How are you feeling today?....

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Wirelessly posted

KristinaB said:
I am really loving my new dog.

What kind of dog?
Wirelessly posted

What kind of dog?

Try this again, lost my internet connection.

He is a Mastiff/Labrador Retriever mix. This picture is when he was still in the shelter. I just got him this past Friday.
Got some serious cramps going on and I have to go to work soon. Luckily it is only a 6 hour shift not the 14 hour shift I worked yesterday.
Have a bit of a headache, but I know it will go away soon.
Wirelessly posted

I am feeling excited :)
I want to embark on a task to teach cats how to clap the Deaf Way. I'm wondering if it's possible as cats don't really understand Deaf and Hearing Culture. Therefore, it may make my task hard. I feel excited and nervous about that.
Then to have a doctor say "it will all stop when you have your first child" Hah!! they have no idea!! That was my primary care doctor when I was younger. My OB/GYN was a man, but he actually understood.

dont you just want to slap them...

i feel cold
Little tired...took my Doggie to the Park...She's still "smiling" over it....And understands the work "Park".....she twirls round and round whenever you say..."We're going to the Park!"...she's all "peeded" out!...haha
Feeling BLAH lately. Gotten out of my hobbies. Had another early morning of work, and broke something. Got lucky that it wasn't the one in service. Spent the day trying to fix it, but will have to work on it more later. Feeling disconnected from people and hearing has slipped a little more so it's frustrating for everyone. At least I got to go home early and can relax a bit before getting back at it.
My lower back and hips are punishing me today for all the shovelling I did yesterday. They are not happy with me and are making sure I know it! Ugh.
Got some serious cramps going on and I have to go to work soon. Luckily it is only a 6 hour shift not the 14 hour shift I worked yesterday.

Shel, I used to always suffer from terrible cramps (pain to the point of debilitation some months). I was sent to an Obgyn specialist and he gave me a prescription for Naproxen Sodium. They work wonders for me when nothing else did. If you experience cramps regularly, talk to your doctor about this prescription. It has saved me from so much unnecessary suffering :).
Feeling so fine....:D...went shopping and got many bargains and pretty tops...disappointed one pair of pants didn't fit on my arse like they were supposed to tho'...gonna take 'em back and *sigh* get a bigger size...I'm a "clothes horse"...It's Shoes I have a problem with...can't find a pair that I really I wear my sandals most all the time.
Sometimes anxiety odd annoy me! i will better well!!
After a major migraine that knocked me off yesterday, I am just happy to be rid of it today. Geez!
Wirelessly posted

I am feeling good, we got dolled up in Zumba class for photos during the workout and after!
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