Flynt Bids for Calif. Gov


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Mar 6, 2003
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Flynt Bids for Calif. Gov. as Caring Smut Peddler
By Jill Serjeant

BEVERLY HILLS (Reuters) - Calling himself a "smut peddler who cares," porn king Larry Flynt on Monday formally announced his bid for California governor but acknowledged that voters might not be able to stomach his sleazy background.

"I don't think the business I am in has anything to do with being a good governor," the Hustler magazine publisher and casino developer told a news conference in his opulent, black and gold Beverly Hills office.

But Flynt said that if private polling over the next few days showed he had no chance of winning the October election to unseat Democratic Gov. Gray Davis (news - web sites), he would not waste millions in a campaign bid.

"If the support is there, I am willing to go the distance. If not, I will fade into the sunset," said Flynt.

Flynt, 61, who made his millions publishing raunchy sex magazines while carving out a reputation as a crusader for free speech, proposed a novel -- and admittedly partially self-serving -- way out of California's massive budget crisis.

He wants to expand California's gaming industry (in which he has recently developed a business interest) to include slot machines in all private clubs. Taxing the casino revenue, Flynt said, would help wipe out the state budget deficit,

A newly-elected Gov. Flynt would launch a study into the legalization of prostitution. Also, he would grant amnesty to all illegal immigrants currently in California, then secure the state's borders.

Flynt is one of some 200 people, including Hollywood billboard queen Angelyne and a porn movie star, who have taken out initial paperwork to challenge Davis in an election some analysts have said is making California a laughing stock.

Davis on Monday launched a legal bid to have the October ballot delayed until March, claiming there is insufficient time to ready new voting technology.

Flynt, who was shot and paralyzed by a right-wing sniper while fighting an obscenity case 25 years ago and whose career was lionized in the 1996 movie "The People vs Larry Flynt," dismissed suggestions that his campaign was motivated by self-promotion.

"I don't need any publicity," he drawled confidently "I am better known than Coca-Cola."

Seated in a gold-plated wheelchair behind an enormous antique desk bearing some of his more than 30 raunchy magazine titles, Flynt accused California politicians of incompetence and ineptitude.

"California is the most progressive state in the union, quite unorthodox at times. I think its citizens would welcome having a smut peddler who cares as their governor.

"Unlike Gray Davis, I am not paralyzed from the neck up," he quipped.
Hard to believe about Larry Flynt's considering about CA governor. His character is refuse give up till he successfully especially "Freedom of Speech" and others.
Shit, what next...Hugh Hefner running for President?

if Hef did, he wud have my vote!
hmm?? only in america that someone like him runs for office
and might win
That shows how stupid USA has become, IMO -- allowing those smut publishers/owners of porn run for Senate or any jobs in Government. :P
I disagree...I won't vote for them! That I predict there'll be chaos if that ever happens.
Originally posted by WaterRats13
That shows how stupid USA has become, IMO -- allowing those smut publishers/owners of porn run for Senate or any jobs in Government. :P
I disagree...I won't vote for them! That I predict there'll be chaos if that ever happens.

It's democracy, baby. Anybody can be part of the gov'ment.
Hmm... if he offers free porn magazines to all of his voters, I'd vote for him! :naughty:
well we had a actor for president in case anyone has forgotten that Ronald Regan was our Ca, Gov in the early 1960s( late ??) and during those times before jerry brown took over til george Dukemajian then Pete Wilson now Gray Davis, and its a sad thing im a californian Native, we re always screwed with the State budget as we always are broke, but if flynt was the governer I swear it will go to show no one will ever get out of this BS of a potlics, LETTING hookers do the job and not think of the aids and all STDs and letting them run amok on this Sorry he DOES NOT HAVE MY VOTE *shudders*
Stevey Boy said:
It's democracy, baby. Anybody can be part of the gov'ment.

Well, that's another example of how 'nuts' USA has gone political-wise. I think the smut/porn CEO's should stay out of politics. I don't mind the actors who may have a good purpose and role model for the citizens of USA.
Reagan did OK as president in the 80's.
Well, my vote would go to him because hes' the only canidiate that understands the demands of freedom.

He showed up in courts with a diaper.

He even had a "Fuck you" shirt. He was expressing his freedom.

How many politicans do you know of that would have the guts to express their own freedom?
SilenceGold said:
Well, my vote would go to him because hes' the only canidiate that understands the demands of freedom.

He showed up in courts with a diaper.

He even had a "Fuck you" shirt. He was expressing his freedom.

How many politicans do you know of that would have the guts to express their own freedom?

I do admire him for being such a poster boy of freedom of the speech
Larry Flynt is :crazy: . I hope someone else is sane enough to bid on CA governship, period. I don't need too much flashy people in CA are trying to bid for the same position. CA economy sucks. :evil:
free porn channel :) but I bet he would ban the rabbit (playboy) from Ca :( and he has this shirt, I am gonna buy it, it says kick the rabbit habit and has a picture of the play boy bunny symbol with XX on the eyes.
altho i myself am not a resident of CA -- i dont believe he would be a good governor to begin with -- i would not vote for Flynt even tho i advocate the freedom of speech -- the state of CA is already in a financial mess -- what Flynt has said doesnt sound appropriate on what he plans to do if he was voted govenor -- i leave the voting to the respective CA residents and good luck CA ppl!
Fly Free said:
altho i myself am not a resident of CA -- i dont believe he would be a good governor to begin with -- i would not vote for Flynt even tho i advocate the freedom of speech -- the state of CA is already in a financial mess -- what Flynt has said doesnt sound appropriate on what he plans to do if he was voted govenor -- i leave the voting to the respective CA residents and good luck CA ppl!

I second Fly -- although I no longer live in California, still I support California and its residents. I am aware of the financial mess California currently is in...just hope that the next governor will be able to rectify that and pull California back into the black.
Larry Flynt definitely isn't the person to look up at as governor!
SilenceGold said:
Well, my vote would go to him because hes' the only canidiate that understands the demands of freedom.

He showed up in courts with a diaper.

He even had a "Fuck you" shirt. He was expressing his freedom.

How many politicans do you know of that would have the guts to express their own freedom?

But SG, think about the future generation of kids looking up at Larry Flynt -- if he was voted in as the next Governor, it'll be pure chaos -- parents will have a hard time avoiding and censoring tv if Larry shows up on tv for a presentation and wears such t-shirts with swear words and the sorts...
Yes, I do believe in Freedom of speech, but NOT that type of speech, you know?
:eek: damn.. that's soo fooked up cuz california have history of havin lousy governors now and in past :roll: blahh... I don't care cuz i wasn't born here but I'll be stuck with their :crazy: govenors who wud eventually not know how to buget $$$ for this state.. cuz this week is like cutting people off from work due to budget crisis this week :roll: oh well at least I consider my time off to be on vacation :mrgreen:
WaterRats13 said:
But SG, think about the future generation of kids looking up at Larry Flynt -- if he was voted in as the next Governor, it'll be pure chaos -- parents will have a hard time avoiding and censoring tv if Larry shows up on tv for a presentation and wears such t-shirts with swear words and the sorts...
Yes, I do believe in Freedom of speech, but NOT that type of speech, you know?

Right....but how is that different than Fox or CNN news showing bodies of both Saddam's sons?
SilenceGold said:
Right....but how is that different than Fox or CNN news showing bodies of both Saddam's sons?

Well, they had a good reason for showing that on nation tv was to prove the world that they were truly dead. That was it. Once off.