How are you feeling today?....

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I'm feeling quite chipper now :)
I'd had the usual 6am start 10-hour busy day at work mauling bits of metal around, so I was fairly tired and worn-out.
My wife suggested a walk this evening so off we went. We walked for about a kilometer - not far - down our road, to where the new housing estate ends and the rural properies and farms started. There is a field just there with a small copse of trees, and we found out that if you sit there at dusk on a nice summer evening, and are quiet and patient, you may see a wild kangaroo or two.
Really made my day :)
I'm feeling quite chipper now :)
I'd had the usual 6am start 10-hour busy day at work mauling bits of metal around, so I was fairly tired and worn-out.
My wife suggested a walk this evening so off we went. We walked for about a kilometer - not far - down our road, to where the new housing estate ends and the rural properies and farms started. There is a field just there with a small copse of trees, and we found out that if you sit there at dusk on a nice summer evening, and are quiet and patient, you may see a wild kangaroo or two.
Really made my day :)

you lucky thing,if i go for sit on the prom in the evening i am lucky if i dont see big fat rats running in out bushes but i do see lovely birds and watch sea going in and out.
i clearing snow up this morning,looks good when white not so nice melting and dirty
frustrating day so far. 18 wheeler decided to pull a left turn into the opposing lane in front of me, barely stopped before getting run over by the rear wheels.

And support isn't much help with our down server at work so will have to escalate the ticket.
Wirelessly posted

Feeling tired and lazy on my day off. I am so comfortable planted to the couch with my blankie. I will eventually get off my rump and get busy.
Finally, the problem server is all fixed and made a schedule for our big project. We will have our VoIP servers virtualized by June including installing a blade center in Amsterdam and migrating several servers from Solaris to Linux. Hope I still get to go to Amsterdam; the trip to Australia keeps getting cancelled.
Wirelessly posted

I was in pain... Now, I am feeling a little better. It's in reference to my Brazilan wax thread lol
Was feeling good but physical therapy on my leg is causing a lot of pain at night. OMG my tinnitus is so, so crazy. Last night it felt like my head was going to burst and the noises are ridiculous. Tonight is going to be another long night.:-(
My own tennitus was so bad last no sleep...and an early appt. this AM (son goes to the doctor)....Plus having to be on the other side of town today....wishing I could just crawl right back into my warm bed....IF I could go back to sleep...2 cups of Java is gonna make me jittery today...hope nobody steps on my last nerve!....:giggle:
54 degrees this the house. Really need to talk the landlord into upgrading to a heat pump; the oil furnace and AC are both broken, but cheaper for them to just have someone to do maintenance that doesn't fix the furnace, but gets it to run while the guy is there. Or add freon the the AC every summer. Nice, rough throat this morning. :(
54 degrees this the house. Really need to talk the landlord into upgrading to a heat pump; the oil furnace and AC are both broken, but cheaper for them to just have someone to do maintenance that doesn't fix the furnace, but gets it to run while the guy is there. Or add freon the the AC every summer. Nice, rough throat this morning. :(

Brrr, I'm with 'ya there. But the reason my room was 57 is because we made the unheated addition (with small bathroom) our bedroom. I do get some heat from the main house through a door and a window (the kitchen window now looks into the addition) and from a space heater, but it's so cold here (teens at night) that the room is not warming up as easily as before this cold snap.
my daughterr got ear infection and got bad tinnitus today..she feel awful and crying with horrible sensation so we cuddling up
Brrr, I'm with 'ya there. But the reason my room was 57 is because we made the unheated addition (with small bathroom) our bedroom. I do get some heat from the main house through a door and a window (the kitchen window now looks into the addition) and from a space heater, but it's so cold here (teens at night) that the room is not warming up as easily as before this cold snap.

I've been renting a house that was moved from the beach, so it's pretty thin all around. And it's old. Fortunately, it really doesn't stay cold here too long and mostly I'm the only one in it, so I can close off the other rooms. I should probably redo the ducts; I swear it is more comfortable under the house than in it.
I've been renting a house that was moved from the beach, so it's pretty thin all around. And it's old. Fortunately, it really doesn't stay cold here too long and mostly I'm the only one in it, so I can close off the other rooms. I should probably redo the ducts; I swear it is more comfortable under the house than in it.

I rent my place too. But it's not the landlord's fault that I'm cold (though I suspect replacing the old furnace with a more energy efficient one would help). I have the thermostat set low to save money and, like I said, I (we, at the time we moved in, before my husband passed away) chose to make this room our bedroom (he needed to run a tube from bedside to the toilet and we needed to keep the kitties from messing with the tube). I could move to another bedroom in the main house, but I figure it's too much trouble for the few months that I'd "need" to be in that room. Plus I'd be sharing the bathroom with my teenaged daughter :0

I use oil also and will need to order some more soon :(.
I went to a doggie wine social night last night and got drunk. I've the hangover now.
Asl video

Hi everyone! Well its freezing here in ohio (feels like -2) so i am staying warm inside! I am an ASL 2 student and I am trying to figure out what this woman is signing in this youtube video. Since I'm pretty new at learning sign language its quite difficult since she signs at a fast (probably normal speed lol). If anyone is willing to help me out on what she's talking about it would be greatly appreciated! (Is she talking about a phone number?)

Here is the link to the video!
[ame=]Interview? - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks guys!

I rent my place too. But it's not the landlord's fault that I'm cold (though I suspect replacing the old furnace with a more energy efficient one would help). I have the thermostat set low to save money and, like I said, I (we, at the time we moved in, before my husband passed away) chose to make this room our bedroom (he needed to run a tube from bedside to the toilet and we needed to keep the kitties from messing with the tube). I could move to another bedroom in the main house, but I figure it's too much trouble for the few months that I'd "need" to be in that room. Plus I'd be sharing the bathroom with my teenaged daughter :0

I use oil also and will need to order some more soon :(.

Yeah, I thought I'd make it, but ordered 100 gallons yesterday. I keep it on 64; that seems to make it run just enough to not lose pressure. I also have an electric, oil filled radiator heater in the bedroom. Works really well and cheap to run (on low at least).

My knee is all black and blue and swollen after crashing into a fence. I gave in my temptation to go down the hill on my son's sled not realizing that the snow changed to ice as it was dark. I went down at the speed of lightning and crashed into the fence. OOOOOOOHH! And then we had to walk home from the park afterwards. Now, my knee is in so much pain. :(
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