Jesus Wasn't Gods Only Son

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Miss*Pinocchio said:
Jesus isn't a God, he is son of God.

He is the King of all Kings.

Yeah we are all God's children...

See if you adopted 3 children...
but you have a biological child already...

You would say all of them are your children,
but your biological child is your only child.

Get it? Now can we stop discussing this.

I am sorry, girl. I don't believe in silencin' Jesus. I don't believe in puttin' a duct tape on Jesus' mouth when the Word became flesh. We ( non-believers & believers ) are STILL walkin' IN His Word everywhere.
netrox said:
Funny that Reba did "brainwashing and propanganda" yet she doesn't even realize she's brainwashed. Propanganda is so powerful and can be so subtle that people don't notice it.
I know what real brainwashing and propaganda are, so I know the ways of Jesus are not the ways of brainwashing or propaganda. However, the ways of that's another story. Satan certainly is the master of twisted words and smooth persuasion. He especially appeals to people's pride of superiority and false intellectualism. Satan can be very subtle:

Genesis 3:1-5
"1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Jesus doesn't want people to come to Him thru coercion or trickery. He wants people to come to Him thru their own free will.
netrox said:
... You consistently praise Jesus for everything in your life and that's spooky. ..
That is not spooky; it is showing a grateful, humble heart.
netrox said:
Jesus was NOT the Messiah prophecized in the Old Testament. He didn't deliver what he promised in his generation. When his disciplines realized he didn't come back, they made up the Resurrection myth thus started the Christianity religion.
From where did you get that story?

The Old Testament was very clear - the Messiah will rule the nation, not rise from the dead.
Where does the OT state that the Messiah will not rise from the dead?

BTW, Messiah will rule, so there is no conflict with the OT. The time has just not yet been fulfilled. The eventual reign of Jesus Christ as Lord of all will fulfill all OT prophecies.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Jesus isn't a God, he is son of God.
Jesus is God. He is the Creator of the universe, and Savior of all who believe.

He is the King of all Kings.

Yeah we are all God's children...
All people who accept the Savior are the children of God. Other people are NOT God's children.

See if you adopted 3 children...
but you have a biological child already...

You would say all of them are your children,
but your biological child is your only child.
Jesus is the only "begotten" Son of God; the only "biological" Son, as you say. The other children of God became His spiritual children thru "new birth" in the spirit, thru the blood of Jesus.

Get it? Now can we stop discussing this.
I am afraid we do need to continue discussing this because it is obvious that not everyone is "getting" it.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Jesus isn't a God, he is son of God.

He is the King of all Kings.

Yeah we are all God's children...

See if you adopted 3 children...
but you have a biological child already...

You would say all of them are your children,
but your biological child is your only child.

Get it? Now can we stop discussing this.


I never beleive that Jesus is a God.

Jesus is a son of God, period.

Who made Mary pregnant? Of course GOD! It's him who made her pregnant and give birth to Jesus.

To whom, Jesus pray to? Of course it's his father, God.

God can save Jesus life by his power if he like to but Jesus told his father to not do that because he want to die for us (ransom our sin).

That's time Jesus was 12 years old, his mother Mary worried and look out for him until she found him. He told his mother to not worry because his father is here to protect him.

What would you say?

Of course God and Jesus are NOT same person.
Before Jesus cried out in his final moments of agony, didn't he said " “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing" If he was God, why did he said "father"? That's what makes people so confused about. I have always believe that Jesus was the son of God, until then someone tells me he isn't, that he is both. :confused:

John 19:7, "The Jews answered him, "We have a law, and by that law He ought to die because He made Himself out to be the Son of God."

John 20:30, "but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name."

Just because Jesus is equal with God, because he the only one is pure which he followed God which nobody had done that. ;)
Cheri said:
Before Jesus cried out in his final moments of agony, didn't he said " “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing" If he was God, why did he said "father"? That's what makes people so confused about. I have always believe that Jesus was the son of God, until then someone tells me he isn't, that he is both. :confused:

Exactly! Jesus is a son of God...

I lost my faith to bible now... I realize now that it's authors who wrote different bibles....

All what I beleive is God & Jesus and bible story, that's all...
Ask you few questions?

Who send soliders to Iraq war? God?, No it's people - not God! :roll:

Who are the responsible to take care of their children? God?, No it's people - not God!

Who says that you are hell or heaven? God?, No it's people who say this - not God!

Who create the computer era, etc. etc. ? God?, No it's people who create, not God.

Who create the drugs? God?, No it's people who create the drugs from plants where the God create.

It's PEOPLE who DID it, not God. God only want to see us people be happy & sataisfy and accept what we are.
Jesus is STILL equal to God. Jesus is STILL God.

John 1:1-3
"In the beginning was the Word ( Jesus ), and the Word ( Jesus ) was with God, and the Word (Jesus ) was God.The same (Jesus ) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him ( Jesus ); and without him ( Jesus )was not any thing made that was made."

John. 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. ( This is for unbelievers who do not believe that Jesus is God do not comprehend it. )

1 John 1:1-2
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life ( Jesus ) ;(For the life ( Jesus )was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; ( Like I mentioned about MY experience Him, I've seen His Lights and I understood Him ).

John. 1:5
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. ( Same as John 1:5 )

Ephesians 5:13
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

For some of you who may not understand the scriptures, it means that some of you need to read the bible from Genesis to Revelation faithfully and pray daily - ask God to help you to SEE His Lights humbly. Open your heart with all of your mind, soul and yourself to Him daily and He will open your eyes one day, if you show Him how faithful you are to Him. And, also ask God to forgive you for sins everyday - no headgames with God. Just talk to Him like you would talk to me and everyone here. When you did all these things as I suggest to experience Him yourself, then you will recognize who Jesus is later ...when it comes to you, then you will read your own posts and say somethin' different than what your posts say. It shows you're a new person with new heart, mind, and soul ( born again ).

It's not very hard to understand. I am not tryin' to shove anythin' down in your throat, but just simply suggest to TRY HIM by experience HIM yourself. That's all. It's always your choice and free will.
:confused: Am I the only one know who thinks Cyber red is mis-reading my post and others?

I think I giving up onto trying to explain myself. :o
Cheri, just hang in there and Reba, the Gifted will tell you about the Trinity wherein Jesus is God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, all in One.
Understand everyones are debating.

Can everyone move on and accept their belifts reglions..
*pity everyones are contuines debating*

I do believe jesus in my heart.....
Cheri said:
:confused: Am I the only one know who thinks Cyber red is mis-reading my post and others?

I think I giving up onto trying to explain myself. :o

It's ok. I will try my best to explain. I do fully understand your post.
I know it's not easy to understand Jesus/God thing for some people.

Let's read the scripture first when Jesus was born:

Matthew 1:23 sayin' "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." ( Emmanuel = God with us. It means that Jesus was born IN the FLESH - meanin' "the word" became flesh.)

Got that part .. ok, now let's look at the scripture:
John 1:1-3
"In the beginning was the Word ( Jesus ), and the Word ( Jesus ) was with God, and the Word (Jesus ) was God.The same (Jesus ) was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him ( Jesus ); and without him ( Jesus )was not any thing made that was made."

It's perfectly clear that Jesus is actually God. When He left Heaven to be born on earth to become flesh, He is called "the Son of God" - because, of the flesh He was born. But, in spirit He is God.

I will let Reba to explain this to you.
Again you're not understanding me, My question is why? why? why? why?

Cheri said:
Before Jesus cried out in his final moments of agony, didn't he said " “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing" If he was God, why did he said "father"?

If he was God himself why did he called out to his father? Who was he speaking to? himself? That is what I'm trying to understand. :P

I know exactly what it said in the bible, I'm not talking about that, Reba already stated that here.;)
Liebling:-))) said:

I never beleive that Jesus is a God.

Jesus is a son of God, period.

Who made Mary pregnant? Of course GOD! It's him who made her pregnant and give birth to Jesus.

To whom, Jesus pray to? Of course it's his father, God.

God can save Jesus life by his power if he like to but Jesus told his father to not do that because he want to die for us (ransom our sin).

That's time Jesus was 12 years old, his mother Mary worried and look out for him until she found him. He told his mother to not worry because his father is here to protect him.

What would you say?

Of course God and Jesus are NOT same person.

Jesus Christ is Son of God, not son of God. Jesus Christ is God and He died but He came back alive after three days in the dark. He was risen and went on with His followers for 40 more days. Then He had to go back to Heaven and send Holy Spirit to live in us if we accept Him only.

God Himself send Himself to be born and be a man (Jesus Christ) for awhile He taught us about Himself. Then He has to die on the cross to save us. Otherwise Jesus Christ would never die and still live among us. It would make him two thousand years old. This is how I see if he was God, He would never died. He has to die and go back to where He was in first place, His home. And bring His children home with Him. Only ones who left behind the ones who does not accept Him or rebel against Him.
Yes, of course I do understand you. *chuckles* I guess, God is laughin' now. :lol:

But, anyways - the reason He called "father" was because, He was called the "Son of God". Just like you are the daughter of your dad, right ? And, you call him "Father/Dad" right ? You were born to be called your parents' daughter in the flesh. Same idea with Jesus.

Jesus was also teachin' us how to pray properly when He prayed.
CyberRed said:
*chuckles* I guess, God is laughin' now. :lol:

Making fun of me? That's why it's pointless even discussing this. Have a good day now. :mrgreen:
Cheri said:
Again you're not understanding me, My question is why? why? why? why?

If he was God himself why did he called out to his father? Who was he speaking to? himself? That is what I'm trying to understand. :P

I know exactly what it said in the bible, I'm not talking about that, Reba already stated that here.;)

Okay, I'll try my best here....

First it looks like a temptation made as a human being, to be free from dying on the cross, then humbly giving in to what God is, the purpose for giving up his life, and also forgiving all those who didn't know what really was happening and going on.....the bigger picture of what was taking place. With God being a Spiritual Being and Christ (at the time) in human form, it is hard to understand this with our minds how this communication could take place, simply it did....another way to see it, it's like the right hand and left hand, each is part of one body, but have different purposes but all together the same.....
Cheri said:
Making fun of me? That's why it's pointless even discussing this. Have a good day now. :mrgreen:

Makin' fun of you ? Nooo. *laughin'* He is laughin' at US. He is just smilin' at us... thinkin' we ALL are cute talkin' about all this. :hug: But, really - it's good learnin' for everyone.

You have a good day, too. Take care. :)
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