
Do you like eggnog?

  • I love it!

    Votes: 30 48.4%
  • It's OK.

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • I don't like it.

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Eww, gross! No Way!

    Votes: 13 21.0%

  • Total voters
Yummo! Eggnogs are so good and seriously, I'd probably drown myself into it. :giggle: Anyhoo, I haven't had a eggnog for so long that I'm craving for one and my tastebuds are screaming out for it.
It's OK. I did drink two glasses of egg nog this week. I sprinkle nutmeg on the top of it and add rum.
I and my family love the non-alcoholic egg nog. (That's the only kind I have ever had.) It is sooooo creamy delicious! :P
I used to drink Eggnog when I was growin' up. Now, I don't drink them in a looong time. :lol: I've seen them at grocery store but, I didn't think of buyin' one. LOL

It tastes very delicious, but gee -- too rich ! :D
I love EggNog... i had been drinking them since i was toddler.. i love it..
My parents had to spoil the fun. They're so obsessed with "low-fat" or "fat-free" stuff that it's ruining it for everyone else.

There's pretty much 3 or 4 events throughout the year where sweets and "normal" food is traditional... birthday, Christmas, Halloween, and Thanksgiving.

4 times out of 365 days a year isn't gonna kill you.

The reason for bringing this up is because my parents hadn't gotten egg nog. This is the first time they did this. When I asked for egg nog, my mom offered to get some "low-fat" egg nog the next time she went out. I told her to get regular egg nog and she complained that it was too fatty. Ugh! It's Christmas! Have fun! Enjoy a little!
i voted nothing cuz i never tried it.. believe it or not.. i wanna try that.. hmm :)
Thanks Liebling, I think I will give it a try for the new recipe!

Keep in mind that not all eggnogs are alcoholic. A lot of stores sell non-alcoholic eggnog, and we have to mix it with alcohol.

Personally, I cannot drink rum because it makes me sick. I think I will check for alternatives or use vodka as usual.
Tasty good..
Depends on the brands which their selling...

Sometimes taste frigg'n good...
Sometimes taste CRAP taste... due factory sells cheap-O

I lurv rum mixed egg nog...
Wow I haven't had eggnog in a long time.....I forgot what it taste like LOL
i dont drink egg nog

my family like drink eggnog sometimes dont like drink eggnog
My gf's sister asked me if I want some. I said no thanks then I decided to have some sip from my gf's. I said to myself hmm, not bad. Then I told her sister that I would like to have some. So she gave me eggnog with nutmeg sprinkling. It wasnt that bad afterall.
I drank too much eggnog to the point that I gained some weight. Dammit... I threw away the rest of the eggnog after I got on my scale. It was very painful! :cry:
Thanks Liebling, I think I will give it a try for the new recipe!

Keep in mind that not all eggnogs are alcoholic. A lot of stores sell non-alcoholic eggnog, and we have to mix it with alcohol.

Personally, I cannot drink rum because it makes me sick. I think I will check for alternatives or use vodka as usual.

Welcome ;)

No alcohol? Your & Reba´s post got me wondering because of raw eggs.. How could it destory bacteria (salmonella) without cook OR use alcohol? I know that any liqueur always have raw eggs including that why we use strong alcohol to kill bacteria.

Yes, I don´t like white rum, too. The taste of white rum is not noticeable in egg liqueur. Yes, you can use any white alcohol if you don´t like white rum...but make sure there´re strong alcohol because of kill bacteria (raw eggs).

I don´t like Whiskey but I use Whiskey to make my own Baileys Irish cream (coffee liqueur). It taste good. I alway made them when we have guests here or make cheesecake... mmmhhh - it´s same with egg liqueur...

You know that we use raw eggs to take care of our body, mask, bath, etc... no problem but eat or drink?
I drank too much eggnog to the point that I gained some weight. Dammit... I threw away the rest of the eggnog after I got on my scale. It was very painful! :cry:

Logical yes,

A medium size egg have a 7 gram fat. You need from 30 to 60 gram fat in your body a day... , plus 1 teaspoon heavy cream have a 5 gram fat... Did you know how many eggs and how many cups of heavy cream in eggnog.... ? :eek3:

I do love homemade egg and Baileys´s Irish cream liqueuor and would not give them up because of high fat... I limit them what I can... not often...