God Issue

Cheri said:
That is exactly what judgment is, What you doing plain and simple, First of all, You cannot demand them to stop their homosexual style, It is not your place to say "You going straight to hell" What if you are wrong?

My stepmother says a totally different view than you have done to other people, She says, If you accept Jesus Christ in your heart you'll shall go to heaven. Each one of us sinned Crazyman, You no perfect than anyone in this entire world. I'm sure you have sinned from time to time, and even repeated it. But, do you expect someone go up to you and say "Oh You're going to hell." Just a perfect example of how you have sinned by being judgment.
for example gay life.
HOW is the gay life sinful? What IS the gay life anyway? I love women, but my life is like almost anyone else's life! How is my loving someone hurting anyone?
This isn't like drug abuse or alcholhol abuse. I love someone who simply has the same bits down there as I do! Why God would condemn me to hell b/c of my love for another person is beyond me. I'm a good person...I'm not perfect...I sin just like anyone else. But, 1) You cannot say for certain whether or not loving someone is a sin. Since love is the essense of God, I doubt that He would send me to hell simply b/c I love someone. 2) NOBODY is perfect....everyone sins...but I don't scream and holler that you cheated on your wife or lusted after whoever the hot movie/TV star is.....3) There are many different interpretations of the Bible. I mean I remember off the top of my head that a lot of the references to homosexiuality were actually about hedonistic sex worship stuff....that's why we have Christians who believe that wearing bonnets and not watching movies is what God wants....that's why we have Christians who believe that God wants people to be vegitarians, that's why we have people who practice TONS of different beliefs....and they are all from the same book!
Crazymanw00t said:
Conclusion: If you do not quit the gay life and you are going straight down to hell with no question asked.

Show me where THIS say in the Bible cause I don't see it or is this what you BELIEVE?
Cheri said:
That is exactly what judgment is, What you doing plain and simple, First of all, You cannot demand them to stop their homosexual style, It is not your place to say "You going straight to hell" What if you are wrong?

My stepmother says a totally different view than you have done to other people, She says, If you accept Jesus Christ in your heart you'll shall go to heaven. Each one of us sinned Crazyman, You no perfect than anyone in this entire world. I'm sure you have sinned from time to time, and even repeated it. But, do you expect someone go up to you and say "Oh You're going to hell." Just a perfect example of how you have sinned by being judgment.

deafdyke said:
HOW is the gay life sinful?
God condemns any sexual behavior outside of the marriage of one man and one woman. God established the His plan for correct relationship with Adam and Eve as the models. One man and one woman joined together as one flesh, for life.

Why God would condemn me to hell b/c of my love for another person...
God condemns all people for every sin that they commit. We are all sinners, condemned to hell. But God has also provided salvation equally to all sinners, to save us from hell. That is the Good News. Despite our sins, God loves us and wants to save us.

...I sin just like anyone else.
Yes, we are all equally guilty. The Good News is, we can be equally forgiven. :)

1) ... I doubt that He would send me to hell simply b/c I love someone.
God doesn't send someone to hell for loving someone else. God sends sinners to hell because they don't repent of their sins and accept Jesus as Savior.

2) NOBODY is perfect....everyone sins...
That is true.

...but I don't scream and holler that you cheated on your wife or lusted after whoever the hot movie/TV star is.....
Whether you scream or not about it, it is still sin. Adultery and fornication are sins for straight and gay people, equally.

3) There are many different interpretations of the Bible. I mean I remember off the top of my head that a lot of the references to homosexiuality were actually about hedonistic sex worship stuff....that's why we have Christians who believe that wearing bonnets and not watching movies is what God wants....that's why we have Christians who believe that God wants people to be vegitarians, that's why we have people who practice TONS of different beliefs....and they are all from the same book!
You can find all kinds of excuses to try to justify a particular sin but it doesn't change God's requirement for holy living. There is absolutely no place in the Bible where God blesses homosexual relationships. What other people wear or eat has nothing to do with how you behave. You alone are accountable to God, and He alone will judge you. But when you do face Him someday, He will not accept any excuses.

If you now agree with God that you sin, and tell God that you want to quit your sin (whatever sins, every sin), and accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the payment to forgive your sin, then God will hear your prayer and save you. All your sins will be gone when you face Him at the judgment seat. THAT is the love of God. :)

Sexual preference for and sexual behavior between
members of the same sex, considered to be an immoral
lifestyle and behavior pattern throughout the biblical
revelation. The Bible makes no distinction between what
some today refer to as "homosexual orientation" and
homosexual behavior. Homosexual desires or feelings
are never mentioned as such in Scripture, but homosexual
behavior is strongly condemned as a deviation from
God's will for human beings ( See Lev. 18:22 ) even
punishable by death ( 20: 13 ). Therefore, it stands to
reason that any homosexual inclination, feeling, or
desire must be seriously dealt with as a potentially
dangerous temptation much like those temptations of
a hetersexual nature such as the desire to commit
fornication or adultery.

Genesis 19:1-11 tells the story of an attempted
homosexual gang rape at the house of Lot by the wicked
men of Sodom. Lot considered this behavior wicked
( v. 7 ); raping his daughters was considered the lesser
of two evils ( v. 8 ). This evil of Sodom is mentioned
elsewhere ( Jer. 23:14 ); Ezek. 16:49-50; 2 Pet. 2:6-10;
Jude 7 ) in the strongest terms of condemnation. The
term sodomy has its roots here. A similiar story is
found in Judg. 19:22-30.

Male homosexuality was forbidden by Mosiac Law
( Lev. 18:22;20:13 ).
The early church also considered homosexuality contrary
to "sound doctrine" ( 1 Tim. 1:10 ), a sign of God's wrath
upon blind sinfulness ( Rom. 1:26-27 ). Such behavior is
considered a degrading passion, unnatural, an indecent act,
and an error, even worthy of death ( Rom. 1:32 ). Some of
the Corinthian Christians apparently had been homosexuals
( 1 Cor. 6:9-11 ). Through faith in Christ they had been
"washed", "sanctified", and "justified" ( v. 11 ). Paul
implied here that homosexual behavior is forgivable
through the gospel and that any homosexual temptations
should be resisted as seriously as those toward
fornication or adultery.

The Bible links homosexuality to the sinful nature of
humanity--a psychosocial, learned behavior, expressing
rebellion against God and calling for redemption.
Homosexuals are responsible for their behavior. This is
a very complex psychological problem with many possible
roots or causes, calling for Christian compassion on
the part of God's people as well as God's redemptive
power through the gospel. The ministry of the church
to homosexuals should include conversion, counseling,
education, and support-group relationships.

Have a nice weekends !!
Cheri said:
That is exactly what judgment is, What you doing plain and simple, First of all, You cannot demand them to stop their homosexual style, It is not your place to say "You going straight to hell" What if you are wrong?

My stepmother says a totally different view than you have done to other people, She says, If you accept Jesus Christ in your heart you'll shall go to heaven. Each one of us sinned Crazyman, You no perfect than anyone in this entire world. I'm sure you have sinned from time to time, and even repeated it. But, do you expect someone go up to you and say "Oh You're going to hell." Just a perfect example of how you have sinned by being judgment.

Cheri, What we are trying to say if we dont practice the way we live in a christian life...we will go to hell...I am not judging anyone neither is Crazyman...I agree with you what you are saying...I will show scriptures later tonight or tmw...right now Im tired...need some rest. I will get back with ya'll soon. :ily:
coloravalanche said:
Yes, I love to eat shrimp...The Bible did not say God hates to eat shrimp..there is NO scripture stating this.

Actually there is!

Of the things that are in the waters, you may eat anything that has fins and scales. Lev. 11:9; Deut. 14:9. Thus, shellfish such as lobsters, oysters, shrimp, clams and crabs are all forbidden. Fish like tuna, carp, salmon and herring are all permitted.
Quote from: Judaism 101

Now I guess that many Christians would probably reply to that with something like "Oh but that's the old covenant, and that was with the Jews, Christians have a new covenant and the old doesn't apply". That's fine... except the only verse that actually refers to homosexuality... is Lev 18:22. Which is also from the laws given to the Jewish people. Are there 'new testiment' verses also that are specifically about gays, or not? I never hear of any quoted against homosexuality, only Lev 18:22, and a bad misinterpretation/mistranslation of Sodom and Gommorah (which is not about gays at all!).

It'd be really cool if you could please explain (if you don't mind) what I don't understand about this...

How do Christians say that homosexuality is wrong from the bible, but that most of the others of the total 613 commandments don't apply to Christians, even those from the same book of the Torah (Lev. for example)? How are some are chosen to apply to your faith but not others, and by who? I don't understand, maybe you can explain. :) Also, under Torah, gentiles were never, and still aren't obligated to observe those laws, only Jews. You can choose to if you want, but you are not commanded to, so neither are the people whose romantic partnership you condemn. Gentiles only have to observe the 7 noahide laws. Why can't Christians be gay, but can eat shellfish as deafdyke gave example of? I don't understand, but would really apprecaite it if you'd please explain this, it is very confusing! Thank you! :)

Also G-d doesn't hate shrimp... He said all of his creations are good, he just made it clear that they are not kosher.
deafdyke said:
Ummm really? according to this site God DOES hate Shrimp! Yeah, it's a parody but the quotes are from the Bible!
Yes, you are judging them....by saying that you disapprove of the fact that we love each other, you're judging them! Yeah, I know that the Bible allegedly says that homosexiality is a sin, but you know what? There are MANY interpretations of that. Hey there are even some Bibical scholars who say that Jesus might have been gay!


:lol: remember the story about Jesus asked his disciples to follow him? They were fishermen? Also other story about Jesus gave 5,000 bread and fishes?? Remmy that??? The Bible did not say God hates shrimp..:lol: I think thats hilarious...I ought to tell my dad about this!
coloravalanche said:
:ugh: :confused: are you saying im weird?
Ha, ha, no! "Werd" does not mean "weird". "Werd" means "I completely agree with you." Kind of like "thumbs up". Someone had to explain it to me last year, too. :)

I think the "expression" on the emoticon's face is misleading, so it is an easy mistake.

I absolutely do not think you are weird.

Te, he, I thought I was the only person who made the "werd" mistake. ;)
thanks Honeyshot!!!!!
I don't think that Jesus was gay.....I'm just reporting on what some scholars have said...I'll have to look up some of the sites that discuss Bibical interpretation so you can see what some other scholars think.
One important thingy.....Jesus Himself never said anything about homosexuality being a sin....He just said "Love your neighbor as your brother" Jesus...the very same Person who founded your religion and Whose teachings you follow.
I remember a round we used to sing at camp...."love, love love....the Gospel in a Word is love"

What do you mean by gay lifestyle?

That is what always confuses me.

Ok. Let me give you an example. One of my friends is gay.

In the morning, he gets up, eats breakfast, and goes to work. When work is done, he likes to write stories or go to the gym and work out. When he's finished with that, he goes shopping for dinner and brings food home to cook.

He likes to eat dinner and chat with his friends in the evenings.

Is this the lifestyle you're talking about?

Are you talking about drugs and promiscuity?

That is not a gay thing. That is a problem lots of gay people have, but it is not a gay thing. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they live that way or they do bad things to themselves or others.

What the heck is this "lifestyle" thing? It's like all those people out there think that the only thing gay people do is take drugs, spread lies, and fuck like bunnies!
Holier Than Thou

I have to say this, I'm sorry. I know some of you will jump all over me, but I have something I want to point out.

A lot of the people I know who are christians or born again christians (NOT ALL of them!) who make an issue of homosexuality usually seem to have an inflated sense of self importance.

They're saved. They're God's people, and so they're better than everyone else, and that all other sinners needed to be purified to be brought up to THEIR level.

So when a christian comes up to me and says that they want to save me or whatever, all I can think is, "Gee, that made you feel good about yourself, didn't it? You feel good. Yay. You got bonus points so Jesus will let you in heaven. Now leave me alone."

It's also like hearing people who tell deaf people that they want to help them be hearing and not have to live a lifestyle of being alone and isolated from other people. Then hearing people get mad at deaf people when they say they are just fine and they enjoy using ASL. So hearing people blame deaf people and say that they are stubborn and not realistic and can't understand what the real world is like.

But those people don't listen to the poeple they're trying to help! They thnk they know everything about the lifestyle and use stuff to throw at them, to judge them. Then they turn around and claim that they are NOT judging, they are just HELPING. And during this whole time, the deaf people are like, "hey, stop helping me. i just wanted to be treated with respect, and for you to understand that I'm your EQUAL and deserve to be treated that way."

and yes, saying to someone that it's a sin to be gay IS judging. It IS picking something from the Bible and using it against a person, ignoring how the person really feels or perceives it. If you really weren't judging, then why don't you support polyamory? Abraham had a few wives, right? The Bible says it's ok. The Bible also says it's ok to kill someone if they commit adultery. But you guys just IGNORE that and go right for the gay stuff.
You pick through the stuff in the Bible and JUDGE what is important and what is not, then you throw it in our face.

I said this to you all because maybe now you can see it from the perspective of someone who is gay. We get preached at all the time, people give us attitude and use us to make themselves feel superior. I mean, THANK GOD they're not decadent homosexuals who participate in a lifestyle of drugs, random sex and are forever looking to fill empty spots in their lives. Please! There ARE gay people who live that way, but not all of them do. There are also a lot of straight people who do too!

I hope I am clear!!

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I hope that you can see my point, why all this preaching and posting bible verses is a BIG turn off and will not help anyone who might want to be closer to God in a genuine and honest way. It just looks like you're shooting your mouth off and want to be a big shot becuase you're so holy, you'll go to heaven, ha ha. I'm telling you how it LOOKS, that's all.

coloravalanche said:
Cheri, What we are trying to say if we dont practice the way we live in a christian life...we will go to hell...I am not judging anyone neither is Crazyman...I agree with you what you are saying...I will show scriptures later tonight or tmw...right now Im tired...need some rest. I will get back with ya'll soon. :ily:

I don't agree with that sorry :( because my step mother never preached anyone, or even shovel the bibles to others faces those people who have sinned or repeated sins. I've gotten to know Crazyman by reading his posts, he does so much shoveling by using the bible preaching people, telling them they're go to hell. It's not the first time he ever said that. How would God feels about how he is preaching if he is a true Christian being? God wouldn't like the fact that a true Christian would go up to someone and say "You're going to hell."

Not once that Jesus ever said that to Mary which people call her a "whore." Isn't it against the bible to have sex with so many partners? without being married to them? Mary did that, and Jesus not once judged or shovel the bible to her face. That's why people admire Jesus so much, come to him on their own because of who he is. If someone is a true Christian being, They would guide people in a good way instead of judging, "What not to do, what is to do." I've know what I've done wrong in my life, I seek to God/Jesus for my forgiving. We don't need Christians like some who demands us how to live our life.

Excellent post you made there cady75! :thumb: Cady is correct, If you really read what she/he is trying to say. Cady sounds so much like my step-mother. ;)

I would like to repeat that NOT ALL Christians are like that.

It's just some who come off that way.

Oh, and by the way, polyamorous marriages were very common in the Bible. Abraham had several wives, and so did Solomon, I think.

That was my point. It's ok for them but not for us? So if it's not ok in the Bible to be gay, then why is it not ok for us? You see what I'm saying?
cady75 said:
So when a christian comes up to me and says that they want to save me or whatever, all I can think is, "Gee, that made you feel good about yourself, didn't it? You feel good. Yay. You got bonus points so Jesus will let you in heaven. Now leave me alone."
Christians cannot "save" anyone. Only Jesus Christ can save someone from hell and the guilt of sin. There are no "bonus points" that can get someone into heaven. No one is good enough to enter heaven. No one can work the way into heaven. The only way into heaven is thru repenting of sin and trusting in Jesus.

Abraham had a few wives, right? The Bible says it's ok.
The Bible condemns polygamy. Abraham disobeyed God when he impregnated Hagar.

The Bible also says it's ok to kill someone if they commit adultery. But you guys just IGNORE that and go right for the gay stuff.
Adultery is an awful sin and God hates it. I don't know who you are referring to when you say "you guys just ignore that"; I have many times posted "adultery is a sin", and the only reason I am posting about homosexual sin now is because someone brought up the question.

We get preached at all the time, people give us attitude and use us to make themselves feel superior.
I certainly do not feel superior to anyone. I am only a sinner saved by the grace of Jesus, not by any works that I have done. I deserve to go to hell, and it is only the blood of Jesus that saved me. If anyone feels bothered by the Gospel, perhaps it is the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.

It just looks like you're shooting your mouth off and want to be a big shot becuase you're so holy, you'll go to heaven, ha ha.
No one is holy enough for heaven. We all fall short of the glory of God.
Reba said:
Christians cannot "save" anyone. Only Jesus Christ can save someone from hell and the guilt of sin. There are no "bonus points" that can get someone into heaven. No one is good enough to enter heaven. No one can work the way into heaven. The only way into heaven is thru repenting of sin and trusting in Jesus.

Ok. Agreed. Then why do you try to help others? Why do you try to save them? Why can't they just go to Jesus on their own? And why do you even assume that they NEED to be saved in the first place?

I'm not saying that you're one of those Christians, but I've met people who think that way, who think that it is their job to convert people and then brag about it and feel good and superior.

That's all. I'm not speaking of you personally. :)
Cheri said:
...Not once that Jesus ever said that to Mary which people call her a "whore." Isn't it against the bible to have sex with so many partners? without being married to them? Mary did that, and Jesus not once judged or shovel the bible to her face.
Mary repented of her sin, and Jesus commanded her to go and sin no more. That means that Jesus did say that her past way of life was sin, that she must quit doing that.
cady75 said:
Oh, and by the way, polyamorous marriages were very common in the Bible. Abraham had several wives, and so did Solomon, I think.

That was my point. It's ok for them but not for us?
It was NOT ok for Abraham and Solomon to have multiple wives. God condemned that. God did not bless that. God said over and over that the multiple wives were the cause of many problems for the people. Abraham and Solomon disobeyed God. Their marriages and affairs were not God's will. It was NOT ok for them, and it is not ok for us.