Four years old killed by lawn mower!


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Dec 8, 2003
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Four-Year-Old Killed by Lawn Mower

DALEVILLE, Va. (April 23) - A 4-year-old boy died Thursday after his baby sitter's husband accidentally ran over him with a riding lawn mower.
Botetourt County Sheriff Ronnie Sprinkle said Justin Eric Simmons was at a home day care facility operated by Roberta and Orville Reedy when the accident occurred shortly before noon.

"It's bad. ... A terrible, tragic thing," said Maj. Delbert Dudding of the sheriff's office.

Orville Reedy, 65, told investigators he was going up a slope on the mower when the engine almost died. Reedy told police he depressed the clutch and as the mower rolled backward he felt a bump. Stopping the mower, Reedy discovered the boy, according to Sprinkle.

The child suffered head injuries and died at a hospital, police said.

Justin and his younger brother stayed with the Reedys while their parents worked.

No charges have been filed in the case, but authorities said the investigation is continuing.

i am soo sowwy to hear abt him.. i am sure that he is with :angel: and god in heaven!!! oh my goodness!!
:shock: mowing the lawn while a kid is outside *smh* I will never let my son be around me while i'm mowing the lawn.. until he's old enough to understand lawn mower is dangerous.

EDIT: and other thing.. old people should relax.. not driving seesh old people stuborn
yea i agree with u for that!! same thing here i wont let my kids do that!! *smh*
That's why old people should not be driving anything!
TweetyBird said:
Four-Year-Old Killed by Lawn Mower

DALEVILLE, Va. (April 23) - A 4-year-old boy died Thursday after his baby sitter's husband accidentally ran over him with a riding lawn mower.
Botetourt County Sheriff Ronnie Sprinkle said Justin Eric Simmons was at a home day care facility operated by Roberta and Orville Reedy when the accident occurred shortly before noon.

"It's bad. ... A terrible, tragic thing," said Maj. Delbert Dudding of the sheriff's office.

Orville Reedy, 65, told investigators he was going up a slope on the mower when the engine almost died. Reedy told police he depressed the clutch and as the mower rolled backward he felt a bump. Stopping the mower, Reedy discovered the boy, according to Sprinkle.

The child suffered head injuries and died at a hospital, police said.

Justin and his younger brother stayed with the Reedys while their parents worked.

No charges have been filed in the case, but authorities said the investigation is continuing.

i am soo sowwy to hear abt him.. i am sure that he is with :angel: and god in heaven!!! oh my goodness!!
i guess that man is fuck :crazy: to have kids on the lawn.. I will NOT allow any kids on the lawns.. .jeez what's heck wrong with this one!
CoolieFroggie said:
i guess that man is fuck :crazy: to have kids on the lawn.. I will NOT allow any kids on the lawns.. .jeez what's heck wrong with this one!
yea i agree with u!!! he is soooo :crazy: let him do that.. i cant believe that!!!
Well, dont look like this old fella did it on was just an unfortunate accident that do happens all the time! Ya know kids get behind cars in the driveways? they get run over..really sad..its best to check around first to make sure there are no kids running around before you do anything like mowing, driving, using the chain saw etc..
Defee said:
Heh?? whatcha gonna do when YOU get old? quit driving too? LOL! :nana:
Yes. Secondly, I'd make sure that all of my reflexes were in good condition. I've seen a lot of old people who have slower reflexes. Yet, they stand around saying that they are fine and don't see a doctor. That's where the mistake starts!
damn that's :crazy: the man should KEEP his eyes open and see if no kids are on lawn but damn he sucks :thumbd:
aww poor kid :(

Defee said:
Well, dont look like this old fella did it on was just an unfortunate accident that do happens all the time! Ya know kids get behind cars in the driveways? they get run over..really sad..its best to check around first to make sure there are no kids running around before you do anything like mowing, driving, using the chain saw etc..

i agree Defee -- i dont think it was done on purpose -- and YES always best to check around the car FIRST!! :werd:
Be Always look out the back first before launch brake to go...
Can't be no charge..
I believe possibly... Masgluatar Charge?

As same thing rules: following the vehicle look out the back before proceed to go.. why not same thing as... lawnmower...
Truly sorry about precouisly innocent child.
VamPyroX said:
Yes. Secondly, I'd make sure that all of my reflexes were in good condition. I've seen a lot of old people who have slower reflexes. Yet, they stand around saying that they are fine and don't see a doctor. That's where the mistake starts!
Yeah, you are right! I was just kidding ya....I think all senior citizens should have ANNUAL eye exams by license bureau cuz thats the leading cause of accidents by senior citizens..they just plum cannot see good! My dad (bless his soul) had his eyes examined cuz he said he had trouble seeing some things and sure enough he had cataracts and he didnt know it! so he had laser surgery on his eyes (one at a time) and then he was allowed to drive after another exam. Also i think there are some seniors just not capable of driving like their mental state! If proven by doctors that they are not mentally capable of driving, then they should take their licenses away! they could use buses, cabs, or family/friend to take them places.
Those unfortunate accidents were preventable -- lack of awareness around them in the surroundings they are in. I know it can happen unexpectedly and unpredictable as well.

Also, it was an accident -- I would say maybe the babysitter's boyfriend wasn't aware that the boy somehow got outside. Kids do that, too...they somehow manage to get out of the houses here and there. It has happened.
That is a horrible accident. I agree with VamPyroX. Old People shouldn't drive the Lawn Motor I thought they hire landscape people to do that Job. Cuz that what I will do.

Have u notice that Older People on the roads goes like 20 mph into a 35 mph zone it drives me Nuts! Sometimes I think why are they driving out on the roads when they cannot Go on Legal Speed Limit.
Learn to be patience when the elderly people drives matter how limit speed they drives. Just let them have their own good memories BEFORE they passes on. I know some people have no patience!