children. I think Jiro and Foxrac are closer to being correct on that issue. If students had complete freedom of speech there would be chaos in the classroom and no teaching would get done.

Teachers do have the right to say 'there will be no political discussion in this class.' They can say, "no talking at all" if they want.

The reason this particular incident touches on first ammendment issues is because the ignorant and ill informed teacher told her students that it was illegal to say something bad about the President at all, anywhere, and as a social studies teacher she should have known better.

She also told her students that people had been arrested for something bad about President Bush, and then to 'prove' her case she told a totally different story about a different President, where nobody was arrested. She made no sense at all.

There's no good reason to keep paying teachers who don't know their subject, who teach false information to their students, and who can't control themselves or the class. Teaching our young people is a privilege and an honor, it's not a *right* and if you are teaching lies, you should lose your job.

It will be depending on school district's policies and determine on consequences that teacher should taking.
I also doubt that the teacher is really suspended. Just a couple weeks ago there was a different incident where a father was concerned about what was happening in his child's special needs classroom. He put a recording device in his son's jacket and learned that the teacher and aids were verbally bullying the children, driving them to tears deliberately, and talking about all kinds of inappropriate topics in front of the children.

He sent the recording to the school. The school told him they fired the aid and suspended the teacher, but it turned out the school was lying. They only transferred that teacher to a different school. She was still working with children in the district.

You are right that the teacher's unions protect the teachers at the expense of the children and make it impossible to fire bad teachers. I am not in favor of the way those unions operate.
I also doubt that the teacher is really suspended. Just a couple weeks ago there was a different incident where a father was concerned about what was happening in his child's special needs classroom. He put a recording device in his son's jacket and learned that the teacher and aids were verbally bullying the children, driving them to tears deliberately, and talking about all kinds of inappropriate topics in front of the children.

He sent the recording to the school. The school told him they fired the aid and suspended the teacher, but it turned out the school was lying. They only transferred that teacher to a different school. She was still working with children in the district.

You are right that the teacher's unions protect the teachers at the expense of the children and make it impossible to fire bad teachers. I am not in favor of the way those unions operate.

Are you quoting my post?

Who is teacher that is really not suspended?

I don't like teacher unions, even police, fireman's unions too. I'm sure about there are some politicians, even liberals are looking to weaken the teacher unions with education reform to save money.
By listening to it, what else? I also said it was a pretty safe bet the woman is black.

As a guy that had normal hearing for 33 years, I missed the class where they taught us "sounds like a black person" dialect. Could you describe this for me? What are the cues?
As a guy that had normal hearing for 33 years, I missed the class where they taught us "sounds like a black person" dialect. Could you describe this for me? What are the cues?

Well, ask those who can hear that audio on YouTube and ask them. Like I said, I think it's a pretty safe bet that the voice was a black woman heard in the background based on the way she sounded and talked. The voice comes in pretty clear around the 3:12 mark about not to disrespect the president. She has a southern accent alright but the dialect is distinctively black. There is no class to teach this. One just need to listen and know the difference. Again, ask someone who can hear and listen starting at the 3:12 mark for about a minute. Heck, have Reba or anybody else in AD listen to it.

Here's the link for your convenience:
Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube!
As a guy that had normal hearing for 33 years, I missed the class where they taught us "sounds like a black person" dialect. Could you describe this for me? What are the cues?

Oh you know this. It's not 100% accurate but you can often tell race by voice. You can also tell what region someone is from by voice. Even Harry Reid has mentioned this dialect a time or 2. No big deal really
Oh you know this. It's not 100% accurate but you can often tell race by voice. You can also tell what region someone is from by voice. Even Harry Reid has mentioned this dialect a time or 2. No big deal really

Yes, which is why I said it's a pretty safe bet the woman is black just by listening to her voice on YouTube. A bet that I'm likely to win.
Obviously she's a control freak. She expected to get what she wanted but she got busted. Grayma said it all. The teacher was not professional. She gave bad attitude as well. She's not supposed to teach at school. Now we know her name so hopefully she will not be able to teach anymore.
Well, ask those who can hear that audio on YouTube and ask them. Like I said, I think it's a pretty safe bet that the voice was a black woman heard in the background based on the way she sounded and talked. The voice comes in pretty clear around the 3:12 mark about not to disrespect the president. She has a southern accent alright but the dialect is distinctively black. There is no class to teach this. One just need to listen and know the difference. Again, ask someone who can hear and listen starting at the 3:12 mark for about a minute. Heck, have Reba or anybody else in AD listen to it.

Here's the link for your convenience:
Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube!
First, let me say that not everyone who "sounds black" is black, and not every black person "sounds black." However there are vocalizations that are common in black American dialect, and the woman speaking/yelling on the recording seems to have those. So I would say, yes, it sounds like a black woman speaking/yelling on the recording.
First, let me say that not everyone who "sounds black" is black, and not every black person "sounds black." However there are vocalizations that are common in black American dialect, and the woman speaking/yelling on the recording seems to have those. So I would say, yes, it sounds like a black woman speaking/yelling on the recording.

Absolutely which is why I said that I thought it was a pretty safe bet that the woman talking is a black woman. A bet that I'm likely to win. And thank you for confirming that with me.
First, let me say that not everyone who "sounds black" is black, and not every black person "sounds black." However there are vocalizations that are common in black American dialect, and the woman speaking/yelling on the recording seems to have those. So I would say, yes, it sounds like a black woman speaking/yelling on the recording.

I don't understand why people care about race colors.
Will Smith has said once. "People who uses bad language is not smart."

So, using bad language doesn't make you look smart or cool. Christian or not, it apply to everyone.

Will Smith also said "Gettin' jiggy with it"