Facebook vs Myspace which is better?

I use facebook. I still have myspace but have not use it for a long time.
Facebook :) myspace is rubbish, i'v kept my myspace too

pm if you want to add me on either
I find I like Facebook better with my moblie phone than with a PC or MAC. I detest Myspace.
Definitely Facebook! I only know one person who is on Myspace, and everyone else is on FB. Myspace is way to junked up with spinning, flashing, whatever, things and they're all over the page in no order. It makes it really hard to read whats on the page... FB is simpler, easier to read and not a strain on the eyes. :O)
of course Facebook. :)
Wow! Most people prefer Facebook. I had joined up it in few month ago and got lot of friends and relations in my facebook. I always used it on my computer and iPhone. :D
When I got my first PC back in 2006, I started myspace to fill in the blog. But then, one of my nieces told me that I could go on Facebook and get lots of applications and have family members and friends in it. So I thought I will give it a try and I love it. I really have more applications and lots of family members and old friends and new friends too. Facebook is way better than myspace. I have not use myspace very much, but occasionally I used myspace to read my own blog once in a while. :hmm:
I use both... but I prefer facebook cuz of games and it's more personal unlike for myspace.com blah nothing special over there... oh well :)
Myspace is dead, I rarely get replies or email, on the other hand, I get more replies on Facebook and it is more active so Facebook so far!
Facebook! I'm far too addicted to a lot of the applications on there.
I'm glad that everybody like Facebook better than Myspace. I have been loathe MySpace when I see the users put too much insane html code in there and cause slowdown or hide spyware/adsware in there to screw up your computer. Sheesh.

Facebook is excellent. However, I have hear that Twitter is totally popular than MySpace... in UK. heh
Twitter is Now Bigger than MySpace in the UK