Cloning Issues: Pro or Con?

Originally posted by Marj're funny--not :ugh:

Suppose religions were never invented, what would your opinions about cloning be, not involving the bible, God/Jesus/Allah/The Lord/Etc/, or anything religious.


well.. i aint talking to you about that subject. i talked to ChelEler about it when she brought it up the issues.

Speakin of Freedom, so i speak whatever i want to. just chilling...:ugh: dont judge me again.
I against clone why???? There are few reasons I have lot of thoughts for many years. If I want clone myself. then another me would be hearing with different personality. wanna know why??? cuz different soul between real me and cloned me. that's affect personality totally different!!! I born deaf from my mother's rubella. There is no way for get rubella for cloned body of mine.
Originally posted by ChelEler
Ah-ha! I don't care what he looks like or what he dress. You tell me what that means relating to cloning and tattooings/peircings. Hmm...

Ahem, LUNZ. :) I think you missed this reply. :angel:
okey dokey... LUNZ-- I didn't judge you yet. So, don't jump to conclusions or assume. Remember Assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME..


ChelEler, if you're infertile or can't get pregnant, what would you do and why?

Remember this: Cloning doesn't clone actual babies, they just take a reproductive egg from a donor, removes the donor's DNA, installs YOUR dna from YOUR somatic egg into the reproductive egg, put it in YOUR womb and ta-da, a baby with almost identical DNA as yours but it wouldn't look like you.

Good point. I will have to "deal with" the fact that I can't make babies. I'm still not against adoption, but I just feel that it would lead a lot of "trouble" between me, the agencies, and probably the biological mother. I don't know if that's a fact, because I have never had the experience of adopting a baby. :|

I guess I'm just lucky that I can make babies so I can't really tell you how I feel if I can't make babies. :dunno:
Okay, ChelEler-- Since you're such a worthy debater-- I would like to ask you a differcult question: What's the point of marriage?

we get married to prove to the world that we love each other that much... that's a stupid thing to do, IMO... We could do everything a married couple could do WITHOUT getting married.. it's just a piece of paper and a pair of expensive rings.

Originally posted by ChelEler
Man, you're taking this AD way too serious. Relax. :pat on your back: Just relax. :)

I have to be serious debate with any issues if i want to. General dicussion or others, i will never serious but here. no.
Originally posted by Marj
Okay, ChelEler-- Since you're such a worthy debater-- I would like to ask you a differcult question: What's the point of marriage?

we get married to prove to the world that we love each other that much... that's a stupid thing to do, IMO... We could do everything a married couple could do WITHOUT getting married.. it's just a piece of paper and a pair of expensive rings.


marriage? oh my... :ugh2: This thread supposed to talk about cloning.... you off topic.

i now ownzed you.:Owned:
ok ok forget marriage... suppose you lost ur favoriest pet by some illness... will u want to clone it?
Originally posted by jejones3141
You'd be unique even if you were cloned. A clone would have very different formative experiences than you did, and couldn't help but turn out different from you. (Ask a twin whether he or she considers himself or herself unique.)
That would be true. However, if they were to develop instant clonding like in "Sixth Day", then it would be the same person.
Originally posted by ChelEler
Why am I against it? It's not God-made thing. It's almost like we're stealing God's plan or something like that. That's why I don't like to be cloned. I want to produce in God's way. If I lose His way of producing, I lose and try again in His way, not these people's way. That's just IMO. Thank you.
What if we were not "God-made"?
If I had a girlfriend who was bi, I wouldn't mind cloning her instantly... double the fun! After all, she's bi so she won't be uncomfortable with herself. Heh!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
If I had a girlfriend who was bi, I wouldn't mind cloning her instantly... double the fun! After all, she's bi so she won't be uncomfortable with herself. Heh!

:eek: LOL yeahhh u'd love that
LOL - i remmied in English class when i was a junior ..... we did discuss cloning - and lol my teacher Mary Kovatch said that if there're 4 or 5 Bens in her room, she'd really shoot herself in the head
Originally posted by LUNZ
I have to be serious debate with any issues if i want to. General dicussion or others, i will never serious but here. no.

Point taken. My bad. Peace, ok? :bowdown: