How do you view a long term committed relationship?


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Just wondering how you feel if you have friends that are
what would they be called?


Ex. My SIL her fiance, for the longest time corrected everyone saying that she was only his gf. Not his wife, or anything else. Meanwhile they had been together for 4 years and also have had 2 kids.
When I was in a long relationships with my previous ex boyfriends, I call them my boyfriends, not husbands because we didn't get married. It confused people when you say that's your husband, supposedly they break up, how can you explain to people when you said it's your husband or wife? It's better to say it's your girlfriend or boyfriend, than having to explain full details if it doesn't work out anymore.

Now, If the girlfriend has a ring, that would be his fiance. If no ring, that's his girlfriend, If married, that's his wife. Make it simple and more understanding. ;)
Heart2Sign said:
...what would they be called?
I read this question to Hubby. His answer:

"Fornicators with bastard children."
Yeah I agree with the others, I see it as boyfriend/girlfriend.... :aw:
Heart2Sign said:
Just wondering how you feel if you have friends that are
what would they be called?

I think it would be called "Common Law Wife/Husband"...
so called "Common-law" because you have children w/your man for many years...
Not even married..

I was been in 10 yrs seriouis relationship as we are common law because have 3 children from 1992 until we marreid 2001
Heart2Sign said:
Just wondering how you feel if you have friends that are
not married but are in a LONG TERM COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP what would they be called?
Shack ups? Living in sin?

No, I guess those are "old-fashioned".
Nuty said:
I think it would be called "Common Law Wife/Husband"...
Not every state recognizes common law relationships, so it would depend on which state they live in.
Nuty said:
I think it would be called "Common Law Wife/Husband"...

I thought that phrase was for living in together, Since she didn't mention live-in or not.
Reba said:
Not every state recognizes common law relationships, so it would depend on which state they live in.

yea.. SAD!

In Canada does recoglized "Common-law" as condiser living together.
Not even married...

In US.. :dunno: why not recoglized it.
Reba said:
I read this question to Hubby. His answer:

"Fornicators with bastard children."

You remind me of my Grandma. She often said this but she died at 15 years ago.
Reba said:
Not every state recognizes common law relationships, so it would depend on which state they live in.

It´s sad... Nobody can make them married if they don´t want.

Here in Germany, common-law husband & wife has equal rights as married couple EXCEPT tax and will...


If you are married then you will get low tax pay, that´s all.

German law advise common-law partners to prepare with their will before they died... who will get the house, money, etc... Without Will preparation, it wlil goes to relatives and children automaic to leave common-law partner empty because they are not married.

Here in Germany, alot of people call common-law husband & wife as their "husband" and "wife". No matter what because they live together for a long time.
The*Empress said:

I called it selfish... and irresponsible.

Why? I do not consider common-law partners as selfish... Its up to them if they don´t want to marry...
The*Empress said:

I called it selfish... and irresponsible.

May I ask why you think it's selfish and irresponsible?....
i called them boyfriends/girlfriends if they are not married

i never been in long term relationships only short ones oh well
Liebling:-))) said:
Why? I do not consider common-law partners as selfish... Its up to them if they don´t want to marry...

^Angel^ said:
May I ask why you think it's selfish and irresponsible?....

Because he thinks just because she has his babies and he feels she is trapping him and therefore he refuses to marry her...
And won't spend a dime on wedding and all....

If he loves her so much, then why not marry her... ???

The black guy at Gallaudet, he refuses to marry his girlfriend who has his child... and he was checking out other women, stare at other women's butts and flirting with other women.... thinking about dating other women.
He feels he has freedom and not have to worry about being unfaithful and in committed relationship.... and he enjoy being a bachelor.

So I feel it is a selfish selfish act.....

Why live with the woman who has your baby but flirt with other women?