God Issue

deafdyke said:
...I know people who went to hyper hyper Christian colleges like Pensecola Christian College or Bible Colleges....and they left VERY disillusioned
I personally know many people who went to conservative fundamental Bible colleges such as Pensacola Christian College, and they graduated and become faithful servants of the Lord. We have had students from PCC, BJU, Clearwater Christian, and Ambassador Baptist Bible College stay in our home, and they were inspiring blessings to us.

Many students who drop out of Bible colleges were not really born-again Christians to begin with, and can't handle the truth when they are confronted with it. Also, some attend for the wrong reasons, and leave when they realize that.
Many students who drop out of Bible colleges were not really born-again Christians to begin with, and can't handle the truth when they are confronted with it. Also, some attend for the wrong reasons, and leave when they realize that.
What does that have to do with anything? People change....Many of them still believe, but they are disillusianed by how a lot of people there act holier then thou or how strict things are (basing this on a site I was reading about PCC)
deafdyke said:
What does that have to do with anything?
Well, you brought it up.

People change....Many of them still believe, but they are disillusianed by how a lot of people there act holier then thou...
That is a problem for people with weak faith, or people who focus on people and personalities instead of focusing on Christ.

... or how strict things are (basing this on a site I was reading about PCC)
Like what things? I have seen their website, and it seems fine to me.
deafdyke said:
Crazyman......what if a person is a hermaprodite or transsexual or has a sex chromosome outside of the XX or XY consistion?
Hermaprodite and I want you to expand that more please. Hermaprodite is a very general subject. There are some scales that we look at. So I need to understand your view with the hermaprodite people.

The transexuals are the homosexual people, period.

So a GLB can't be a Christian under CALVINIST standards......and I do understand that....But a GLBer could be a Christian under another interpretation of the Bible......
Let me remind you that. It is not only for the Calvinist's standard. The Christian's standard forbids to practice the sin. Therefore homosexual is forbided. The Christian is a big group. Calvinist is inside the Christian group.

Can you show me the Bible verse with that thing? I am very gladful to walk with you on the verses.
I gotta say.....you are still very very young. Research has indicated that 80% of evailingal kids fall away from the church..... In a few years....maybe you'll fall away from the church....Who knows? I know people who went to hyper hyper Christian colleges like Pensecola Christian College or Bible Colleges....and they left VERY disillusioned

You need to research more and what people they are researching on and you need to research their background life. It is a big research job and you will find out many things about them. You need to remember that more than 50% of our American Churches are influenced by pragmatic churches. Therefore more than 50% Christian in American are hypocritied Christian. Only few Christian people acutally follows the Bible.

The ages does't matter really. It is all in the Lord's power. He could decides a young kid to be very genius than anyone because the Lord has the power to do that. I believe in God with full control with good and bad on this Earth. That means he already controls your mind with your comments toward to my messages. All of them are through Lord's power.

I hope that I will not walk away from the Christianity and it is very hard to imagine like that way. I just can't ignore or to aviod Jesus Christ and his words.
Reba, check out:http://www.pensacolachristiancollege.com/...It's also unaccreditted. Crazyman and Reba, what I mean by people being disillusioned and losing their faith is not nessarily b/c of losing their belief in Jesus and God....More like they still think Jesus is a good guy to follow and they respect His teachings and all that.....but they've lost their faith b/c they see people being hypocritical or whatever...Like Jerry Fallwell cheating on his wife and embezzling millions of dollars, for one (albeilt extreme) example....I don't think that the kids who leave the churches become hardcore athetists or evil Satanists.....that may happen to you....In a few years you may be like "this is a little too extreme for me"
Hermaprodite and I want you to expand that more please. Hermaprodite is a very general subject. There are some scales that we look at. So I need to understand your view with the hermaprodite people.
Someone with both a penis and a vagina or something inbetween "normal" sex chareteristics. What if Danielle or Maureen had both a penis and a vagina?
Would my love for them be evil in God's eye then?
The transexuals are the homosexual people, period.
Ummm....NOPE! Most TS people are straight...
Crazyman...... you have to realize that Jesus...the guy you claim to follow DOES NOT and NEVER said anything about homosexuality!
The Christian's standard forbids to practice the sin. Therefore homosexual is forbided. The Christian is a big group. Calvinist is inside the Christian group.

Can you show me the Bible verse with that thing? I am very gladful to walk with you on the verses.
Yes, but Christianity also says that everyone sins....there is nobody perfect out there....We try to be the best, but we can't...all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. There's just so many different interpretations of "What God Wants" ....I will try to find the links that people have used to recoincile their sexuality with their relgion....there are TONS of GLB folks out there in all sorts of different churches....and who knows? The important thing is to remember "Judge ye that ye not be judged." Jesus Himself said "Let He who is without sin be the first to cast the first stone." We can't judge right now....NOBODY knows 100% what God wants...I mean if there was one right way...and the Bible couldn't be interpreted lots of different ways, you'd see only One True Church.....but....they all follow Jesus in different ways and believe that God wants this or that or whatever....do you get what I'm saying?
You are arguin' with Jesus by ignorin' what He says in His Word.
deafdyke said:
OK, I checked it. So? That is not the official website for PCC. Did you also check that?

The link you provided reads like some whining cry-babies who can't handle standards. They just want to "get back" at the school.

I didn't read anything in that site to change my mind. I have read "the rules" about the school and see nothing to get upset about. Most of the rules are similar to the standards at our Christian school.