Global Warming

Magatsu said:
Reba: curious, what water do you drink? ;)
Tap. Our water comes from a lake, thru the city system.
i heard that drinking city water is healthy for ur teeth cuz it contains flouride..... densite recommand drink city water
Reba said:
No, I was curious which water you consider safe to drink. If you don't drink tap water you must drink something, so I was wondering what kind you think is clean.

Alrighty. Free to feel curious and ask me questions whenever you want to.

Do you use a filter on your tap, or do you buy it in bottles?

No, I don't use a filter on the tap. There is a place where I go to with my own bottles, I think they are around 5 gallons each or 18 litres each. They have bottle cleaners in there so that you can clean and disinfect the bottles before you fill it. It's basically a self-serve place.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i heard that drinking city water is healthy for ur teeth cuz it contains flouride..... densite recommand drink city water

Fluoride isn't good for you. You are not to swallow it, it is to be used in small quantities and to stay in your mouth, then spit it out. Fluoride is only good for reducing dental cavities. Nothing more.

Plus, people shouldn't be drinking chloride and sulfate.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i heard that drinking city water is healthy for ur teeth cuz it contains flouride..... densite recommand drink city water
That information is fake. The information was 'feed' by certain fluoride companies to make the profit.

To start with that issue, check this out: (there are many more side effects from Fluoride. Do you know that Sweden, Europe and other countries like Japan banned fluoride from the tap waters? That said all)

Plus to that, nearly all of tap water in America contains lead. Lead is toxic substance and our systems have hard time to reject it out of our bodies also posioning our brains and many organs. Hmm, maybe no wonder why many americans are getting dumber and dumber everyday :o?
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Banjo said:
No, I don't use a filter on the tap. There is a place where I go to with my own bottles, I think they are around 5 gallons each or 18 litres each. They have bottle cleaners in there so that you can clean and disinfect the bottles before you fill it. It's basically a self-serve place.
So, it is a place that sells water? Do they filter tap water, or do they get it from a spring?

Is your tap water from a well or from a lake?

When I visit CT, there is a public spring where I go for drinking water. I fill up my bottles with nice cold spring water that flows constantly from the rocks. It tastes good, and it is even very cold during the hot summer.

Our tap water in SC is never cold in the summer. It is always warm.
I am lucky my town has a stringent policy on water containment. I get water quality reports from the town every year and it showed me that dangerous substances are less than 1% almost 0% in the water system.
Like Banjo, I drink RO and spring water as well. I found out about upstream water few weeks ago and I am thinking of drink that water to see how it is.
tekkmortal said:
I am lucky my town has a stringent policy on water containment. I get water quality reports from the town every year and it showed me that dangerous substances are less than 1% almost 0% in the water system.
same here.. i always get bi-annually water report from the water companies about how safe, how much water is been used, etc.
Banjo said:
Fluoride isn't good for you. You are not to swallow it, it is to be used in small quantities and to stay in your mouth, then spit it out. Fluoride is only good for reducing dental cavities. Nothing more.

Plus, people shouldn't be drinking chloride and sulfate.
One of the towns near here used to have excessive fluoride in their water. All the children who grew up in that area had discolored teeth from the excess fluoride. It is a very distinctive look. Just by observing someone's teeth, you can tell which town they came from.

However, I think topical fluoride is important though for cavity prevention.

My skin is very sensitive and prone to allergic hives. Each time I brush my teeth with fluoride toothpaste (daily), I notice a red rash streak going from my lips down my chin. That is where the toothpaste touches my skin. It goes away after a few minutes.

I have noticed that children did not get as many cavities since fluoridation of the water. When I was a kid, cavities were common, but my daughter's generation didn't get many cavities. Now I think children are getting more dental problems because they drink too much soda. That acid on the teeth is very bad.

Oops, I am sorry. This is getting way :topic: ! Maybe we should have a new thread in the Health forum. Anyway, past my bedtime.
Reba said:
So, it is a place that sells water? Do they filter tap water, or do they get it from a spring?

Is your tap water from a well or from a lake?

When I visit CT, there is a public spring where I go for drinking water. I fill up my bottles with nice cold spring water that flows constantly from the rocks. It tastes good, and it is even very cold during the hot summer.

Our tap water in SC is never cold in the summer. It is always warm.

I believe they filter the tap water, at least that's the impression I get from the place where I buy it. They have a bunch of huge equipments in there that filter the water.

It's something to look at.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
i heard that drinking city water is healthy for ur teeth cuz it contains flouride..... densite recommand drink city water

Yes, I was shocked what my sister told me about that. I told her, that city water is very flify. Spring water is more healthier than city water. She said, no it is helping our teeth health due to flouride. Interesting...

I used city water while I shower and brush my teeth. :) Obviously, it is not enough. :-o
Yes, it's true.
Before that I use to drink spring water until I learn the information about this from public healthy department at 3 years ago. I drink filter tap water alot.
Did you know that tap water is also good for your heart?

Reba, I would suggest you to create a new thread.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
why not just boil the water? heat will kill everything in the water.

Yes, heat will kill living organisms, but not metals like lead, copper etc. And flouride is very poisonous. Read the label on your toothpaste. Search how many children die because they swallow the flouride treatment at the dentist's office. I will not drink flouridated water or use flouride toothpaste. My kids don't get the dentist's flouride treatment and they have fewer cavities than those who do. Flouride was a waste product from the production of nuclear materials. Someone decided to sell it because it does bond with calcides. Your teeth. YOUR BONES. No thank you!
Flouride a Danger to Your Health and Sanity?
by Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.

Take a deep breath because what I am about to tell you is going to be a shock. Fluoride is an unnecessary, toxic poison added to your food and water supply. No other substance deliberately added to food or water poses the health risks of fluoride.

Under the guise of health benefits, fluoride is now present in most commercial toothpastes and is regularly added to over 60% of our public drinking water. As a health professional and human being, I am outraged by the practice of mandatory water fluoridation and the addition of fluoride to toothpastes used regularly by children and adults.

A new study shows fluoride increases absorption of aluminum from deodorants, or pots and pans by over 600%! The aluminum concentration in the brains of Alzheimer's patients is 15 times higher than in healthy individuals. The fluoride/aluminum combination spells disaster for your brain's health!

That's not the only problem with fluoride. We've been told how good it is for us, but I'd like to dispel some of the myths about fluoride.

Fiction: Fluoride is a natural substance.

Fact: Fluoride occurs naturally in some water supplies as natural calcium fluoride, but the type of fluoride added to water and toothpastes is a hazardous waste by-product (hydrofluosilicic acid) coming from the phosphate fertilizer industries.

Fiction: Fluoride reduces tooth decay.

Fact: A recent analysis of national survey data collected by the National Institute of Dental Research shows that children who live in areas of the U.S. where the water supplies are fluoridated have tooth decay rates almost identical with those who live in non-fluoridated areas. Further, recent large-scale studies show no difference in decay rates of permanent teeth in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.

Fiction: Mandatory water fluoridation is safe.

Fact: An enormous body of evidence from both animal and human epidemiology studies is now clear. Fluoride exposure is linked to cancer, genetic damage, nervous system dysfunction, and bone diseases. Studies also link fluoride exposure to lowered IQ in children.

More Fluoride Facts:

Fluoride is more toxic than lead. Even in minute doses, it is damaging to brain/mind development.

Studies show that fluoride is linked to Alzheimer's and Senile Dementia.

In areas where fluorosis (fluoride poisoning) is prevalent, a higher concentration of fluoride is found in the developing brain tissue of unborn children.

Hip fracture rates are much higher in people residing in fluoridated communities.

Postmenopausal women, people 50 and over, people with nutrient deficiencies and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems are especially affected by fluoride exposure.

The U.S. National Research Council admits that dental fluorosis affects from 8% to 51% of the children drinking fluoridated water.

Is Fluoride Toothpaste Safe?
The answer to this question is a resounding no. The poison control center receives over 11,000 calls a year because of poisoning from ingesting fluoride toothpaste. In 1997, the FDA even mandated a poison warning label on fluoride toothpaste! Small children, who tend to swallow toothpaste, are most at risk. Signs of fluoride poisoning include vomiting and muscle cramps. Look for non-fluoridated toothpastes like Natures Gate Spearmint or Cinnamon Toothpaste at your health food store.

What are some of these harmful effects?

According to our estimates, fluoridation is responsible for the chronic poisoning of over 130,000,000 Americans, of a substantial number of the 40,000,000 Americans suffering from arthritis, of over 8,000,000 American children who are so badly poisoned that their teeth are discolored, of about 2,000,000 Americans who suffer allergic or allergic-like reactions from fluoride, of about 35,000 Americans who die from fluoridation each year, and of about 10,000 Americans who die from fluoridation-induced cancers each year.

Have these harmful effects been proven?

Yes. In a court case in Pennsylvania lasting 20 days, it was proven that fluoridation is harmful. The presiding judge, John Pl. Flaherty, said he was "compellingly convinced" of the harmful effects of fluoridation. In an Illinois court case lasting 40 days, Judge Ronald A. Niemann ruled that fluoridation "created a risk... of serious health hazards". Allergic-type reactions have been reported by top physicians, including Nobel Prize winner Dr. William Murphy. With regard to the amount of fluoride found in a quart of fluoridated water, the Physlcians' Desk Reference points out: "Dental fluorosis (mottling) may result... In hypersensitive individuals, fluorides occasionally cause skin eruptions such as atopic dermatites, eczema, or urticaria. Gastric distress, headache, and weakness have also been reported. These hypersensitive reactions usually disappear promptly after discontinuation of the fluoride."

Are there any visible symptoms of people poisoned by fluoride?

Yes. About 20-35% of the people growing up in artificially fluoridated areas experience a disturbance of tooth development so great that the resulting damage is visible to the naked eye. This disease is referred to as dental fluorosis. In mild cases, it appears as the chalky-white area on the tooth. In more advanced cases, teeth become yellow, brown, or black and the tips break off. Poorly nourished children consuming water with as little as 0.4 ppm fluoride have exhibited dental fluorosis. Even the 1992 Canadian Dental Association's Proposed Guidelines recommends: "Fluoride supplements should not be recommended for children less than three years old." Fluoride damages teeth by interfering with the proper formation of collagen and collagen-like proteins in the toth during the tooth formative stages. These proteins also comprise the structural component for our skin, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, and bone. Fluoridated water leads to a breakdown of these proteins.
Codger said:
Flouride a Danger to Your Health and Sanity?
by Linda Page, N.D., Ph.D.

Fluoridated water leads to a breakdown of these proteins.

And you don't brush your teeth?

Okay, well we can use baking soda to brush our teeth. :)
For what? Selling you what you want to buy? Nope. It is called personal responsibility. Educate yourself on the products you buy and use.