First Thread for me

posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
**patting myself on the back** **chanting "I am special, I am special**

Hello all,

My name stands for the definition of 'son of god' in Hebrew. I am approximately
8425 days old.

I am not going to reveal my location for I am in fear. Should've I said that? I will may never know...

As you guys may have seen, I am pretty blunt and straightfoward in what I think and say.
I am pretty sure you guys can forgive this.

And yes, I am Deaf.

Thank you.

::chanting resumes::
As you guys may have seen, I am pretty blunt and straightfoward in what I think and say. I am pretty sure you guys can forgive this.

Let me guess are you a member of DF?
Yep it's a banned term :D Isn't that so lovely?

Beside Welcome Aboard! :angel:
Yes, I notice you're funny. Based on your Avatar and screename, I know you're scary though.... :Ohno:
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Welcome to AD! I hope you will enjoy around here! :cheers:

Or am I suppose to say: "Welcome to hell" to make you feel at home? ;)

And is that 'Bensen'? (hebrew name for 'son of god'). I am bit rust on names and its meaning (names & its meaning is my sister's hobby)

Once again, welcome to AllDeaf!
Hi Post from Hell,

Welcome to AD and I do hope you enjoy your stay here.....

btw, your avatar, are you trying to make it look like you're tough or something?... :ugh:
Thank you guys for the sweet welcomes.

No, the person (i do not know who it is) in my avatar is beating on a drum.

hi, posts from hell! I came to this world about 120 days earlier than you, and to this site 12 hours earlier than you! :D Nice to meet you!
Hello and welcome to AD - Interesting approach you've taken in introducing yourself. Avatar looks like it's come straight from the Grand Theft Auto game. At any rate, have a good time here.
Actually, I think his avatar is from the movie "Office Space" when they were destroying the printer......

Anyways, Welcome to AD!
From a few posts, I can already tell that you re quite a character.

Im sure that we all will be amused by your postings here ....we can use your dry wit here to liven things up around here :)

Enjoy posting away at AD............. :)
posts from hell said:
No, the person (i do not know who it is) in my avatar is beating on a drum.


are you sure it's a drum? looks like a man is beating the chit out of a PERSON...I just hope it not a woman....errrr

Welcome to AD and all its crazy characters. You'll like some of us, you'll hate some of us, and you'll not notice the other third.

Just be yourself.

And be loved, be hated and be unnoticed...

Welcome to the great unwashed!

SimpleMan said:
Actually, I think his avatar is from the movie "Office Space" when they were destroying the printer......

Anyways, Welcome to AD!

Yes, that's what I was going to say.