Doctor Visits: Do they make you nervous?


New Member
Nov 10, 2004
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Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. It was the first time I've been to doctor for an annual check-up in about three years. Now I wasn't really worried about anything specific. I did have a couple of questions to ask him about various things, but it's not like I'm affraid of the doctor, like some people are affraid of going to the dentist or such.

So does going to the see a doctor or dentist make you nervous?
backerman said:
Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. It was the first time I've been to doctor for an annual check-up in about three years. Now I wasn't really worried about anything specific. I did have a couple of questions to ask him about various things, but it's not like I'm affraid of the doctor, like some people are affraid of going to the dentist or such.

So does going to the see a doctor or dentist make you nervous?

Depends on which doctor, and what I'm going in for. If I'm going in for a specific complaint, no, I'm usually not nervous. I'm usually too unwell to care about nerves, and I just want to find out what is wrong with me and get whatever medication I need, so I can feel better! If I'm going in for my annual womanly exam, then yes. I don't like those, and I usually grit my teeth every time I'm due for one.

Like most women, I HATE these damn things! :lol:
Oceanbreeze said:
If I'm going in for my annual womanly exam, then yes. I don't like those, and I usually grit my teeth every time I'm due for one.

Like most women, I HATE these damn things! :lol:

Going to a regular doctor (like the family doctor) or a dentist is no problem with me. The only kind of doctor I hated going to is a GYN for the women exam.

Like OB and most women, I never liked getting the women exam -- UGH!!
I love all my doctors!!! My GYN, My Family, My Orthopedic, and my dentist too...
I don't like going to the doctor and dentist, but I do it. I want to live a longer, healthier, better quality life than my parents did.
I get nervous visiting doctors sometimes, so you may think I'm :crazy:
Nah I don't think you are :crazy:

I'm more nervous with dentist than any kind of doctors. :Ohno:
It has no bother me if I went with my husband to see our male doctor (internal medicine) and my ob/gyn doctor is lady that make me calm but I don't like male ob/gym at all. It make me not comforable with him. and the dentist is not bother me at all .
i havn't been to visit doctor for long time.. the last time is my check-up for pre-surgery exam.. which is always required to do so on every surgery.
i dont makes me nervous going to Dr office and dentist!

i do going dr appt for my neurology check-up because i had sezuire since i was 12 years old and im been went Cat Scan when i was little girls makes me sure okay!

and i went to family dr office for check-up makes me okay and i have woman exam every years but i dont get pains for me and if i got pregnant or not! im using birth controls everyday.

i like go dentist more friendly to clean my teeth! but its really sores my teeth often! my brother had braces and my Aunt&Cousin had it! but i never had braces because my teeth looks nices and perfect!

mostly people never went dr office and dentist because more really hates it! for more long times like as 30 years! but i like go Dentist and Doctor's appt i do!

Sara Boyce
I has no problem to go doctor to keep my healthy longer EXCEPT dentist :ugh2:
Doctors dont bother me but dentist, Yikes *cover my mouth*. I hate those needle that goes into my mouth. They had to give me gas to relax me.
no i dont nervous when i visit drs.. cuz of i wanna make sure everything ok for to check up on me... :)
Visting doctors or going to the hospitals DO makes me nervous, I don't like to see a doctor for myself but I have no problem taking my kids to the doctors...I guess I'm shy LOL

I know it is important to see a doctor cause of your heath, but I can't help it when I am nevous around them and being in the hospital makes me even more nervous, you could see me walking back and fourth, and bitting my nails heh...
I really don't like to go to the doctors by myself, but I know sometime I have to go for some reasons. It doesn't make me nervous, but sometime I would get nervous if they don't know if Im deaf or not. They would call my name without let me know, then they have to come and get me. Thats embarassing front of people in the waiting room, but that's life.
I become somewhat nervous visiting the doctor and dentist, but it usually is no big deal. However, I sweat bullets if I am about to get a shot!

I have seen on the national news about children and adults getting shots, but one film showed a nurse giving a big needle to a small child. I really don't think the needle has to be THAT long! ________________ For a child? They are likely to hit a bone!

I don't mind so much if the nurse giving the shot would be very fast lightning insert behind the bone in the arm, but a slooooowwwwwww insert?? OUCH!
Nancy said:
I never liked getting the women exam -- UGH!!

Me either, I get nervous when they exam me too. Every-time I go I do get nervous knowing what to expect from my result report. :Ohno: And that goes for Dentist as well too. I would hate to be prepare for the worse.
I don't mind visit doctor important to check up my health as making sure okay!!!??? whatever.. espically hate OB exam on me.. *sigh*

Denist... *yikes* pretty scary.. hate feel virbrate drilling and needles sting.. blah blah.. drove me nuts!

I've seeing my own children always normal being scared.. that's okay I'll be there for my child feel comfy and seeing mom is side.