How do you view a long term committed relationship?

Because some people do not want to settle down and get married, maybe they have cold feet :dunno:....
^Angel^ said:
Because some people do not want to settle down and get married, maybe they have cold feet :dunno:....
But why have children if they are not ready to "settle down"? Children are a big responsibility, and they need a settled life.

I think they are keeping their "cold" feet too "warm" in bed together.
Reba said:
But why have children if they are not ready to "settle down"? Children are a big responsibility, and they need a settled life.

I think they are keeping their "cold" feet too "warm" in bed together.

Well not everyone believes in " marriage " beside, it not about me, so it's not my place to judge....
Not everyone can get legally married.

And surprise, there are some people out there who don't support the institution of marriage.
GalaxyAngel said:
In US.. :dunno: why not recoglized it.
Almost all U.S. states have some sort of legal recognition for long-term relationships, especially where children are involved. Some recognize "common-law marriage" specifically. Others simply recognize the economic support aspects of it.
ButterflyGirl said:
How rude :roll:
It was really uncalled for, Reba.
How is it rude? If people aren't ashamed of their behavior, then it shouldn't bother them.

It was an answer to the question.
Reba said:
How is it rude? If people aren't ashamed of their behavior, then it shouldn't bother them.

It was an answer to the question.

True. Married couples fornicate just as readily as unmarried ones.
"Partners" or "Life partners". I'm of the opinion that marriage shouldn't be a state institution to begin with - it's between you and your partner, and possibly g/God if that's your thing - but I'd be willing to compromise for the right person :-P
Beowulf said:
True. Married couples fornicate just as readily as unmarried ones.
Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.
Word History: The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix, from which fornicti, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant “a vault, an arch.” The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornicr, “to commit fornication,” from which is derived fornicti, “whoredom, fornication.” Our word is first recorded in Middle English about 1303.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

for·ni·ca·tion (fôrn-kshn)

Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.

forni·cate v.

Source: The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Main Entry: for·ni·ca·tion
Pronunciation: "for-n&-'kA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin fornicatio, from fornicare to have intercourse with prostitutes, from Latin fornic- fornix arch, vault, brothel
: consensual sexual intercourse between a man and esp. single woman who are not married to each other; also : the crime of engaging in fornication —compare ADULTERY
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Main Entry: for·ni·ca·tion
Pronunciation: "for-n&-'kA-sh&n
Function: noun
: consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other
Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


n 1: voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
Dang, I just got :Owned: by Reba, lol.
I learn something new every day, heh.
*rubbing my hands in anticipation of sweet revenge*
Beowulf said:
Dang, I just got :Owned: by Reba, lol.
I learn something new every day, heh.
*rubbing my hands in anticipation of sweet revenge*
So it is an obligation to marry a person just for the people to accept their love? Nobody cannot just let them living on with their love and life?
Keep on baaing, followers.

I wouldn't marry my husband just to make people happy.
The day I marry is the day the Jesus-freaks, bible-thumpers, the ignorant and narrow-minded people accept everybody as they are-- INCLUDED THE GLBT, ATHEISTS, BUDDHISTS, and so on.
The deal is off.

At least I got my future little bastards to love and whatnot while you are wasting your time freaking out about me being with my true love in a sinful lifestyle. It would be FUN for me to be the center of all attention!
Reba said:
But why have children if they are not ready to "settle down"? Children are a big responsibility, and they need a settled life..

Of course children are a huge responsible but doesn't mean they have to get married for the sake of the children, I'm a single mother, have been for 10 years. ;)
gnarlydorkette said:
So it is an obligation to marry a person just for the people to accept their love? Nobody cannot just let them living on with their love and life?
Keep on baaing, followers.

I wouldn't marry my husband just to make people happy.
The day I marry is the day the Jesus-freaks, bible-thumpers, the ignorant and narrow-minded people accept everybody as they are-- INCLUDED THE GLBT, ATHEISTS, BUDDHISTS, and so on.
The deal is off.

At least I got my future little bastards to love and whatnot while you are wasting your time freaking out about me being with my true love in a sinful lifestyle. It would be FUN for me to be the center of all attention!

I agree with you. It is ironic that some neo-christians here whine about mockery while they spew that from their own mouths. Their "religion" (read that as being "intolerance") goes hand-in-hand with totalitarianism and it is high time we let them know it.
gnarlydorkette said:
So it is an obligation to marry a person just for the people to accept their love? Nobody cannot just let them living on with their love and life?
Keep on baaing, followers.

I wouldn't marry my husband just to make people happy.
The day I marry is the day the Jesus-freaks, bible-thumpers, the ignorant and narrow-minded people accept everybody as they are-- INCLUDED THE GLBT, ATHEISTS, BUDDHISTS, and so on.
The deal is off.

At least I got my future little bastards to love and whatnot while you are wasting your time freaking out about me being with my true love in a sinful lifestyle. It would be FUN for me to be the center of all attention!
I haven't seen anyone "freaking out" in this thread so far, although you seem to be a little defensive.
gnarlydorkette said:
So it is an obligation to marry a person just for the people to accept their love? Nobody cannot just let them living on with their love and life?
Keep on baaing, followers.

I wouldn't marry my husband just to make people happy.
The day I marry is the day the Jesus-freaks, bible-thumpers, the ignorant and narrow-minded people accept everybody as they are-- INCLUDED THE GLBT, ATHEISTS, BUDDHISTS, and so on.
The deal is off.

At least I got my future little bastards to love and whatnot while you are wasting your time freaking out about me being with my true love in a sinful lifestyle. It would be FUN for me to be the center of all attention!


My Grandma is very closed mind... She alway label my sister´s children as bastard children because my sister is not married. She said a lot of horrible things about my sister and bastard children... *sigh*

I will respect if my children don´t want to get married but want to have a children with common-law wives because it´s their choice. I will also accept if my children are gay.
Reba said:
I haven't seen anyone "freaking out" in this thread so far, although you seem to be a little defensive.

Who said I am talking to the people who have posted to this forum? :) Everybody was talking about the general so I thought I should add my two cents.
Don't misunderstand me, my dear Reba.

LinuxGold said:
Marriage is a commitment.
Nobody's arguring that. :)
gnarlydorkette said:
Who said I am talking to the people who have posted to this forum? :) Everybody was talking about the general so I thought I should add my two cents.
Don't misunderstand me, my dear Reba.

Nobody's arguring that. :)

Yeah, if nobody arguing that marriage is a commitment, then it is pretty much self-explanatory. Boyfriend/girlfriend or what's what isn't a commitment. If they were, then there would be a law for creating or breaking those type of relationship for legal reasons. And what's more, in that boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship, they can still go to others because they're not legally binded (a commitment).