

AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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...make you feel like at home?

If yes, why? If no, why not? This is the thread all about What are your thoughts about the largest deaf forum in the world, as it is alive today?
AllDeaf is the first website that I visit when I turn on my computer. I guess it is my virtual home. :mrgreen:
yes i love AD cuz like to read all about peoples wishes, dreams, and every day stuffs. Its fun... :)
I love alldeaf. I am enjoying to read and learn their culture, fun, etc.
Not really. I'm not a regular poster like most of you but I just like to come here sometimes to see if anything interesting to discuss with any other deaf people.
i love being in here and discuss with other people, help each other and meet new friends too.. :D
I'm still pretty new here so I can't say it's like home but I am enjoying getting to know everyone.
I always come to during work hours cuz I always get boring...
I visit AD frequently and like to respond and interact in some posts, but do not really consider AD home. I do not personally know any person from AD, nor any close internet friends from here. That being said, I still love to visit and post and hope to visit some ADers one day, possibly at AD caucus.
I visit AD frequently and like to respond and interact in some posts, but do not really consider AD home. I do not personally know any person from AD, nor any close internet friends from here. That being said, I still love to visit and post and hope to visit some ADers one day, possibly at AD caucus.

Don't worry, Doug, one day - you will ;)
I love Alldeaf because I can talk to many deaf people and enjoy the time chatting and debate in threads. :)
I feel disturbed if I don't visit Alldeaf on daily basis :D
I feel at home here. AD is one of the first websites I check and I love knowing that eveyone here genuinly cares and that everyone is there for everyone no matter what.
I feel at home here. AD is one of the first websites I check and I love knowing that eveyone here genuinly cares and that everyone is there for everyone no matter what.

True, and we are actually bonded within the international deaf community, aren't we? :D
Lately, I haven't really enjoyed coming here due to the discussions jillio and jackie have been having and some remarks made to me and vice versa. Funny thing is that the Deaf community here in my town won't talk to me or even say hi to me because I'm very oral. At the same time, the hearing people could be nicer, which means that I'm alone a lot and bored out of my mind.

I've come to loathe the wranglings that have been going on, but at the same time, I have school work that I must attend to during the week, or else I lose my funding for next semester. Funding for me is based on semester by semester, so I need to concentrate on my classes and assignments.

That said, I used to love coming here all the time, but, like I said, some people have made it difficult for me. This has nothing to do with Alex or any of the moderators, so I have to squelch that rumor before it starts. Perhaps the one person I like chatting with here is Maria. I think she rocks! is a great website for deaf/hearing people to discuss any topics and get know each other better.

Only one thing I am not impressed with They still keep this negative term... "The Closet" and they should rename it to something positive and welcoming. The mods said they will rename if the yes to change the name wins in few weeks... Its been over three months now and the result is still high for "yes" to change the name. What happened?
Lately, I haven't really enjoyed coming here due to the discussions jillio and jackie have been having and some remarks made to me and vice versa. Funny thing is that the Deaf community here in my town won't talk to me or even say hi to me because I'm very oral. At the same time, the hearing people could be nicer, which means that I'm alone a lot and bored out of my mind.

I've come to loathe the wranglings that have been going on, but at the same time, I have school work that I must attend to during the week, or else I lose my funding for next semester. Funding for me is based on semester by semester, so I need to concentrate on my classes and assignments.

That said, I used to love coming here all the time, but, like I said, some people have made it difficult for me. This has nothing to do with Alex or any of the moderators, so I have to squelch that rumor before it starts. Perhaps the one person I like chatting with here is Maria. I think she rocks!

Maybe things will change for the better if you could be nicer to them too? What I read from your past posts... I think you're too harsh on these people by putting them down because of their poor English grammars, questioned their knowledges, and used your bigot attitudes toward to some ADers that turned many people off. If you stop doing that, people might be nice and show respectful for you. If you want to have the respects from people, you have to earn it. Good luck! :)
all deaf has thier ups and downs but is it home to me? no its just a site i enjoy coming to and have been since 2004 but there are various sites i like going to aside from this and this just basically a one stop chat station for me :)