Cloning Issues: Pro or Con?

Originally posted by Marj
Okay, ChelEler-- Since you're such a worthy debater-- I would like to ask you a differcult question: What's the point of marriage?

we get married to prove to the world that we love each other that much... that's a stupid thing to do, IMO... We could do everything a married couple could do WITHOUT getting married.. it's just a piece of paper and a pair of expensive rings.


Good question you have there. Actually, I don't really know what the point of it. :smh: Oh well.

But, IMO, I feel safe and sound when I'm married "officially." Another reason I want to be married, is that if I die, or my husband dies, the survivor gets the money and takes a custody of the children, automatically, unless someone else wants to fight for it.

My biological mother is living with her partner for almost 7 years, and they plan not to get married, because it's almost like peice of paper work and rings to them. I don't blame them. They do almost everything together like a married couple, and I can see their point.

If you want to just live together as a couple without marriage, I won't go against or for you. I guess it's everyone's different opinions. Tell me yours, any other married members?
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What if we were not "God-made"?

Then my way of thinking would be different, but I don't know how different. :dunno: I guess I'm really into God.
I am very much against cloning.

Research into cloning already includes some very cruel animal testing. I see things going very wrong. It gives me the creeps.
Cloning may be good idea but it will less flesh-blood and more-not so flesh, like a "fake" living thing. for example, a clone person can be have a missing organ or something else. That's one negative part. IMO! XD
If they have problem with meat shortage then cloning would be good reason.
I am very much against clonin'.

Reasons : I don't believe they ( scientists ) should clone anyone when they want to make " perfect " without diseases or illnesses or accidents. I believe it should be left alone and let the " nature " take care of it.

I believe that if, they should clone a person like its own twin, then the " clone " person will be an " evil " one -- How ? Ok, what if this " clone " person is the worse bully just because of its perfection with high intelligence or IQ ? What, if this " clone " person is the worse serial killer ? It could be anythin'.

To me, a " clone " person is just like a plastic ziploc !
I am very much against cloning.

Research into cloning already includes some very cruel animal testing. I see things going very wrong. It gives me the creeps.

?????dreama????? bring back here from 2003.............LOL
:giggle: If human cloning, and if a killer, and eyewitness say you did it. You will be thrown to jail for what you didn't do. Bec they 'saw' you killed the person, but overlook, be cloning person did it. Better have an alibi or two, so be proven you are not the one.