Have someone stalked you???

^Angel^ said:
No, I never had a problem with anyone stalking me :ugh: ....I guess I'm too ugly for them... :mrgreen:

What's your full name? Where the excatly you live? What car do you drive? Tell me! ;)
It happened to me... a person who did that to me for 7 years .. finally he stopped because i moved away too far (california) but I moved back here. It's long story to say. He has a mental problem.

I do not know why should they have to stalk someone like that? Just because they are obsessing about someone who they love that much like try to convince to have someone to love them back (they should know better than that -- if they give them a HINT -- that means they are not interesting in them instead of thinkin about them) or have so much angry and want to have a revenge but someone wait until when it's right time.
right now twp poeple are stalking me, well they know i live on an island, but u know what????? I dont care i was one of thier ex and an ex friend as well. My life's pretty much an open book, let them obess its not going to get them anywhere in life, they have tried to do numerous of things to me, BUT it always backfires! tuff on them good on me :)
Which is about "On the internet and met real life"
One of person who kept contuines stalking and obession of me.. I had enuff being like this hell in the past,but gladly that person who stalked and obession about me and then stopped.. (hopefully all my heart) Goodies, that person have not made contact me ever since pretty awful long... *pah about the time*.. :lol: ~chuckles btw I'd rather focus on my own family and closest friends who truly cares lot. Much better happier than longest years ago..

I'd love to meeting new peepies on line as "friend good enough" as pen pal.
Likely Alldeaf.com would be greatest meeting Deaf peepies here..
Yup been there - an ex stalked me during my days at Gallaudet, he wouldn't leave me alone, was so jealous of my flings with my old ex, and all that until he met my cousin *nobody would want to mess with him* and later he finally stopped and left me alone. I shivers everytime someone talks about him

Stalker hasn't stopped
Even behind bars, man has been contacting victim

By Berny Morson, Rocky Mountain News
January 16, 2004

BOULDER - Steel bars can't keep the "Longmont stalker" from contacting the woman he has been tormenting since 1977.

Robert Vinyard ordered a birthday present for the woman from a Denver record store in October while locked up in the Boulder County Jail.

Then he smuggled out a Christmas letter, threatening to break off the relationship unless the woman responds.

"If my actions go unrewarded, or worse, punished, I'll never, ever communicate or see you again," he wrote.

Vinyard is awaiting trial on a felony stalking charge, along with several misdemeanors arising from the incidents.

Vinyard met the woman when the two were students at the University of Colorado in 1977. He's been contacting her ever since, sometimes repeatedly in a single day.

Vinyard has been in and out of the state penitentiary and the state mental hospital in Pueblo for two decades. Neither have deterred him.

His contacts with the woman resumed shortly after he was released from prison June 2. He was rearrested and placed under a restraining order but still has contacted her again several times from jail.

Assistant District Attorney Tim Johnson adds each new incident onto the pending charges.

Vinyard may not write letters to the woman because of the restraining order. But he has sent letters through others, who forward them, or has used other ploys, jail officials say.

The letter dated Dec. 26, for instance, was addressed to an insurance agent, but it bore the woman's street address and was delivered by the Postal Service.

In addition to threatening not to contact her anymore, the rambling letter said, "Hopefully you'll surprise me and we can have a happy ending."

He ordered the birthday present from Twist & Shout Records in Denver by mail and paid with a money order, Longmont police officer Greg Malsam said in a memo to Johnson.

The present was a Bob Marley record. The title contains a word similar to the woman's name.

"I changed my name in part for protection and anonymity due to stalking and media coverage," the woman said in a note to Johnson, the prosecutor. She suspects Vinyard got the new name from the Internet.

Sheriff's Capt. Larry Hank, the jail commander, said prisoners don't have access to the Internet.

Hank said prisoners address their own letters, making it possible for Vinyard to get around the restraining ordered by forwarding mail through a third party or by using the insurance company tactic.

Prisoners may use the phone when out of their cells, Hank said. But all calls are collect, and the receiving party can hang up, Hank added.

A motion to restrict Vinyard's communication with anyone but his attorney is pending before County Judge Thomas Reed.

Vinyard's lawyer, Nancy Holton, said Thursday she will oppose the motion on constitutional grounds.

A hearing is scheduled on Feb. 6.


I think this stalk is worser than any of us ever experience !!! SAD for long time for that lady being so suffer from that robert has been stalk on woman since 1977 whooaaaa
*sigh* i admit... someone is stalking me... everyday.. day/night 24 hours.. but i bet some of u know who :D
Have you considered about getting a restraining order? Deafscuba
Been in those shoes back about 15 years ago...that this one gal constantly bugged the life outta me or almost did...kept calling...stopping by...asking my friends where I was...etc...she could NOT leave me alone...the thing of this...she thought I looked like MacGeyvor (aka Mr. Anderson) and she was soo obsessed with this character that it sure was hard to have a life for awhile...good riddance, it was such a nuisance. Although I'm aware that other victims of stalkers have had it much worse and I do sympathize with them and can relate somewhat to how it must be each day...watching your back, changing how you do some things or when you go somewhere! To have someone stalking is not to take lightly...and if taken care of asap, all the better!!
There's a certain member who's been stalking me lately... :eek:
Yeah, that happened to me before........I still check everywhere before I walk to my car, I even check the inside of my car in case the person is hiding in there......I know its not possible but too many movies you never know!!!!
Curious: What do you constitute as stalking?

I've never been stalked but one time someone seemed to think I was stalking them... maybe I was but I'm not really sure. What do you think it means to be thought of as a stalker. What things does the person do that makes them a stalker? Do you think they have to do all those things are just part of them to be a stalker?

I'll explain my experience now. For many years I have been obsessive/compulsive but no one (Psychologists) never diagnosed me as that until last year. About 10 years ago maybe more now I was going to college. On one of the first nights at school, I was in the cafeteria line when this woman infront of all the students proceeded to yell at one of the food servers. I mean this lady was a total bitch to the other person. Well I asked a friend who was there the year before who this lady was that was so mean and was she always like that? My friend said her name and said everyone hated her that worked for her. For some reason this made me very sad for the lady that was so mean. If everyone hated her that seemed cruel. She had to have had some redeeming quality. So I started talking to this lady.

Now here is why it sort of seemed like I was stalking her I guess in her eyes. I had known Sandra for about 6 months. One night I had a paper to write for my physics class so I went over to the computer lab. When I got there Sandra was there taking a computer class. Well I waited around for the class to finish so I could write my paper. Her class had a break and I was outside waiting as I had to type the paper that night. She came out and saw me and asked what I was doing there. I explained. She told me her class was meeting every wed or something like that. Well every thursday I had papers due. So for weeks after that I would be there waiting for her class to get done so I could work on these papers.

Then one day it was in the middle of March. Me and a friend went to visit another friend who happened to live like 2 blocks from where Sandra lived. I knew where Sandra lived because I worked at the other food server on campus that was run by basically Sandra's only friend. June constantly talked about Sandra and told me where Sandra lived. Anywayh, this March day started out as bright and very warm. My friend and I decided to park my car at a nearby park and walk to my friend Julie's house. I'd never been to Julie's and didn't have her address with me. (It was a spur of the moment sort of thing). But I knew from Julie's decriptions where she lived. So we went to Julie's but no one answered. My other friend and I decided to walk to the nearby McDonald's. (The streets were sort of laid out like a ladder. We were 3 rungs down from where the park was when at JUlie's and more to the left side of the ladder shape. The McDonald's was about 6 rungs down from the park and on the right side of the Ladder shape) We start off walking and as we neared the street that would have taken us to McDonald's it suddenly grew cold and started blowing cold and eventually snow. Now we were out there without a jacket in lite long sleeved shirts but nothing really protective from the elements. We decide to give up and to get back to the car as fast as possible. Well, from where we were on the right side of the ladder the quickest most direct route back to the park took us directly in front of Sandra's house. Now remember I was seeing her daily at the cafeteria, almost weekly on Wed. nights while I waited for her class to leave so I could do my physics projects and here I am walking in front of her house.

Anyway she saw me there and I suppose was upset by it. She told someone else whose mother was a phyciatrist and this person told Sandra I was stalking her. I was never asked what was going on or anything. About a week before this happened Sandra had told me we were friends in some sort of conversation. Then after this happened she pulls me aside at the cafeteria and tells me she's not my friend. It was painful to me the way everything was done but I stopped eating at the cafeteria. I wait as Late as I could to go do my work at the computer lab and I made sure I was never near sandra's house for any reason what so ever after that. But was I truly stalking her. I don't think so. But you be the judge.

Now back to the present. I finally got on medication for my depression and my OCD and have been pretty happy since. IT's nice actually knowing why I get wigged out about somethings and knowing how to function and what steps to take if problems arise.

So what is your definition of a stalker.
Levonian, Koko might be stalking you. She is missing since and the police are looking for her.
tekkmortal said:
Levonian, Koko might be stalking you. She is missing since and the police are looking for her.

Oh, jeez—I’m going to have to have another talk with that woman. I told her that it was just a weekend fling and that there could never be anything serious between us. I’m a chimp and she’s a gorilla—inter-species relationships just never work out. What will happen to our children when they reach school age? All the other kids will make fun of them because their parents are mixed. It’s a sad fact that prejudice dies hard in the primate community. *sigh*. I wish she would just go find herself a compatible alpha male and settle down. :|
tekkmortal said:
Levonian, Koko might be stalking you. She is missing since and the police are looking for her.
If Koko was missing, how could Koko be stalking? Koko would be gone... completely, less likely to be stalking.
Oddball said:
Have you considered about getting a restraining order? Deafscuba
i believe there's no way to have a restrianing order.... in fact i can't tell them to stop stalking me... sad heh? *sigh* okay i'll tell you who's been stalking me... my little darling gaurding angel :P
Levonian said:
Oh, jeez—I’m going to have to have another talk with that woman. I told her that it was just a weekend fling and that there could never be anything serious between us. I’m a chimp and she’s a gorilla—inter-species relationships just never work out. What will happen to our children when they reach school age? All the other kids will make fun of them because their parents are mixed. It’s a sad fact that prejudice dies hard in the primate community. *sigh*. I wish she would just go find herself a compatible alpha male and settle down. :|

That is true for this donkey er zonkey