If you have a time machine...


Active Member
May 5, 2008
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Just curious and will think of when should i go back in time machine...

sorry if this is thread already made in mins, months, days, or seconds, or years back.. so, forgive me-
If I had a time machine and could go back in time, I would never had gotten married to a real jerk.
Time machine would be neato!

I would like to go WAAAAAAAAAY back before Jesus was born in Egypt because I am soo fanaticisms with their histories.

And go back to my childhood and change my life to be HAPPY not unhappy.
I would go to England or Ireland in maybe 1100's. I can see myself in a peaceful forest with my pet falcon on my shoulder.
If I had a time machine and could go back in time, I would never had gotten married to a real jerk.

Or you could go ahead in time and have some real fun with that issue. Lol...let us know what happens when you come back.
if i have a time machine, i could go anywhere anytime! i can be use researching, or enjoy my old time, or anything! could be anything!
If I had my chances of getting into a time machine -

1) I'd go back to a part of my life to make it better (but yeah that's a wishful thought)

2) I'd go to the Second International Congress on Education of the Deaf (Known as Milan 1880) to reverse their ban on sign language. This single event nearly destroyed sign language.
If I had a time machine and could go back in time, I would never had gotten married to a real jerk.
Simple solution... divorce. ;)

If you didn't get married, you would have never known your mistakes to learn from them. :)
I would simply do it for research purposes without altering anything.

There are a lot of things that I want to see up close... the JFK Assassination... World War I and II... the Third Reich... the evil experiments by Hitler and Japan... major incidents (WTC, Oklahoma City, etc)... and so forth.

No, I'm not trying to be cruel and mean. They happened a long time ago changing them could have a major impact on my and everyone else's future. That's why they're best left alone.

It is still interesting to see how it happened, why it happened, the people who were involved, etc. For instance, I've read a bit on Hitler's obsession with immortality. I want to see how this obsession started and what he did to do it. Did his experiments have any merit or where they completely irrelevant? What about the JFK Assassination? Who really did it? Why did it really happen? Was it really one guy who was obsessed with Russian propaganda or was it a cover-up by the CIA?
Well... I prefer to more likely to be observer but not to interfere the process of time.

I don't want to experience Terminator situation where my kid might become the dude that invented technology that changed the world then someone in future coming back to kill my son. That is SCARY.

If we had time machine, then our world will dramatically change faster and corrupt faster. Imagine giving Egyptian the technology how to make stronger iron and steam boat. They will create pyramid all over the world in short time. Iron for battle, steam boat for transportation.

Simple technology slipped into the past will dramatically change everything. Maybe my dad would get into spaceship accident instead of be alive today and had fun with my mother then I came along.

So that why I prefer to be OBSERVER of anything but interfere.
I would go back in time and change my fate and undo my mistakes and fix the past.
For me, i will go back to undo my mistakes that i had made.

History: Abraham Lincoln, Civil War, Boston Tea Party, World War 1 and 2, Pearl Harbor, and Columbus.

Sports: Green Bay Packers, Niners, Boston Celtics (Larry Bird v Johnson), Michael Jordan's time, Joe Montana's Niners, Jackie Robinson, and Hoy.
Well, I would go back in time to ensure that A.G. Bell would never be sired ;)

Otherwise, I'd go back in time and observe Julius Caesar and few other notables leaders & empires.

Other would be to set up bi-bi schools for the deaf way before the 1880 conference so the deaf would be taught to stand up for themselves.

I third Jolie's suggestion!
I would go back in time to be with my father when he passed away.
Go future to pick all best lotto list and wall street newspaper then go back to our day.
I want to be first deaf billionarie!!!
Well, there's so much I would do. I've thought about the whole going back to hearing thing by giving me good kidney's and bladder but when I really look at the why am I hoh, I remind myself that the 'disability' made me a better person. God intended this. I pay more attention. I don't skate by. I have a wild imagination because sometimes I don't hear what was really said, so when I try to make it out, I come up w/ neat-o idea's and sometimes shocking ones, too.

I would kill Hitler and I would take much Joy in that. I don't care if the future would dramatically change or not, I feel so bad for the children who died and those who lost their families and just the whole thing. Hitler killed people who would have made the world a way better place, I know this!

I would kill Custer and Red eye Jackson. I hate what happened to the Indian's. I would prevent the MLK assasination. Ah, there is so much I would do. :drool: