Wishing I didn't get this stupid foot problem after playing softball.
or did you kick someones arse?!?!Hope your foot feels better soon!!
Wishing I didn't get this stupid foot problem after playing softball.
feeling pretty good cuz I've had a long good ride to Toronto. 345 miles. 7.5 hrs. 2 gas refills (about $25 total).
feeling pretty good cuz I've had a long good ride to Toronto. 345 miles. 7.5 hrs. 2 gas refills (about $25 total).
wtf thats unbeliebiablally cheap
feeling pretty good cuz I've had a long good ride to Toronto. 345 miles. 7.5 hrs. 2 gas refills (about $25 total).
doctor didn't have time to give me my trigger point injections yesterday, so today i am in a ton of pain. Laying on the couch at my moms with a lot of ice. Everyone else is outside. It's a hot day 100 degrees but dropping to 68 degrees on monday. Huge difference:-!