God Versus Satan

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Simple answer: I compared "Disobey" because believers often says that Eve and Adam are bad people for disobey God's rule/law which mean is Germans also are bad people for disobey Nazi's law/rule as well. :)
Yeah, that's a "simple" answer all right. :roll:

There is no way a reasonable person can compare God to Nazis. If you can't see the difference, then that says more about the current German psyche then I care see. I have hoped that German support of the Nazis during WWII was a rare and aberrant event. Maybe not. :(

Adam and Eve disobeyed a law that was set up by Holy God. Adam and Eve did a bad act for bad motives.

Good Germans who protected Jews disobeyed a bad law that was set up by bad people to do bad things. Those good Germans obeyed a higher law of God and conscience to protect innocent Jews. Germans against Nazis were good people doing good acts for good motives.

Holy God and evil Nazis can't be compared; they are opposites.

Sorry, if this is getting :topic:
I saw many pictures of Alberto. I am sure he had lots of experiences on RC for many years. Good news is that he went to be with the Lord.

Amen! I love read his story life! whoa sad! too other one name was Charles Chiniquy. Charles loved Mary the catholic many yrs. He found Christ was He Saved!! People killed Charles of doctrine sad!
Yeah, that's a "simple" answer all right. :roll:

There is no way a reasonable person can compare God to Nazis. If you can't see the difference, then that says more about the current German psyche then I care see. I have hoped that German support of the Nazis during WWII was a rare and aberrant event. Maybe not. :(

Adam and Eve disobeyed a law that was set up by Holy God. Adam and Eve did a bad act for bad motives.

Good Germans who protected Jews disobeyed a bad law that was set up by bad people to do bad things. Those good Germans obeyed a higher law of God and conscience to protect innocent Jews. Germans against Nazis were good people doing good acts for good motives.

Holy God and evil Nazis can't be compared; they are opposites.

Sorry, if this is getting :topic:

:gpost: !!

Liebling, God is an almighty Creator, He delights in justice and righteousness he's no evil like those Nazis. God didn't do the evil deeds, Adam and Eve did the evil deeds so did the Nazis, so they turns away from their righteousness, commits the evil deed, therefore they have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. ;)
But you do what the bible say which mean is you worship the bible because you beleive the bible is God's word.

That's your opinion to think I worship the Bible and it is absolutely impossible and huge contradiction by obeying God and not believe the Bible. People who don't "worship" (your pov) the Bible, then you worship people. Think about it for a moment. You can't say " I do what Jesus say, but not the Bible". That is pure contradiction. Bible is letter to pass on to us. You don't believe in Psalmist, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." What is the " Word"? The Bible. It's like spiritual nourishments, guidance. without them, you starved the Spirit of God, also called grieving the Holy Spirit. God speak to thru His Word, not the Bible itself. Just like a letter, sense your husband speaking to you thru his letter.
I saw many pictures of Alberto. I am sure he had lots of experiences on RC for many years. Good news is that he went to be with the Lord.

I saw Alberto's real life pictures, too. Right, he had lots of experiences on RC for many years since he was a little boy.

I am glad he is in heaven now and enjoyed all the peace and joy. No more pain or suffer for him. :aw: God blessed his heart.
Why not? I second that.

LOL Well, that's up to him....unless, if you would like to create a thread " Vatican " which is fine with me. I don't mind. :)
Here is my answer to your post as I promised you last week.

Read your post carefully.

I'm sorry to tell you that it's pretty illogical answer.

Let me say something accord someone who wrote about his/her friend who turned Agnostic. "If God is all-powerful and all-forgiving, why must he send his son to die for our sins. Couldn't God just forgive the sins without sending his son down in human form to die? So what, so God dies for a few hours, how does that in any way forgive a sin..."

This mean is God sacrificed his own son Jesus for our sins. Did you know that some parents copied what/how God did to his son Jesus to sacrifice their own children to God? I would never, never, never sacrifice my sons' life for anyone including God. That's what someone said his/her friend saw the logic and turned into Agnostic.

I don't think that some parents copied what/how God did to His Son Jesus to sacrifice their own children to God.

I did tested God once. Let me tell you a story about myself when I was 18 years old. When I took off the Metro bus, I walked down to the corner sidewalk where there was a visual sign that says " stop " at the intersection....but, I just went ahead and walk across the street. I was testin' God at that time AFTER I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. The other car just turned to the left to where I was walkin' and God caused the driver to slam on the brake when his car almost hit me right close to my right leg. I turned around and saw him yellin' obsence ( bad language ) at me. It obviously to me that God wasn't ready to take me home. I saw one tall angel standin' in between me and the car. I smiled and knew that it was really GOD Himself who did it. He was the One who stopped the driver from hittin' me. And, here I am still alive at the age of 46.

Soo, I believe it has to do with " obedience " and " faith " that needs to be tested. God will NOT allow anyone to kill their own child as just for sacrifice. But, you know what ? The devil worshippers DO kill their own babies, children, or even cut the goat/cow's throat to get the blood to drink. That's their ritual. Christians don't do that.

For your information, I do read the bibles but I stand what I see the logic between the bible and real life. I has to honest with you that I prefer to read bible story over study scriptures because bible story is easier to read. Study scriptures are very complication to understand what it is about... because all biblical authors interpreted differently accord their belief.

I wonder, does all your friends draw pictures as letters to you to read instead of their own words to write ?

If, I were you, I would ask God through pray to help me to understand His Words when I read His letters ( Bible ). I will ask Him to help me to understand His Words everyday when I read the Bible daily. It wouldn't hurt to try, if you have that motivation to experience God. I wouldn't worry about the authors who wrote the bibles differently. All I want to worry about is myself and God. And, things will change alot better down the road, believe me. :)

Answer to your question about murder.

If the parents and God who sacrificed their own children for us or God is a murder. Example: JW parents reject to have blood transfusion to save their children's life accord their belief then is a murder as well because they scarificed their children's life for God. What and how they did with their children is murder. Yes I label them as murder because they did the same thing.

I know what you mean, but that's not what God was doin'. Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for all mankind. He killed no one, but the Romans killed Jesus. They beat Him. One of the soliders thrusted a spear under Jesus' rib on the cross. I know it's very hard for you to understand this picture. I know, I know -- I've been there just like you before UNTIL I experienced God. Do you know why I want to experience God ? Because I want to UNDERSTAND God myself and really get to KNOW Him better. This also will be able to help me to understand His perspective.
Liebling's post to Maria's post #603
Accord your story, how do mother know those religion she thought is real, not true...? Remember, a lot of people like us are innoncent and are being brainwashed by kind of religions and thought our beliefs are true... which is sad...but why go hell when the people thought their beliefs are true... how do they know that their belief are not true... Really sad?

Luke 16:19-31

" Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every day: and a certain beggar named Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the [crumbs] that fell from the rich man`s table; yea, even the dogs come and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels into Abraham`s bosom: and the rich man also died, and was buried. And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted and thou art in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that they that would pass from hence to you may not be able, and that none may cross over from thence to us. And he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father`s house; for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. But Abraham saith, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, if one rise from the dead. "

This is what happened to Alberto's mother. I am sure she heard Jesus soo many times from anywhere thru radio, or friends, or neighbors, or pastors or anyone who knew Jesus. But, she choses to pray to the virgin Mary instead of Jesus Christ. Like I said in my previous posts that Christians are responsible to share the gospel to others about Jesus Christ. That " gospel " had been goin' on for many years since God created Adam and Eve. Remember Jesus said that this earth and heaven shall pass away, but His Words shall stay forever. :)
Yeah, that's a "simple" answer all right. :roll:

There is no way a reasonable person can compare God to Nazis. If you can't see the difference, then that says more about the current German psyche then I care see. I have hoped that German support of the Nazis during WWII was a rare and aberrant event. Maybe not. :(

Adam and Eve disobeyed a law that was set up by Holy God. Adam and Eve did a bad act for bad motives.

Good Germans who protected Jews disobeyed a bad law that was set up by bad people to do bad things. Those good Germans obeyed a higher law of God and conscience to protect innocent Jews. Germans against Nazis were good people doing good acts for good motives.

Holy God and evil Nazis can't be compared; they are opposites.

Sorry, if this is getting :topic:

Of course there're bad or good leaders who fixed the bad laws/rules in the world but we people have to stick their bad rules/law when we disagree to. Would you stick it or break their law/rules?

Yes I agreed that what Germans did is different because they scarificed their life for help Jews which Eve and Adam doesn't but tempt out of curiously. You said that God and Nazi can't be compared but God killed people who don't beleive in him as the same as the Hilter killed people who don't beleive in him. ?

I only show you the example about Germans' disobeyence because some of you kept on blame Eve & Adam as bad people which I disagree to...

Anyway, to me - it's not disobeyence what Eve and Adam did but tempt out of their curiously like everyone. Unfortunlately, they were being fooled by snake due their lack of knowledge. It's their mistake but why can't God forgave them and gave them the chance to correct their one mistake for next time then? Everyone learn to correct their mistakes, don't they? I think what God did to them is harshly. It's him who created the tree of knowledge in first place and KNEW it will be happened to them. If God is sinnless and prefect then destory bad ones straight way to protect his creation children but he didn't. I see no excuse to blame Eve & Adam for that because God KNEW it would happened to Eve and Adam as he planted the tree in first place... He can destory it straight way to save their life but he didn't... All what he do is test their faith and then kicked them out of garden... :dizzy:

There're difference between disobeyance and lack of knowledge.
:gpost: !!

Liebling, God is an almighty Creator, He delights in justice and righteousness he's no evil like those Nazis. God didn't do the evil deeds, Adam and Eve did the evil deeds so did the Nazis, so they turns away from their righteousness, commits the evil deed, therefore they have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. ;)

Who created evil deeds in first place? If God is prefect and sinnless then destory evil deeds straight way but he doesn't.
That's your opinion to think I worship the Bible and it is absolutely impossible and huge contradiction by obeying God and not believe the Bible. People who don't "worship" (your pov) the Bible, then you worship people. Think about it for a moment. You can't say " I do what Jesus say, but not the Bible". That is pure contradiction. Bible is letter to pass on to us. You don't believe in Psalmist, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." What is the " Word"? The Bible. It's like spiritual nourishments, guidance. without them, you starved the Spirit of God, also called grieving the Holy Spirit. God speak to thru His Word, not the Bible itself. Just like a letter, sense your husband speaking to you thru his letter.

Yes it's my opinion that you read the Bible is worship and do what they says. If you want to experience God then do something yourself after read the bible as history, not do what the bible say because you believe the bible come from God's word.

I wonder, does all your friends draw pictures as letters to you to read instead of their own words to write ?

If, I were you, I would ask God through pray to help me to understand His Words when I read His letters ( Bible ). I will ask Him to help me to understand His Words everyday when I read the Bible daily. It wouldn't hurt to try, if you have that motivation to experience God. I wouldn't worry about the authors who wrote the bibles differently. All I want to worry about is myself and God. And, things will change alot better down the road, believe me.

Read the letter and scriptures are not the same thing. I read the bible story like history, including many different histories as the same I read the letter as well because I don't study them but read to learn to understand where they come from...

I only believe in myself and see real life and knowledge of histories where we come from and what and how they come from...

I know what you mean, but that's not what God was doin'. Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for all mankind. He killed no one, but the Romans killed Jesus. They beat Him. One of the soliders thrusted a spear under Jesus' rib on the cross. I know it's very hard for you to understand this picture. I know, I know -- I've been there just like you before UNTIL I experienced God. Do you know why I want to experience God ? Because I want to UNDERSTAND God myself and really get to KNOW Him better. This also will be able to help me to understand His perspective.

Yes I know Jesus sacrificed his life for everyone. He was punished to death by Romans but why God send his own son to earth when he knows his son would do that? It look like that he plan for his son to ransom our sin.

See the example:
Why Won't God Heal Amputees?
Luke 16:19-31

" Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, faring sumptuously every day: and a certain beggar named Lazarus was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the [crumbs] that fell from the rich man`s table; yea, even the dogs come and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels into Abraham`s bosom: and the rich man also died, and was buried. And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things: but now here he is comforted and thou art in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that they that would pass from hence to you may not be able, and that none may cross over from thence to us. And he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father`s house; for I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. But Abraham saith, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one go to them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, if one rise from the dead. "

This is what happened to Alberto's mother. I am sure she heard Jesus soo many times from anywhere thru radio, or friends, or neighbors, or pastors or anyone who knew Jesus. But, she choses to pray to the virgin Mary instead of Jesus Christ. Like I said in my previous posts that Christians are responsible to share the gospel to others about Jesus Christ. That " gospel " had been goin' on for many years since God created Adam and Eve. Remember Jesus said that this earth and heaven shall pass away, but His Words shall stay forever. :)

Yes I know the story of Lazarus but it's not the same thing what Alberto's mother did.

Look the example of my Grandparents... They are very strict and strong Roman Catholic. They do worship God, Jesus and Mary... They show their respect on Mary because she is mother of Jesus and she should be not left out when they worshipped Jesus and God.

Before my Grandma going to die... She said with smile "Yes I come , yes I come, ... " It got my Dad and his siblings confusion and look around to check who she spoke to... and then knew straight way that it's spirit she spoke to before she going to die... Few seconds she slept peaceful with smile....... It got me goose bump when my Dad told me story... My hubby said that his Luthern Great Grandad do the same...

That's why I don't beleive in Satan/Evil's existance.
Who created evil deeds in first place? If God is prefect and sinnless then destory evil deeds straight way but he doesn't.

Eh? :confused: This is an assumption here that needs to be cleared up. We have told you many times Liebling, You still don't get it, Let me make this clear one more time.

God did not create evil, but He allows evil, he want people to choose the good, but afraid so Adam and Eve choose the non-good (evil) He didn't want to make people out of robots that only allows all people to do good, only allows all people to worship God, then again, it wouldn't be from our heart, we would be robots with no heart of our own. God gave Adam and Eve a free will, to live by his word, or choose the evil, It proven right here that Adam and Eve chosen the evil, does it make it God's fault? No! It makes it Adam and Eve's own fault. If God hadn’t allowed evil, we would be worshiping him out of obligation, not by a choice of our own free will. God wants to see if we will worship him by our free choice, because we want to. ;)
Of course there're bad or good leaders who fixed the bad laws/rules in the world but we people have to stick their bad rules/law when we disagree to. Would you stick it or break their law/rules?
I obey the law unless it's a law that directly contradicts a law of God.

It's like in the military. Every member is required to obey orders unless it's an unlawful order. Every member is required to disobey an unlawful order.

You said that God and Nazi can't be compared but God killed people who don't beleive in him as the same as the Hilter killed people who don't beleive in him. ?
Are you asking a question, or making a statement?

Anyway, God's actions were done to protect the Jews, and Hitler's actions were done to destroy the Jews. They were NOT the same. God always offered the people a chance to repent first, and Hitler gave the people no chance.

Hitler was just one in a chain of enemies of the Jews used by Satan. Hitler followed the path of Haman, the Egyptian pharaohs, and King Herod. Following Hitler, Stalin did his share. His current representative is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

I only show you the example about Germans' disobeyence because some of you kept on blame Eve & Adam as bad people which I disagree to...
Adam and Eve were sinners, just as we are sinners; no better, no worse.

Anyway, to me - it's not disobeyence what Eve and Adam did..
You are not God, and you don't know their hearts and minds, and you didn't make the rules, so that decision is not up to you.

... Unfortunlately, they were being fooled by snake due their lack of knowledge.
They did have knowledge. God told them DON'T EAT. Adam and Eve knew the rule; they knew better. They knew the serpent was lying.

It's their mistake but why can't God forgave them and gave them the chance to correct their one mistake for next time then?
If God did it that way would it really make a difference to you? If inherited sin began with Adam and Eve's second "mistake" instead of their first one, would it make a difference in your acceptance of Jesus as Savior? Really?

Everyone learn to correct their mistakes, don't they?
Do they? Do you know anyone who is perfect?

I think what God did to them is harshly.
Because you're not God.

There're difference between disobeyance and lack of knowledge.
Adam and Eve did have the knowledge, and they did disobey.
I read all posts of this thread. it is an interesting debates. I have a few questions.

Is Holy Bible the original Bible? What about jew people do not believe in Jesus at all. But I thought Jews beg Roman King to kill Jesus because they believe Jesus is not the GOD.

If Adam and Eve are not sinners on the Earth and then why did the GOD sent Jesus to the Earth and didn't do any sin until he died? He was suffered through all sins for 33 years.

IS The God, Jesus, and Holy spritie are the one means they are SAME person?

I do understand Christians denied that God is a murderer. Supposedly, God is not a murderer, and then why did the God decide to flood on the earth and then Dinos, animals, and humans were died due to drown.

I thought Satan is the light of angel from the God doesn't mean Satan is a bad person. Satan just disobey the God for good reason. Is that possible The God used his abuse powers and is that why Satan decided to turn against the God? The two reasons The God can't kill Satan because Satan is the light angel of the God and God wants to test us to believe him or the Satan.
Eh? :confused: This is an assumption here that needs to be cleared up. We have told you many times Liebling, You still don't get it, Let me make this clear one more time.

How many times we told you including some links in previous posts that it's God who is the responsible, not Eve & Adam or anyone. We rather to open our mind to reality but you still can't get it either. This link I provide to support my logic... that's exact link what I said many times in previous posts.

Cheri's post
God did not create evil, but He allows evil
, he want people to choose the good, but afraid so Adam and Eve choose the non-good (evil) He didn't want to make people out of robots that only allows all people to do good, only allows all people to worship God, then again, it wouldn't be from our heart, we would be robots with no heart of our own. God gave Adam and Eve a free will, to live by his word, or choose the evil, It proven right here that Adam and Eve chosen the evil, does it make it God's fault? No! It makes it Adam and Eve's own fault. If God hadn’t allowed evil, we would be worshiping him out of obligation, not by a choice of our own free will. God wants to see if we will worship him by our free choice, because we want to. ;)

*Repeat sigh*

Why God allowed Satan and devils ruined the world like this in first time when he KNEW it will happen to the earth? No matter either created or allow but he is still responsible for that what he cause the earth like this.

This link support my logic.

Adam and Eve did not know of good and evil. They were innocent. They did not know deceit, anger, lust or evil. The serpent lied to them. They would have known that the serpent's intents were not good. They couldn't have known, so they believed what the serpent said. This isn't Adam and Eve's fault, but ask yourself if God knew that they would have believed the serpent, why did God not stop the serpent? God could have picked it up himself and thrown it out of the Garden of Eve. If impurity or non-innocence are ground for God throwing you out of the Garden of Eden, then God should have thrown the serpent out. Only two conclusions are possible:

God does not throw out beings from the Garden of Eden merely because they are imperfect

God created the serpent to test Adam and Eve

Number one contradicts God throwing out Adam and Eve because they disobeyed God. Number two, however, is illogical as God would have known that Adam and Eve did not know or understand evil and could not have mistrusted the serpent. It cannot have been a test. In short: It makes no logical sense to claim that the Adam and Eve story is a true explanation of morality, evil or mankind's imperfection. Mankind is not perfect. If God exists, God created mankind as not perfect. The Adam and Eve story was a failed attempt by us to explain why we are not perfect.

The Adam and Eve theodicy fails as an explanation for why we choose evil sometimes, original sin is not a valid explanation for why God created evil. Also it is an immoral story, for God punishes people who chose an action without knowing that such a choice was bad.

Punishment for disobedience
God makes a command known, but makes a death threat as a punishment. A death threat is not a suitable punishment for eating from the tree of knowledge. A death threat should only be issued under serious circumstances, not as a punishment for curiosity or disobedience. This story demonstrates God's wrath and anger and shows us that God is not forgiving. If we use this story as an example for ethical thinking, we can conclude that we can kill or shorten the lives of those who do not do as we say! During the Dark Ages, coincidentally, this is what the Christian Church did.

The punishment of Mankind
The Original Sin is the reason Christians say that Human Beings experience suffering - as a result of Adam and Eve's actions. Genesis 3:16-19 describes some of the punishments in more detail. This is why all Humans die, because Adam & Eve disobeyed God.

Is it really moral to punish someone for someone else's actions?

How can we even consider prompting our children to think like that?

Conclusions on the morals of the Adam and Eve story:

Punishing one person for the actions of another is immoral. If we use the Adam and Eve story to explain evil, suffering and death then we are saying that God is immoral and not a forgiving God. Judging Adam and Eve even when they didn't know the difference between good and evil, when they didn't know it was wrong to disobey and couldn't understand that the serpent tricked them, is also immoral. The Adam and Eve story is not a suitable moral story for children nor is it a valid theodicy to explain evil.
God is a bad parent

Remedial Christianity
by Paul Laughlin
"Author Paul Alan Laughlin, a liberal Christian, drew an analogy between the story of Genesis 3 and "a more modern scenario." The following parable is based on his tale:

A woman bakes a batch of cookies for a party. She warns her twins, aged 3, to not eat any. She explained to them, deceitfully, that if they did, then she would kill them. Not thinking things through carefully, she placed the cookies on a table, easily accessible to the twins. A brother who was older, wiser and more mature than the twins asked whether their mother had forbidden them to eat anything in the house. The girl twin, Edna, said that mother had only forbidden them to eat the cookies -- on pain of death. The older brother chuckled and told his sister that parents did that a lot. He said: "Of course she wouldn't kill you. She simply wants to deny you the pleasure of munching on the cookies. She doesn't want to share the cookies. She wants to keep them all to herself." Edna does exactly what any adult could predict: she eats one. Then, she persuades her twin brother Albert to eat another.

The mother returns, not aware of the twin's disobedience. She notices crumbs on the table and on the twins' lips. She correctly concludes that the twins have eaten cookies. She flies into a rage, beats them, and throws them out of the house to fend for themselves. She cuts them out of her will. She does all she can to make the lives of any future descendents of the twins miserable."

By OCRT, "GENESIS 3: The fall/rise of humanity"

Any parent who acts like this lacks love, compassion, intelligence or morals, yet this is exactly how God acts in the Genesis story of Adam and Eve. A possible Christian defence, in order to try and keep God as the good guy, would be that God then rectified the situation by sending his son out to retrieve his children. But this could all have been averted if God was simply a better parent in the first place!
Adam and Eve

Do you still blame Eve and Adam for that?

I obey the law unless it's a law that directly contradicts a law of God.

It's like in the military. Every member is required to obey orders unless it's an unlawful order. Every member is required to disobey an unlawful order.

Okay, this is your choice. I obey the law of my country, not the bible because it's reality. I can move out if I don't agree with my country's law.

Anyway, God's actions were done to protect the Jews, and Hitler's actions were done to destroy the Jews. They were NOT the same.

Kill is Kill, no matter what. :)

God always offered the people a chance to repent first, and Hitler gave the people no chance.

God always offered the people a chance??? :rofl: Look what he did to Eve & Adam... :rofl: He kicked them out of garden without give them chance... :rofl:

Yes that's right that Hilter know no chance.

Hitler was just one in a chain of enemies of the Jews used by Satan. Hitler followed the path of Haman, the Egyptian pharaohs, and King Herod. Following Hitler, Stalin did his share. His current representative is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

No matter either Hilter or anyone is Satan or God but kill is kill...period.

You are not God, and you don't know their hearts and minds, and you didn't make the rules, so that decision is not up to you.

Yes I know that I am not God but know their hearts and minds because I open my mind to reality. As what you said that I didn't make the rules or decision but you defend God and judge Eve and Adam.. What is this?

They did have knowledge. God told them DON'T EAT. Adam and Eve knew the rule; they knew better. They knew the serpent was lying.

No, They had not experienced (or had knowledge of) "good" nor "evil". (See my link toward Cheri's post).

Adam and Eve did not know of good and evil. They were innocent. They did not know deceit, anger, lust or evil. The serpent lied to them. They would have known that the serpent's intents were not good. They couldn't have known, so they believed what the serpent said. This isn't Adam and Eve's fault, but ask yourself if God knew that they would have believed the serpent, why did God not stop the serpent? God could have picked it up himself and thrown it out of the Garden of Eve. If impurity or non-innocence are ground for God throwing you out of the Garden of Eden, then God should have thrown the serpent out. Only two conclusions are possible:

God does not throw out beings from the Garden of Eden merely because they are imperfect
God created the serpent to test Adam and Eve

If God did it that way would it really make a difference to you? If inherited sin began with Adam and Eve's second "mistake" instead of their first one, would it make a difference in your acceptance of Jesus as Savior? Really?

Do you mean that you NEVER have any mistake in your life? You never correct your mistakes in your life? :dizzy:

It sounds that God is not a forgiving and understanding person?

Do they? Do you know anyone who is perfect?

That's exactly, you know that nobody are prefect... Why God punished Eve & Adam harshly over their ONE mistake instead of give them the chance to improve their mistakes... :roll:

Because you're not God.

Interesting, you think okay what and how the God did to people including firstborns because he is God... :cold: I only see the fact instead of deny what/how he did.

Adam and Eve did have the knowledge, and they did disobey.

No they have no idea what evil and good is about.
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