How Do You Feel Today?

Sorry to hear that, posters. Maybe it did affect us from the lousy weather we were having! I am sick of raining, raining, raining! Today, we are having partly sun.

This am, I feel lousy but I don't know what it is. I will be leaving for Long Island tomorrow, to visit my whole family. I bought small gifts for my three nieces and nephew. I am spoiled. I am worried about my two nieces. My nephew will be 17 years old tomorrow. Time flies!
Last two saturdays ago, I talked to my brother via Skype, to say hi. He told me that his oldest daughter was in a bad accident. Her new car was totally destroyed. (Her jeep was totally destroyed last Feb and now, again.) A large truck was going fast, and she tried to turn in front of him, but the truck hit her car and went over it, ripping the front of the car off. My brother said that if she was a few feet further out in the road, the truck would have hit her directly instead of hitting the front hood of the car, and she probably would have been killed. She was OK, though. She had a concussion and passed out when she was hit, and her neck and head are sore, but she is OK otherwise.
It was a very scary story. I am glad she is OK.
Last monday, my brother texted messaging to tell me that his youngest daughter fainted in school and hit her head but she was OK. First my oldest niece and now, my youngest niece. Poor their parents!! I don't know why she fainted. I will find out.
I am feeling much better today. Seems it was just a cold. Nose is still somewhat stuffy, but the onset of the cold itself is gone!
I am feeling much better today. Seems it was just a cold. Nose is still somewhat stuffy, but the onset of the cold itself is gone!

That's good Babyblue!

Still have a nasty cough..if it doesnt go away by next week, then I will see the dr.

I am just more tired cuz I was up until 3 AM last night.
I m feeling tired this morning when I returned home at 1 30 am from LV.
That's good Babyblue!

Still have a nasty cough..if it doesnt go away by next week, then I will see the dr.

I am just more tired cuz I was up until 3 AM last night.


Yeah if that cough does not go away soon. It is best to have it checked.

Hope you get better soon.
I feel so darn tired, I would love to go back to bed right at this moment, but unfortunately I gonna work today. *sobs*
Oh, Cheri. =/ *patting your back* don't worry time will go so fast in no time! :P

My feel... I feel doing good and okay. I'm forward to walk outside soon to get a coffee. Oh, my coffee, yes, my love. La la la :P
I'm feeling sad.... I think a friend of mine is upset with me.
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Right now I'm feeling good, hanging out at my sis's place and staying the night. Been missing my gf since I last saw her.
I am feeling much better today. Seems it was just a cold. Nose is still somewhat stuffy, but the onset of the cold itself is gone!

I felt better a few days ago... Now the head cold has moved to my chest. I am starting to feel bad again. :( I got a nasty cough.

I thought I got away with this cold easily!
I felt better a few days ago... Now the head cold has moved to my chest. I am starting to feel bad again. :( I got a nasty cough.

I thought I got away with this cold easily!

Aww I am sorry. Yea, my cough is still persistent and I still have my sore throat. If it doesnt go away by Friday, I will see the dr and see what's up.

That was how I was...I would feel good one day and then bad the next day. However, in the past 3 days, i have been feeling like to my old self so I think I am done with this flu except for the cough and sore throat.

Hope u feel better soon!
Aww I am sorry. Yea, my cough is still persistent and I still have my sore throat. If it doesnt go away by Friday, I will see the dr and see what's up.

That was how I was...I would feel good one day and then bad the next day. However, in the past 3 days, i have been feeling like to my old self so I think I am done with this flu except for the cough and sore throat.

Hope u feel better soon!

Thanks! I hope so too.. I have a big weekend planned.
Feel so disappointed.

Why? Tomorrow, it will be hell HOT outside. :(

Oh well...
I'm feeling kind of crappy because the inside of my implant has been hurting me all morning and kind of made me feel sick.

I'm also feeling kind of tired, and my hands are sore because i had mini-band camp for 3 days last week on monday-wednesday from 9am-9pm.

I'm also feeling not happy about having to get up at 5:00 or 5:15ish in the morning to drive all the way to columbus for a CI appointment..It takes us about 2 and a half hours driving to columbus and 2 and a half hours back home. Depends on traffic.

I didn't get any sleep this night so I'm veeeeery :zzz:

and it's already hot like hell!!!! :mad2:

I'm glad when the day is over and I can chill out in the park

My body is sore cause I worked out with a couple of my friends the night before. They wanna work out again later tonite so I'll see about going again. As of right now, I'm pretty tired. Been playing board games all night and driving people around cause they don't have a car. I'm excited about the 4th though, gonna do lots of crazy stuff hehe.
My body is sore cause I worked out with a couple of my friends the night before. They wanna work out again later tonite so I'll see about going again. As of right now, I'm pretty tired. Been playing board games all night and driving people around cause they don't have a car. I'm excited about the 4th though, gonna do lots of crazy stuff hehe.

You might want to consider some decent stretching after exercising ;)

I have lost my voice. I sound like a mouse crossed with a frog. I had to text my boss to tell her I was not coming in due to I am sick and lost my voice. My boss called me back and I answered. :lol: She said I sounded horrible, and told me to get some rest.
I'm a bit excited to go to Portland this afternoon to visit my Grandma for couple hours and do some shopping for the trip tomorrow, From Thursday to Monday. We're going to Tillamook city in Oregon instead of going to Leavenworth for Fourth of July.... so I'm looking forward to going to the beach... quite excited about that.

However... I'm not excited about going camping for four days..... I dread about that part. I'm excited of spending time at the beach and the town.... but not the camping part.