Cloning Issues: Pro or Con?


New Member
Apr 13, 2003
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hi again! I like to be a threadsetter! haha.. anyway.. here's my story: I'm in this quirky class--science, blah-- and they gave me an assignment on cloning... So far, so good.

I've been doing research on religious beliefs on cloning.. most of them are "on the fence"-- it means they are not against it but they are not with it either.. just need more answers and facts.

Now I'm bugged with this curiousity of what the Deaf world would say about cloning?

Me, personally, I'm with it for stem cells research not human cloning-- don't we all have enough jocks, preps, or goths in the world, heh? :dunno:

So, I wanna know what -->YOU<-- think about it, not on your religious beliefs but from your perspective.

If you want to know more about cloning, simply go

The page is on the benefits of cloning. So far I can't find direct drawbacks on it.. How interesting....
Here are the...
  • Pros
  • good for loved pets
  • help keep animals from exinction
  • could lead to organ cloning
  • replacement body parts
  • additional body parts (double penises or quadruple breasts, anyone?)
  • Cons
  • DNA match between good and bad person
This is all I can think of at this moment.
I'm against HUMAN cloning. But for animals, like pets, that would be "on the fence" for me. :dunno:
They will need to take my cell, in case I lost my part of body. But for cancer - it's not possible. Remmy what happen to doctor's wife in the movie 'Thirty Days" I think...
Originally posted by illustrator
They will need to take my cell, in case I lost my part of body. But for cancer - it's not possible. Remmy what happen to doctor's wife in the movie 'Thirty Days" I think...
You're referring to Sixth Day. Actually, what happened to his wife was not because of a cloning error. It was done intentionally by the owner of the cloning company. He wanted to keep the doctor under his control so he added a small command to force the wife to die within years so that the doctor would be forced to keep working for him. The same thing goes for other people that he wants to control. Normally, if he didn't tamper with the data... the clone would live just like a normal person would.
MAJORLY against cloning. Im my own person unqiue and weird i ll stay that way thank u very much !
Originally posted by VamPyroX
You're referring to Sixth Day. Actually, what happened to his wife was not because of a cloning error. It was done intentionally by the owner of the cloning company. He wanted to keep the doctor under his control so he added a small command to force the wife to die within years so that the doctor would be forced to keep working for him. The same thing goes for other people that he wants to control. Normally, if he didn't tamper with the data... the clone would live just like a normal person would.

Ahh, you got my answer - thank!
Originally posted by javapride
MAJORLY against cloning. Im my own person unqiue and weird i ll stay that way thank u very much !
You'd be unique even if you were cloned. A clone would have very different formative experiences than you did, and couldn't help but turn out different from you. (Ask a twin whether he or she considers himself or herself unique.)
Originally posted by Marj
Yes but WHY are you against it? WHY?!!??!

Why am I against it? It's not God-made thing. It's almost like we're stealing God's plan or something like that. That's why I don't like to be cloned. I want to produce in God's way. If I lose His way of producing, I lose and try again in His way, not these people's way. That's just IMO. Thank you.
I am against clones. Everyone should be individuals and be different. We are given our own life to deal with, and we have the choice to do whatever we want to do with our lives. Cloning cells for body part harvesting sounds just too bizarre.

"I cut my arm off!"
"Oh no worries, you have a right arm in the catalogue."
"Great, I'd like to order it and attach it ASAP! Is rush service available?"

Ok, I know I am not making sense, but it just sounds a bit weird.
I am gonna have to disagree with cloning.. its just inhuman... we should not "play God"

I believe things happen for a reason.. no matter how hard it is to accept or how difficult it is to figure out and no matter all the why did this happen .. and all the ifs or whatever... I believe its all part of one Great Big Cycle. Theres a time to be born and a time to Die Period. And we should leave it that way!!

Besides I really dont think if.. for example take a loved one.. died and we decided to clone him/her I really dont think the clone will really be just like the person we knew... not just outside but inside as well so thats CRAZY thats just DOWN RIGHT CRAZY!!!
Originally posted by ChelEler
Why am I against it? It's not God-made thing. It's almost like we're stealing God's plan or something like that. That's why I don't like to be cloned. I want to produce in God's way. If I lose His way of producing, I lose and try again in His way, not these people's way. That's just IMO. Thank you.

what about Cochlear Implants into ear? that is not God-made thing. All doctors in the rest of world, do that for experiement.

Tattoos, piecing, and more. Humankind made it not god. no make different.