Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son

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CyberRed said:
Yep, for Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost - just like water itself serve different purposes. For example : # 1) Boil water # 2) Ice water # 3) Regular water And, yet it is all the SAME water.

Or can say for an egg has its own purpose, too. # 1) Shell # 2) white egg
# 3) yolk And, yet it is all the SAME egg.

Father, Son and the Holy Ghost serve different purposes, but they all agree the same in one as one God. Jesus is God. We must have Jesus to die for all of us so, we can go to Heaven one day thru repentance and accept Him as personal Saviour.

I know for some people who have hard time understandin' this ( about Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and how Jesus spoke to Father at the same time when Jesus is God Himself ). One day, people will understand when the time comes. :)

Beautiful. I understand. It is easier for me to remember God trinty by describe a tree. The body of tree is Father, branches of tree is Jesus, leaf is Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Three into one, God. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and being baptist, Holy Spirit came into our lives and stay with us till the day we dies and goes home with Jesus Christ.

People may think we are crazy if we saw Jesus. I do not mean to led them to think I see Him thru my naked eyes. Only I saw Jesus Christ is thru Holy Spirit by dreams and remember them from my near death. I got healed by Holy Spirit by thru Jesus Christ on His Command. He stays with me to this day and never left my side. I know cuz I almost hit mailbox with PO truck yesterday and saw a glimpse of Him standing by it then knew He warned me of danger and I saw it coming.. whew, otherwise I would have lost the job.
CyberRed said:
Yep, for Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost - just like water itself serve different purposes. For example : # 1) Boil water # 2) Ice water # 3) Regular water And, yet it is all the SAME water.
You know one word: Hydrogen = H2O.

H20 is water, ice and vapor. They are 3 in 1. Therefore H20 is one. :mrgreen:
Askjo said:
You know one word: Hydrogen = H2O.

H20 is water, ice and vapor. They are 3 in 1. Therefore H20 is one. :mrgreen:

Amen ! :lol:
jazzy said:
Beautiful. I understand. It is easier for me to remember God trinty by describe a tree. The body of tree is Father, branches of tree is Jesus, leaf is Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Three into one, God. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and being baptist, Holy Spirit came into our lives and stay with us till the day we dies and goes home with Jesus Christ.

People may think we are crazy if we saw Jesus. I do not mean to led them to think I see Him thru my naked eyes. Only I saw Jesus Christ is thru Holy Spirit by dreams and remember them from my near death. I got healed by Holy Spirit by thru Jesus Christ on His Command. He stays with me to this day and never left my side. I know cuz I almost hit mailbox with PO truck yesterday and saw a glimpse of Him standing by it then knew He warned me of danger and I saw it coming.. whew, otherwise I would have lost the job.

Beautiful, Jazzy. I believe people when they accounted their "near-death" experiences. I can't wait to meet the Lord, because of His LOVE. His Love is very softer than the cotton balls. His Sweet is very rich than honey, or candies or sugar. His Touch is amazin'. It's all I know how to describe as a human bein', sweetheart. It's okay for some people to think that I am crazy - but, not to God. I still love you and people on earth as myself. I am glad you saw a glimpse of Jesus - that's comfortin' to know that He is there. :)

That tree you just mentioned is a good example.
Love didn't had experienced your whole life! if Not, SHOW YOUR TRULY LOVE!

CyberRed said:
Beautiful, Jazzy. I believe people when they accounted their "near-death" experiences. I can't wait to meet the Lord, because of His LOVE. His Love is very softer than the cotton balls. His Sweet is very rich than honey, or candies or sugar. His Touch is amazin'. It's all I know how to describe as a human bein', sweetheart. It's okay for some people to think that I am crazy - but, not to God. I still love you and people on earth as myself. I am glad you saw a glimpse of Jesus - that's comfortin' to know that He is there. :)

That tree you just mentioned is a good example.
cyberred, what the T-R-I-C-K!!!!!! you said, you are love the people? you are the one who deceiving on people around the worldwide read your posts as many somewhere in alldeaf forums.

Therfore, you don't know what is "THE LOVE" meaning to your entirely life!

I know what the answer of what the love meaning to me, Love is the simply answer, HUMBLE, experince, knowledge, unhatred, share, loyal, respect, non-bitters, non-judges, without arguements, faith, patient, touchs, friendly and long lasting! I put the love's turly lists I gave out! thats simply it!

Love doesn't meaning that God give you, unhumble, hate, reject, angry, bitter, judge against others. Not God, but angry came from you, its just you, it is YOU!! DAMN YOU! angry turned against love and angry destory love out of you, angry make you soo fool out of yourself to world.. ANGRY always HAUNT your life for rest!

Don't tell me which God did tell nor make you reject, rebellious, unshare, unanswer on and on..God had no answer on the earth since God left, Now the people seek and hungry to hear His word, He expect someone answer theirs which sent you to here to answer without selffish or block their questions.. thats what God expect I expect, therefore!

God expect you answer their questions in His pleasure inside you as well!

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What LOVE is...


God has plenty to tell us about what LOVE is...let's read His word:

I John 4:10
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the payment for our sins.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Galatians 2:20
...the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Ephesians 2:4-5
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)

Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God...

Titus 3:4
But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us...

1 John 4:9
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.

Those who attempt to share the wonderful good news of God's free salvation are spreading the message of the love of God. I do not sense any hatred or deceit in CyberRed's posts. Jesus commanded us to go and 'preach the good news to EVERY PERSON.' We are simply following the request of someone who loved us enough to die for us.

Do you know the love of God expressed in the gift of His beloved Son on the cross for you?

Please STOP blaming on CyberRed!

Please STOP criticizing her!

IF you negate her repeatedly and repeatedly, YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY JEALOUS of her!
ckfarbes said:
cyberred, what the T-R-I-C-K!!!!!! you said, you are love the people? you are the one who deceiving on people around the worldwide read your posts as many somewhere in alldeaf forums.

Therfore, you don't know what is "THE LOVE" meaning to your entirely life!

I know what the answer of what the love meaning to me, Love is the simply answer, HUMBLE, experince, knowledge, unhatred, share, loyal, respect, non-bitters, non-judges, without arguements, faith, patient, touchs, friendly and long lasting! I put the love's turly lists I gave out! thats simply it!

Love doesn't meaning that God give you, unhumble, hate, reject, angry, bitter, judge against others. Not God, but angry came from you, its just you, it is YOU!! DAMN YOU! angry turned against love and angry destory love out of you, angry make you soo fool out of yourself to world.. ANGRY always HAUNT your life for rest!

Don't tell me which God did tell nor make you reject, rebellious, unshare, unanswer on and on..God had no answer on the earth since God left, Now the people seek and hungry to hear His word, He expect someone answer theirs which sent you to here to answer without selffish or block their questions.. thats what God expect I expect, therefore!

God expect you answer their questions in His pleasure inside you as well!



Do you know or understand LOVE? Mirror of what your saying, it is you who have this problem because it is your words not hers. As for my words speak come from my heart and see who I am here on AD, I understand I do have alot work on my part with my weak flesh. Understanding she speaks to me not you this time. You may have different philosphy here than rest of us and I do respect you but u need to respect others as well as yourself. God's love is not what we experience here on earth. I know because of His love healed me and never let me forgot that. There is something I remember from my own experiences and I try to share it with others but now I know it did not do any good because it makes them find God wrong way.

P.S. God did not answer my questions often but He did not me forgot Him. If I do something wrong He would have let me know.
:wave: Hi!

CyberRed and Jazzy,

Beautiful stories!!!! Yes, God/Jesus is so wonderful!!!!! After Jesus gently wiped my tears while I was sleeping, it was very pure holy and huge love. I am so, so glad that I witnessed God/Jesus!!!!!! So, that's why I shared with you all on this message board in a different thread.

Take care!

Have a great week!:)

here the very simple is my answer !

Why I repeatly answer your question, therefore, I think you did not get my answer with post# #205:
I know what the answer of what the love meaning to me, Love is the simply answer, HUMBLE, experince, knowledge, unhatred, share, loyal, respect, non-bitters, non-judges, without arguements, faith, patient, touchs, friendly and long lasting! I put the love's turly lists I gave out! thats simply it!

I really not worry about you are on her side that what you want and speak for her, that is fine with me.. becaus i easily aint worry people on their side.. it is no problem for me.. I am free bird flying in air anywhere.. therefore your or their thoughts worrying how you live and doing in your living have fear of what people's thinking and sayings..

For me, I easily ignoring the ignorant people who judge to others include me, because you don't know me as much as I don't even know you neither.. I always easily ignore it and move on it, that is the very simple for me.. there is none trap for me.. :)

I feeling unnecessary for me turn into flame with you around for dumb things of small issues since I gave my answer out already.. You expect that I have prefectly love and gentle around.. like You acts like jesus's way, as long as you expect you to be prefect picture like him..

Honestly, no offend, You don't know what Jesus's specify told the disciple " follow me ". the disciple don't understood him's meanings at all as like today you people don't understanding his meaning fully.. but you guys wanted to follow him you did already.. but you don't know what he talk about objective on his quote" follow me". therefore you won't take cross you carrying with for him. like peter did not take the cross he carried when he denied public people s witness to other who ignore about peter who follow jesus.. he kept deined it in the eyes of public and escaped from scene. Jesus knew him and jesus's eye stared him. peter remembered his words about the cock crow deny thrice times.. Mmmmm

Therefore, I don't want to flamly argue with you around the little dumb things's small issues. like God told adam don't eat the apple hang on the tree. Now look at what happened to adam and eve cause problem without answer the solution. that's why i don't want to turn me involving into your flame around small issues.

I knew the love in me because I love me for who i am before I know why God gave me this life.. I admired the God of my great-great-great fathers created and dwelt in the flesh and blood of me this life of the God is manifest in me for rest! I love my childern and my fiancee because I knew me love me that is most important.. my fiancee learning my love which she never had experienced within her entrily life.

anyway, I think better let people go back on topic of Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son.. Good luck and enjoy stay in forums.. :)
ckfarbes said:
Why I repeatly answer your question, therefore, I think you did not get my answer with post# #205:

Like I asked u because what I experience God's love is not what u describe here. It is so differently. I can not make u unds me, only God can make u understand what Love is.

I really not worry about you are on her side that what you want and speak for her, that is fine with me.. becaus i easily aint worry people on their side.. it is no problem for me.. I am free bird flying in air anywhere.. therefore your or their thoughts worrying how you live and doing in your living have fear of what people's thinking and sayings..

well truthfully, I am not popular around here so I am not really worry what u or others think of me.

For me, I easily ignoring the ignorant people who judge to others include me, because you don't know me as much as I don't even know you neither.. I always easily ignore it and move on it, that is the very simple for me.. there is none trap for me.. :)
True I do not know u or u know me. No worry here.:)

I feeling unnecessary for me turn into flame with you around for dumb things of small issues since I gave my answer out already.. You expect that I have prefectly love and gentle around.. like You acts like jesus's way, as long as you expect you to be prefect picture like him..
Not at all I do not expect u to act alike a perfect loving gentle man but it would be nice if everyone is like that then there will be no crimes or wars.

Honestly, no offend, You don't know what Jesus's specify told the disciple " follow me ". the disciple don't understood him's meanings at all as like today you people don't understanding his meaning fully.. but you guys wanted to follow him you did already.. but you don't know what he talk about objective on his quote" follow me". therefore you won't take cross you carrying with for him. like peter did not take the cross he carried when he denied public people s witness to other who ignore about peter who follow jesus.. he kept deined it in the eyes of public and escaped from scene. Jesus knew him and jesus's eye stared him. peter remembered his words about the cock crow deny thrice times.. Mmmmm

Ummm, honest with u, it is not important to me right now about carry his cross. It is His will that I am here. Lessons I learn from Him is between Him and me. As He has with u and others. He taught u about cross and His blood. He taught me something else differently..

Therefore, I don't want to flamly argue with you around the little dumb things's small issues. like God told adam don't eat the apple hang on the tree. Now look at what happened to adam and eve cause problem without answer the solution. that's why i don't want to turn me involving into your flame around small issues.

Gee is that how u see it? I do not see it, but a learning lesson.

I knew the love in me because I love me for who i am before I know why God gave me this life.. I admired the God of my great-great-great fathers created and dwelt in the flesh and blood of me this life of the God is manifest in me for rest! I love my childern and my fiancee because I knew me love me that is most important.. my fiancee learning my love which she never had experienced within her entrily life.

It is wonderful for u to share the love with God and your fiancee and ancestors. No one shall take it away from u..

anyway, I think better let people go back on topic of Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son.. Good luck and enjoy stay in forums.. :)
okay good luck to u too and hope u stay in forums also.
CyberRed said:
Ok, Lieblin' -- I read your post. I would like for you to copy and paste the scriptures from your bible to here for me, if you don't mind ? :)

Let me copy and paste to share mine :

John 1:1-2
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.The same was in the beginning with God."

Ok, let me interpret these scripture what it means in English:

"In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. The Jesus was in the beginning with God."

Jesus is equal "The Word".
Jesus is equal "The Word of God" ( The Son of God ).
Jesus is equal God.
When God left Heaven, He came to give birth to BECOME the FLESH, so therefore the FLESH became THE WORD. Emmanuel means "God with us" and His Name is Jesus. Jesus means "Emmanuel" -- it means "God with us". See that also mention in the scriptures John 1:1-2. John have seen The LIGHT and recognized who Jesus IS.:)

I already copied scripture and translation what my 2nd bible says in my previous post...

Well, did Jesus ever say that he was God? No, he never did. Rather, in the Bible he is called "God's Son." And he said: "The Father is greater than I am" (John 10:34-36; 14:28)

Jesus prayed to God, saying: "Let, not my will, but yours take place." (Luke 22:42) If Jesus were the Almighty God, he would not have prayed to himself, would he?

In fact5, following Jesus' death, the Scripture says: "This Jesus God resurrected" (Acts 2:32) - Thus the Almighty God and Jesus are clearly two separate persons.

Even after his death and resurrection and ascentsion to heaven, Jesus was still not equal to his Father. 1 Corinthians 11:3; 15:28
Liebling:-))) said:
It's God, who made Mary pregnant thru spirit.
What do you call it when you get a woman pregnant without her permission?
Liebling:-))) said:
I already copied scripture and translation what my 2nd bible says in my previous post...

Well, did Jesus ever say that he was God? No, he never did. Rather, in the Bible he is called "God's Son." And he said: "The Father is greater than I am" (John 10:34-36; 14:28)

Jesus prayed to God, saying: "Let, not my will, but yours take place." (Luke 22:42) If Jesus were the Almighty God, he would not have prayed to himself, would he?

In fact5, following Jesus' death, the Scripture says: "This Jesus God resurrected" (Acts 2:32) - Thus the Almighty God and Jesus are clearly two separate persons.

Even after his death and resurrection and ascentsion to heaven, Jesus was still not equal to his Father. 1 Corinthians 11:3; 15:28

You still don't get it. I asked you if, you can copy and paste here what does it say in YOUR bible of John 1:1-2 ? Can you copy and paste of John 1:1-2 here for me ? I want to read it. Thanks. :)
DreamyHawaii said:
Yes that is correct and also John 1:4 In Him was life and The Life was the Light of Men. and Philippians 2:7 Jesus made Himself nothing,becoming like a servant being made like A human.

Amen. I agree. :)
CyberRed said:
You still don't get it. I asked you if, you can copy and paste here what does it say in YOUR bible of John 1:1-2 ? Can you copy and paste of John 1:1-2 here for me ? I want to read it. Thanks. :)

Here is an answer:

John 1:1
IN THE BEGINNING = Greek “en arche.” At the very first moment of time the “Word” (Christ) was already in existence.

THE WORD = The Greek is “Logos.” This is not an object but a Person (notice John 1:2 refers to the Word as “He;” John 1:3-4 says “Him” ). This term for Christ (“Logos”) is only found in the Gospel of John and in Revelation (see Revelation 19:13).

THE WORD WAS WITH GOD = See note on John 1:2.
John 1:2
HE WAS WITH GOD IN THE BEGINNING = There never was a time when the “Word” (Jesus) did not exit. Even at the “beginning” both “God” and the “Word” already existed (Colossians 1:17). Thus Jesus is the “exact representation of (God’s) being” (Hebrews 1:3) and Creator of the universe (Hebrews 1:2). Psalm 90:2 says: “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Thus God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) existed before anything was created.

Mat 3:16-17 (NIV) As soon as Jesus was baptised, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."


It mean is it's God who exist in the beginning before Jesus came - it shows that Jesus is not a God, but Son of God.

Can you paste John 1:6 in your bible to here?

The Bible says clear that there is only God. :)
Is Jesus God?

No! (Matt 10:32-33, John 3:17, 5:18-23).

God said "I am the Lord; my glory will I not give to another" (Isa 42:8 ).

Jesus was a man (Acts 2:22, 1 Tim 2:5).

Jesus says the Father is greater than he, and Jesus does not have as much
power as the Father (John 14:28, Matt 19:16-17, 20:23).

Jesus says only God is good, not he (Mark 10:18 ).

Jesus was created first, of all creatures (1 Col 1:15, Rev 4:14).

God gave life to the Son (John 5:26).

God has exalted Jesus (Philip 2:9).

Jesus does not preach his own doctrine, but the Father's (John 7:16).

Knowing just Jesus or just the Father is not enough; you must know both (John 17:3).

Jesus has a will different from God "not my will, but thy will..." (Matt 26:39, 27:46, Mark 14:35, Luke 22:42).

Jesus is not omniscient, like the Father: he "increased in wisdom" (Luke 2:52), he does not know who touched him (Luke 8:43-45), does not know the time of the end (Mark 13:32).

The Father is Jesus' God (John 20:17).

Jesus was sent by the Father (John 5:23-24, 17:3, Col 1:19).

Jesus died, but God cannot die (1 Tim 1:17, 6:16, Rom 1:23).

Jesus ascends to the Father (John 20:17).

Stephen saw him "on the right hand of God" (Acts 7:55-56, also Mark 16:19, Heb 1:3, 10:12, 12:2).

Jesus was resurrected by the Father (Acts 3:15, 13:3 0, 5:30, Col 2:12).

Jesus interceded with the Father for Peter (Luke 22:31-33), mediates between mankind and the Father (Matt 10:32, 1 Tim 2:5, Heb 7:25), prayed to the Father in Gethsemane and from the cross (Matt 26:39, 27:46, Mark 14:35, Luke 22:42), and felt forsaken by the Father (Matt 27:46).
He prayed that his disciples "may be one as we [the Father and Jesus] are" (John 17:11, Rev 3:21).

Jesus' teaching was given to him by the Father, as he gave it to his disciples (John 17:6-8 ).

We are all gods (John 10:34, citing Ps 82:6).
Liebling:-))) said:
THE WORD WAS WITH GOD = See note on John 1:2.
John 1:2
HE WAS WITH GOD IN THE BEGINNING = There never was a time when the “Word” (Jesus) did not exit. Even at the “beginning” both “God” and the “Word” already existed (Colossians 1:17). Thus Jesus is the “exact representation of (God’s) being” (Hebrews 1:3) and Creator of the universe (Hebrews 1:2). Psalm 90:2 says: “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Thus God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) existed before anything was created.

...It mean is it's God who exist in the beginning before Jesus came - it shows that Jesus is not a God, but Son of God.
You are contradicting yourself with your very own reference.

Your own quote proves that Jesus and God were both together at Creation. It proves that Jesus existed forever in the past, with God. Jesus created the Universe and everything in it. You proved that Jesus IS God! :)
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