How much sleep do you get?


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Nov 10, 2004
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How much sleep do you get?

Well now, I was again, talking to a friend of mine and he was talking about not being a morning person. So now I wonder, do you sleep well at night? Do you sleep like shit or do you just not sleep at all?

Sleeping is not easy for me because I work night until morning from 10pm to 8:30am. I usually sleep 2 to 3 hours every day. When I'm off from work, I usually sleep 8 hours.
Since I am on vacation til Aug 24. So my sleeping pattern have changed. I sleep for 2 to 3 hrs and watch tv til I fell asleep for another 2 to 3 hrs for about 3 times during the nite. When the school start then my sleeping pattern will be 6 to 7 hrs per nite. Unless something bothering me during the nite then I will have restless nite.
I suffer from insomnia, so my sleeping patterns vary. I average about 4-5 hrs of sleep per night. The exception being when I'm sick. If that's the case, I'll sleep 10-12 hrs. Otherwise, "Get cable, Mom, because I'm UP!"

I sleep fine until the heat wave. THe heatwave is what ruins my sleep habit because I would toss and turn while moaning about the heat. The first night of the heat wave I woke up in middle of the night and sleepwalked to turn on a fan (I CRAWLED over my husband) then woke up again at 3am to notice that the fan was off. I was crossed and turned it back on but then my husband tapped me and asked me for a shirt so he could sleep warmly. "WARMLY?! IT IS HOT!" Not for him, he said.

And ever since, I slept with the fan on while my husband hid behind me to shelter himself from the "COLDNESS".

With the heat wave, I average 5 hours or less in a single night. When it cools down, I sleep more than 7 hours but not exceeds 9 hours. My sleep habit is pretty healthy compared to my highschool days (only 4 hours daily-- why? The cable).
I think I sleep too much, I have problems with B-12.. tiredness, fatigue alllll the time.. maybe 10 to 12 hours but not everyday though.. most of the time.. sigh!
I get about 7 hours then I nap 2 hours so it evens out yup I need about 9 hours
Most of the time, I get about 6 to 8 hours of sleep, which is normal amount of sleep for me. I wish I got a better bed because my futon mattress isn't very comfortable, so I get achy in the mornings sometimes.
7 to 9 hrs sleep.. if i get short sleep like 5 hrs i sleep longer on the next day like 10 hrs. it varies but mostly 7 between 9 hrs sleep
At least 8 hours of sleep and I'm happy! I don't have any problem with sleep. I hate it when my bladder gets so full and had to get up in the middle of the night and go peeeeee... then I wake up at normal time for work, I still feel like :zzz:
I require 8 hours. Anything less, and I can't function properly the next day. I love, when I can, sleeping for 10 to 12 hours. On my off days, I'll wake up, then just say forget it, and go straight back to bed. Especially when I have nothing to do.
Oceanbreeze said:
I suffer from insomnia, so my sleeping patterns vary. I average about 4-5 hrs of sleep per night. The exception being when I'm sick. If that's the case, I'll sleep 10-12 hrs. Otherwise, "Get cable, Mom, because I'm UP!"


same problem here!

on some nites when i ACTUALLY *sleep* i manage to get a nearly decent 6-7 hrs of zz's which doesnt seem to be often enuf me thinks
i normally sleep 5 hours a day.. if i'm not having my son.. i'm sleeping 10 to 12 hours :D oh it feels good
I have been sleeping about 8 hours but I was disrupted a lot from my husband that he has restless legs all night long daily so I had to take a nap for 1 1/2 to 2 hours to make me feel more energy after nap. I am real sensitive to wake real easy by feeling my bed move a lot (thanks to my hubby) I usually get bit of grouchy every morning. :(
I have been sleeping about 8 hours but I was disrupted a lot from my husband that he has restless legs all night long daily so I had to take a nap for 1 1/2 to 2 hours to make me feel more energy after nap. I am real sensitive to wake real easy by feeling my bed move a lot (thanks to my hubby) I usually get bit of grouchy every morning. :zzz:
Fly Free said:
same problem here!

on some nites when i ACTUALLY *sleep* i manage to get a nearly decent 6-7 hrs of zz's which doesnt seem to be often enuf me thinks

I know, Fly. Insomnia BITES! Every so often I collapse from sheer exhaustion and I'll sleep an average night's worth, or about 7 hrs. But, that only happens about once a week.