God Issue

Where did God say that?

I've read the Bible myself, and I don't remember God saying anything about Abraham and Solomon having multiple wives.

Seriously, do give me a quote or something.

That said, I still don't change my opinion, that it is not your role as a Christian to try to save other people. You can bet that Jesus did not go up to Mary and call her a sinner. She came to him on her own. He accepted her as she was, and she made the decision to follow him, because she loved and respected him.
Reba said:
Mary repented of her sin, and Jesus commanded her to go and sin no more. That means that Jesus did say that her past way of life was sin, that she must quit doing that.

Mary is the one who went up to Jesus and stood at his feet, weeping and wash his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Many other Christians did not want Jesus touching her because of her sins. She was known as a prostitute. She admire Jesus the most because he forgave her. He didn't judged, He didn't push her away, He didn't tell her she will go to hell, unlikely some Christians whom have/had done to others. :)
cady75 said:
Ok. Agreed. Then why do you try to help others?
Because I don't want people to go to hell.

Why do you try to save them?
For the same reason I would throw a life preserver to a drowning person. I offer the life preserver. They can grab it and be saved, or reject it and drown.

Why can't they just go to Jesus on their own? And why do you even assume that they NEED to be saved in the first place?
Why should I assume that anyone is saved before introducing them to Jesus? If someone is saved they will be glad to tell me, and we can rejoice together. I am never offended when someone witnesses to me, or asks if I am saved. I am grateful that someone cares enough for my soul to risk offense or embarresment to ask me.

...I've met people who think that way, who think that it is their job to convert people and then brag about it and feel good and superior.
They really should not feel proud about that. A Christian can only present the Gospel to another person. A Christian cannot actually save anyone. Only Jesus can save thru the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. A Christian should rejoice for the sake of that person, not for self.

That's all. I'm not speaking of you personally. :)
I take no offense. :) I, too, am not speaking specifically about any person at AD.
Cheri said:
I don't agree with that sorry :( because my step mother never preached anyone, or even shovel the bibles to others faces those people who have sinned or repeated sins. I've gotten to know Crazyman by reading his posts, he does so much shoveling by using the bible preaching people, telling them they're go to hell. It's not the first time he ever said that. How would God feels about how he is preaching if he is a true Christian being? God wouldn't like the fact that a true Christian would go up to someone and say "You're going to hell."

Not once that Jesus ever said that to Mary which people call her a "whore." Isn't it against the bible to have sex with so many partners? without being married to them? Mary did that, and Jesus not once judged or shovel the bible to her face. That's why people admire Jesus so much, come to him on their own because of who he is. If someone is a true Christian being, They would guide people in a good way instead of judging, "What not to do, what is to do." I've know what I've done wrong in my life, I seek to God/Jesus for my forgiving. We don't need Christians like some who demands us how to live our life.

Excellent post you made there cady75! :thumb: Cady is correct, If you really read what she/he is trying to say. Cady sounds so much like my step-mother. ;)

I am more like your step mother however I do not shove sinners and put Bible to their faces....I do not agree for christians to shove themselves against the sinners...Remmy Jesus told his disciples before he went up to heaven that they must *GO* and witnesses about Jesus?? This is what God wants us to do...we are responsible to witness and tell sinners about Jesus Christ...

I agree with you and Cady about christians should not shove it off...Im not like that at all...I was not awared about Crazyman being harsh on you guys...maybe he or she didnt realized it..I dunno...

But...I agree with you everything you have said...however I apologized If I caused you guys thinking Im shoving you all off...really, Im not like that at all...I believe point my finger at you and say you are going to hell is extreemly judgemental....I agree God doesnt approve this type of attitude and witnessing...

I will share with you scriptures - just to help you all to understand what scriptures means...:)
You Are Confuse Yourself Being Christ Without Words Of Scritpures. You Deceived The Mind Of People Which That Is Okay Love Gays And Lesbians Among You. Or You Judge To Pass Gays And Lesbians. You Never Provide Them By Verse To Verse Of Scripture! I Knew Eveythings In Scripture Had Answer And Predict Entitled My Mind Of Fulll Word Of His Blssesing Image In Me Whenever I Hear His Words Of Voice Everyday, I Pleasured Him In Eyes.. I Knew A To Z Everything About Bible Of Prophecy And Of Sinners, But You Try To Telling Me That" I Aint Chirst?" Therefore You Are Not F**king Damn Christ, Plus Your Mind In Void Since Words Have No Place In You Like Jesus Said Of Scriptures. You Better Leave People Alone And No Need To Judge Gays, Others On And On List You Named..

I Already Told You That I Don't Even Think That Jesus Did Changed Your Life Nor He Make You A Christ..

You Are Still Confuse Yourself Being Christ.. You Are Still Not Get It Or Not Understand Jesus's Words Of Scipture: 2 Corinthians 6:14,15

My Predict That Gays And Lesbians And Some Of You Will Fall Into The Hand Of Enemes Will Be Representative Chosen On The Earth Who Hate Christians Deceive Them Around. Eneimes Are Not Stupid About Bible.. They Knew THE WORD OF God Forbidden Gays And Others Among Holy Enemies.

The Scritpure Is My Memory Through Beautiful Word By Verse To Verse. Because Word Is Sweet And Honey Eat My Mind And Body Forever.. You Christians Eat Chirstians Own Shyt, Then You Voimted Shyt Then You Eat Shit Again And Again.. That What I Dont Want To Like That..

See You Have No Respect And Stop Being Hypocrite Around Them..

Don't Ever Judge Others Since You Have Lack Of Verses Of Scriptures To Provide Others Need And Know Grow Verse By Verse.. You Can't Be Pass Them By Your Stupid Judgement.. It Is Your Hour Of Judgment Has Come Passed You Among Peoples...
ckfarbes said:
You Are Confuse Yourself Being Christ Without Words Of Scritpures. You Deceived The Mind Of People Which That Is Okay Love Gays And Lesbians Among You. Or You Judge To Pass Gays And Lesbians. You Never Provide Them By Verse To Verse Of Scripture! I Knew Eveythings In Scripture Had Answer And Predict Entitled My Mind Of Fulll Word Of His Blssesing Image In Me Whenever I Hear His Words Of Voice Everyday, I Pleasured Him In Eyes.. I Knew A To Z Everything About Bible Of Prophecy And Of Sinners, But You Try To Telling Me That" I Aint Chirst?" Therefore You Are Not F**king Damn Christ, Plus Your Mind In Void Since Words Have No Place In You Like Jesus Said Of Scriptures. You Better Leave People Alone And No Need To Judge Gays, Others On And On List You Named..

I Already Told You That I Don't Even Think That Jesus Did Changed Your Life Nor He Make You A Christ..

You Are Still Confuse Yourself Being Christ.. You Are Still Not Get It Or Not Understand Jesus's Words Of Scipture: 2 Corinthians 6:14,15

My Predict That Gays And Lesbians And Some Of You Will Fall Into The Hand Of Enemes Will Be Representative Chosen On The Earth Who Hate Christians Deceive Them Around. Eneimes Are Not Stupid About Bible.. They Knew THE WORD OF God Forbidden Gays And Others Among Holy Enemies.

The Scritpure Is My Memory Through Beautiful Word By Verse To Verse. Because Word Is Sweet And Honey Eat My Mind And Body Forever.. You Christians Eat Chirstians Own Shyt, Then You Voimted Shyt Then You Eat Shit Again And Again.. That What I Dont Want To Like That..

See You Have No Respect And Stop Being Hypocrite Around Them..

Don't Ever Judge Others Since You Have Lack Of Verses Of Scriptures To Provide Others Need And Know Grow Verse By Verse.. You Can't Be Pass Them By Your Stupid Judgement.. It Is Your Hour Of Judgment Has Come Passed You Among Peoples...

May I ask who are you talking to?
coloravalanche said:
I am more like your step mother however I do not shove sinners and put Bible to their faces....I do not agree for christians to shove themselves against the sinners...Remmy Jesus told his disciples before he went up to heaven that they must *GO* and witnesses about Jesus?? This is what God wants us to do...we are responsible to witness and tell sinners about Jesus Christ...

Thank-you for saying that you are not like some of the Christians who shovel bibles, and being judgment to sinners. Yes, I do remember that Jesus would want others to know about him, and the truth in the bible. I have no problem with them guiding their way about Jesus and his life in the past, and how he brought so much love along in others, and died for our sins. The only problem I have is when some Christians can be really judging when it comes to the knowledge of the bible, I'm sure people are aware what's being said in the bible. I am sure people are aware of the sinned they have done. I believe it's between God/Jesus and them. It's not our right to think different about them based on how they sin. Or telling them, "Jesus wouldn't open the highway to heaven door for you when you are 6 feet under." :)

But...I agree with you everything you have said...however I apologized If I caused you guys thinking Im shoving you all off...really, Im not like that at all...I believe point my finger at you and say you are going to hell is extreemly judgemental....I agree God doesnt approve this type of attitude and witnessing...

It's no problem, You are forgiven. I was not talking about you personally, I was only making a general statement on how I felt about some Christians not all, but some whom passed on judgment along others who have sinned. ;)
You're welcome deafdyke! :) I think it is a good point to bring up.

Also anyone can answer my question, doesn't have to be coloravalanche who I replied to! If anyone can explain, please do. :) Anyone?
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HoneyShot said:
You're welcome deafdyke! :) I think it is a good point to bring up.

Also anyone can answer my question, doesn't have to be coloravalanche who I replied to! If anyone can explain, please do. :) Anyone?

So you are saying you dont want me to answer your question? Did you ask me question or what?
HoneyShot said:
Actually there is!

Quote from: Judaism 101

Now I guess that many Christians would probably reply to that with something like "Oh but that's the old covenant, and that was with the Jews, Christians have a new covenant and the old doesn't apply". That's fine... except the only verse that actually refers to homosexuality... is Lev 18:22. Which is also from the laws given to the Jewish people. Are there 'new testiment' verses also that are specifically about gays, or not? I never hear of any quoted against homosexuality, only Lev 18:22, and a bad misinterpretation/mistranslation of Sodom and Gommorah (which is not about gays at all!).

It'd be really cool if you could please explain (if you don't mind) what I don't understand about this...

How do Christians say that homosexuality is wrong from the bible, but that most of the others of the total 613 commandments don't apply to Christians, even those from the same book of the Torah (Lev. for example)? How are some are chosen to apply to your faith but not others, and by who? I don't understand, maybe you can explain. :) Also, under Torah, gentiles were never, and still aren't obligated to observe those laws, only Jews. You can choose to if you want, but you are not commanded to, so neither are the people whose romantic partnership you condemn. Gentiles only have to observe the 7 noahide laws. Why can't Christians be gay, but can eat shellfish as deafdyke gave example of? I don't understand, but would really apprecaite it if you'd please explain this, it is very confusing! Thank you! :)

Also G-d doesn't hate shrimp... He said all of his creations are good, he just made it clear that they are not kosher.

Im sorry I didnt reply sooner...I didnt see it...I will read the Bible and discuss with my dad to make sure If Im correct to explain in the Bible...I always make sure if Im right when I discuss with pastor who is authority. :)

I will read it and get back to you tmw..i need to rest now..im tired. good nite.
cady75 said:
Where did God say that?

I've read the Bible myself, and I don't remember God saying anything about Abraham and Solomon having multiple wives.
Abraham's first legal wife was Sarah (Gen. 16:1).
Abraham's concubine "wife" (not accepted by God but accepted by the culture of that time) was Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah (Gen. 16:3); she became pregnant with Abraham's son Ishmael. This caused resentment and contention between Sarah and Hagar, Sarah and Abraham.(Gen. 16:4-6; 21:9-11) Ishmael was "a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." (Gen. 16:12) Ishmael became the progenitor of the Arabs, the traditional enemies of the Jewish people. He was also the link to Abraham for Islam, and the constant hatred of Muslims against Jews. God had told Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son together, and Abraham had disobeyed by impregnating Hagar. (Gen. 17:15-19).
After Sarah died, Abraham married Keturah.
Abraham also had other concubines. "And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, whom Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac, his son, while he yet lived..." (Gen. 25:5-6)

Solomon "had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God..." (I Kings 11:3-4)
coloravalanche said:
Im sorry I didnt reply sooner...I didnt see it...I will read the Bible and discuss with my dad to make sure If Im correct to explain in the Bible...I always make sure if Im right when I discuss with pastor who is authority. :)

I will read it and get back to you tmw..i need to rest now..im tired. good nite.

Yes that's the question I asked, thanks! :)

Take your time, a well thought out and researched answer is always better than a quick guess or just making something up or anything. I can respect that. Thanks. :)

I just thought maybe you didn't see it, or didn't want to answer it, or didn't realise I was interested in an answer, so thought I should clarify that others could answer too if they have anything to share on the subject, because I'd like to understand where people are coming from. My religious background is different to yours, so I need to ask how yours works, I don't like to guess or assume, because I hate it when people make assumptions about my own - they usually guess very wrong!
Reba said:
Abraham's first legal wife was Sarah (Gen. 16:1).
Abraham's concubine "wife" (not accepted by God but accepted by the culture of that time) was Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah (Gen. 16:3); she became pregnant with Abraham's son Ishmael. This caused resentment and contention between Sarah and Hagar, Sarah and Abraham.(Gen. 16:4-6; 21:9-11) Ishmael was "a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." (Gen. 16:12) Ishmael became the progenitor of the Arabs, the traditional enemies of the Jewish people. He was also the link to Abraham for Islam, and the constant hatred of Muslims against Jews. God had told Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son together, and Abraham had disobeyed by impregnating Hagar. (Gen. 17:15-19).
After Sarah died, Abraham married Keturah.
Abraham also had other concubines. "And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, whom Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac, his son, while he yet lived..." (Gen. 25:5-6)

Solomon "had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God..." (I Kings 11:3-4)

What I see here is that God has issues with Abraham and Solomon, but nothing specific abou tit being BECAUSE of their concubines or their marriages. Okay, they were randy old guys who didn't care much about their wives. I don't see God condemnng them for having many wives, just condemning them for not CARING for them. God was mad at Abraham for getting Hagar PREGNANT, not for sleeping with her or for marrying other women. God was mad at Solomon for some reason, and it is not clear why. Is he mad because Solomon's wives didn't believe in God or because Solomon had many wives? it's not clear. What I read in it is that God was mad because Solomon's wives convinced him to forget God and worship other gods. So, God's po'd because Solomon forgot about him, not because he married many women?

Just my interpretation. There are many ways you can intepret the bible, which is an important point.

I could bring up more quotes. How abou tthe one where you can sell your daughter in slavery? Is that acceptable? If not, then why should we follow the one about homosexuality, then? Why can you pick, choose, and JUDGE which ones to follow?

People use the Bible for everything from racism (there is a quote about how God put everybody on different continents, and people use that to prove "n*****s" should go back to Africa), sexism (bible quotes that say women have no place in the church and should submit to their husbands completely), and so on.

If you want to claim the Bible is the Word of God, then FOLLOW EVERY WORD of it. Don't just JUDGE and pick the parts you like to justify what your own narrow minded beliefs.

Cheri, you really don't like my messages because I am giving you the 100% absolute truth messages. Therefore you are labeling me such as shoveling bible-thumpers or the judgers. That is fine with me and it is very important for me to deilevery you the 100% truth messages from the Bible to whatever the topics that we are discussing.

Ok do you like other people backstabbing on you? Please watch yourself.
cady75 said:
What I see here is that God has issues with Abraham and Solomon, but nothing specific abou tit being BECAUSE of their concubines or their marriages.
I didn't go into more detail on that because I was answering your specific question:
"I don't remember God saying anything about Abraham and Solomon having multiple wives."

How abou tthe one where you can sell your daughter in slavery? Is that acceptable?

If not, then why should we follow the one about homosexuality, then?
I don't get the connection. Are you saying there is a verse that says homosexuality is acceptable? Maybe I am just getting too sleepy (it is way past my bedtime). Please give me the exact references.

People use the Bible for everything from racism (there is a quote about how God put everybody on different continents, and people use that to prove "n*****s" should go back to Africa)
References please. Why are you using "n*****s"? Can we discuss this topic without crude language, please?

sexism (bible quotes that say women have no place in the church and should submit to their husbands completely), and so on.
The Bible does not say that women have no place in the church. It says they cannot be pastors or deacons. Yes, wives should submit to their husbands, and husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves His church, and be willing to sacrifice their lives for their wives.

...pick the parts you like to justify what your own narrow minded beliefs.
Isn't that what you are doing?
I'm not using the Bible to justify ANYTHING at all. But you are using the Bible to justify your anti-gay beliefs, because the Bible said so. But the Bible also said that selling your daughter in slavery is permissable in certain circumstances. But as you said, you don't believe in that.

So. I'm confused. You follow:

1) anti- gay YES

2) pro-slavery NO

So.. if you relaly believe in the Bible, then why do you follow number 1, but not number 2? Why do you pick and JUDGE which one to follow?

That was my point. Sorry it wasn't clear before.

And as for your other beliefs, that's your beliefs. Fine with me. I just wanted you to realize that the Bible says a LOT of things, and that using it justify your beliefs comes off as, well, self-serving. You use the Bible to support what you believe, but then you don't follow everything the Bible says. Why?
I am pro-gay, anti-slavery,and i don't use the Bible to justify my "narrow minded beliefs".

That is my point.

What you believe in is fine. That's your free will, and it's ok. Just that if you use the Bible.. to justify your beliefs, then.. you have to realize it's a WEAK arguement.
I don't want to be very rude but I just want to say this. Meg and Candy75, you guys are heavily influenced by the pragmatic churches. I know that is very blunt message but I just want to say it.

If I were a pragmatic christian and I would completely 100% agree with you but unluck I am not a pragmatic christian. I want you to understand what the Bible is trying to tell you. I know the pragmatic messages are making sense at the first place. But if you think and anayzles really hard. You will find many conflicts with those messages with the Bible in OT and NT.

I wish I could meet you in person and to have a chat into the ASL language. It will help us very much and understand where we came from and how we learned from the Bible. We could find the conflicts with your messages in the bible easily with long and deep logic explaining with OT refering to the NT.
cady75 said:
... But the Bible also said that selling your daughter in slavery is permissable in certain circumstances.
Please give me the specific reference so I can give a specific reply (although I have answered this before in another thread; I just want to be exact).

... I just wanted you to realize that the Bible says a LOT of things, and that using it justify your beliefs comes off as, well, self-serving.
I think you have it backwards. Before I became saved I had many wrong beliefs. After I became saved, the Holy Spirit gave me understanding of the Scriptures. The Bible didn't support my wrong beliefs. The Bible corrected my beliefs.

I am pro-gay, anti-slavery,and i don't use the Bible to justify my "narrow minded beliefs".
I am pro-Jesus, anti-slavery (especially the slavery of sin), and I use the Bible to know the mind of God.

It is kind of ironic. I made my first reply in this thread as an encouragement to people to know that God does not automatically send homosexuals to hell just for being homosexuals. I was trying to be supportive and offer positive hope. I emphasized that we are all sinners ("all" includes me), and yet somehow my posts were misinterpreted to seem like I was "anti-gay" only.
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Reba said:
Abraham's first legal wife was Sarah (Gen. 16:1).
Abraham's concubine "wife" (not accepted by God but accepted by the culture of that time) was Hagar, the handmaid of Sarah (Gen. 16:3); she became pregnant with Abraham's son Ishmael. This caused resentment and contention between Sarah and Hagar, Sarah and Abraham.(Gen. 16:4-6; 21:9-11) Ishmael was "a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." (Gen. 16:12) Ishmael became the progenitor of the Arabs, the traditional enemies of the Jewish people. He was also the link to Abraham for Islam, and the constant hatred of Muslims against Jews. God had told Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son together, and Abraham had disobeyed by impregnating Hagar. (Gen. 17:15-19).
After Sarah died, Abraham married Keturah.

Abraham, Jacob, Saul, David, Solomon and others had more than one wife. This wasn't frowned on by G-d, but wasn't the best possable situation either. Polygamy has been banned for (Ashkenazi) Jews for around 1000 years now.

Hmmm, I'm not sure from reading your post (I highlighted the part in bold), but do you know that Keturah was Hagar? This is the same woman. Like many biblical figures, her name changed because her life changed for better with G-d and G-d's people, the Jews by this time. This is still Jewish practice in some instances, to change or alter names in certain situations to reflect a change already made or help bring about a change for the better.
Abram (acronym for Hebrew: av ram 'exalted father') became Abraham (av hamon goyim 'father of a multitude of nations') Gen 17:5 G-d added the letter heh to change this after Abraham's circumcision. Sarah's name was once Sarai, hers too was changed. Hagar became Keturah to show that "her deeds were as as pleasing as the ketoret", the ketoret represents 'the transformation of irredeemable elements of creation into a vesel of holiness'.

Hagar was the Egyptian maidservant of Sarah. Sarah had taught the women of Pharoh's household. Pharoh's daughter (Hagar) decided that being a maid in Abram's house was better than being a princess in Pharaoh's palace! Sarah appreicated Hagar's greatness and potential. After years and years with still no child she bore to Abraham, Sarah implored Abraham to have a child with Hagar. (Having children is very important in Jewish beliefs) Hagar became concieted and haughty though, and gloated about having Abraham's child. Sarah punished Hagar by not allowing her to attend her spiritual lectures, and Hagar ran out into the wilderness. 3 Angels appeared to her and told her to return to Sarah, they then promised her son would be a 'wild donkey' of a man. Hagar thought of this as freedom, so she returned. The child, Ishmael grew into "a wild man, whose hand is against all, and all against him" (Gen 16:12). So then Sarah demanded Abraham banish Hagar and Ishmael from their home. G-d told Abraham then "whatever Sarah tells you to do, hearken to her voice." - Do what Sarah tells you! (This was also the 9th of Abraham's tests, to send Hagar & his own son Ishmael away) Hagar went back to her pagan home, and found an Egyptian wife for her son. Years later though Ishmael was back with Abraham and Issac for the akeidah (binding of Issac, 10th test). Then 3 years after Sarah's death, Issac brought Hagar back and she became Keturah when recconciled with Abraham (this is from Midrash Rabbah on Genesis 24:62)

The Jewish sages said "Everything that happened to the Patriarchs, is a signpost for their children. This is why the Torah elaborates on... the events of their lives... for they all come to instruct the future" (source is: Nachmanides on Genesis 12:6)

There were many lessons, and instructions in this. That was the purpose of these complicated relationships. :) They are no longer allowed, based on the lessons now learned.
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HoneyShot said:
Abraham, Jacob, Saul, David, Solomon and others had more than one wife.
God ordained one husband to one wife until death parted them, right from the beginning in Genesis. The men that you mentioned went against God's will with their multi wives and concubines. Just because they were not always immediately punished for those sins doesn't mean it was accepted by God. They also committed other sins that weren't immediately punished either but were equally wrong and had long-term repurcussions.

...but do you know that Keturah was Hagar?
Please give me the Bible reference for that.

...This is the same woman. Like many biblical figures, her name changed because her life changed for better with G-d and G-d's people, the Jews by this time. This is still Jewish practice in some instances, to change or alter names in certain situations to reflect a change already made or help bring about a change for the better.
Abram (acronym for Hebrew: av ram 'exalted father') became Abraham (av hamon goyim 'father of a multitude of nations') Gen 17:5 G-d added the letter heh to change this after Abraham's circumcision. Sarah's name was once Sarai, hers too was changed.
I am familiar with that practice. But where does the Bible say Hagar was renamed Keturah? In all the other examples of "renaming" in the Bible, there are very specific references.

... Then 3 years after Sarah's death, Issac brought Hagar back and she became Keturah when recconciled with Abraham (this is from Midrash Rabbah on Genesis 24:62)
That is not the Bible.

The Jewish sages said "Everything that happened to the Patriarchs, is a signpost for their children. This is why the Torah elaborates on... the events of their lives... for they all come to instruct the future" (source is: Nachmanides on Genesis 12:6)
Also, not the Bible.