children 6 and under banned from resturant

The first time I ever went to a nice restaurant such as Red-Lobster, I was so intimidated about behaving well that I barely made a single peep. I think I was 7 or 8 at the time. But I do recall my dad having an absolute wall-eyed fit because of the way I was holding my fork to cut my meat. He was making more noise than I was. I didn't much care for the experience then, so after that I dreaded eating at Red-Lobster.

In my mid-twenties I went to Red-Lobster with just a friend - I recall it being more pleasant, but likely because we got some stoutly mixed Lobsteritas! I remember making it out the door and then stumbled off the sidewalk onto the pavement. :shock:
If i have my children somedays i wouldnt allowed bring to restaurant because of restaurant manager had strict policy no children under 6 years old..

im deaf since i was baby but i have rightsful bring my children anywhere and i can hires attorney to approve restaurant manager to have no excuse..Expect deaf parents can fights against restaurant manager how communicate but restaurant manager need respect to deaf people..

i dont like restaurant manager insult to deaf parents have no rightsful for that but i can against for that but need to respect that!!
We always tell our kids upfront before we take them to a restaurant. Sometimes, if they don't listen we take them to the car or bathroom to tell them what they have done. Its better than doing that in front of everyone. Of course, a 7 year old kid is no excuse to scream and run around like a headless chicken.
We always tell our kids upfront before we take them to a restaurant. Sometimes, if they don't listen we take them to the car or bathroom to tell them what they have done. Its better than doing that in front of everyone. Of course, a 7 year old kid is no excuse to scream and run around like a headless chicken.

On the other hand, if I saw a family of two parents with five perfectly behaving children, warning bells go off in my head. *shrugs*
On the other hand, if I saw a family of two parents with five perfectly behaving children, warning bells go off in my head. *shrugs*

That's what I don't get it at all sometimes. I don't know how they do it.
That's what I don't get it at all sometimes. I don't know how they do it.

Often, but not always it is from stifling the natural urge of children to be children. In other words, there probably is some abuse going on we do not see. I know I will get tarred and feathered now and railed outta town. :giggle:
Often, but not always it is from stifling the natural urge of children to be children. In other words, there probably is some abuse going on we do not see. I know I will get tarred and feathered now and railed outta town. :giggle:

Or took them to church. Maybe church thing affects kids behaviors? How do a single mother with at least 10 kids handle things? 3 kids is nutty enough for me.
then don't bring a two year old to a restaurant if he is going to scream his head off. would you bring me to a restaurant knowing fully well i would run around and scream?

Absolutely, it would be pretty entertaining to see a grown person doing so. :giggle:
then don't bring a two year old to a restaurant if he is going to scream his head off. would you bring me to a restaurant knowing fully well i would run around and scream?

Absolutely, it would be pretty entertaining to see a grown person doing so. :giggle:

Please bring the video camera. :lol: this is a must-see!!! :lol:

And remember, we have a pictures and video section. Feel free to post there. I'll remind you!! :lol:
On the other hand, if I saw a family of two parents with five perfectly behaving children, warning bells go off in my head. *shrugs*
Some kids are just quieter by nature. Or, maybe they do all their running around and yelling outdoors, and eat quietly indoors. If they looked scared or catatonic, that might be a warning sign but just being well-behaved in public is (or used to be) the norm. It is possible to have a good time without tripping up the server or having a food fight.
On the other hand, if I saw a family of two parents with five perfectly behaving children, warning bells go off in my head. *shrugs*

You're so off Beowulf! I come from a family of five kids and it's because of one particular story my parents loved re-telling over and over again, with tears in their eyes is this:

It was the summer of when I was nearly four, we just moved back to Canada so I could be enrolled in an Oral program. We were swimming in the pool of my grandmother's neighbour.

The neighbour came home, and all of us five kids immediately jumped out of the pool and ran over to introduce ourselves and shake his hand. Our parents didn't tell us to do that. We did that because from the time we could walk practically, our parents taught us good manners. (Edit: apparently the neighbour teared up when we did that).

It was because of this story that I was inspired to make sure my own sons are also equally well behaved and have excellent manners. Whenever any of y friends come over, my sons would turn off the tv or get away from the computer to walk up to my friends and say hello. And when my friends leave, my sons would accompany them to the door to say goodbye. Every single one of my friends can't stop commenting on that.

Kids can learn good manners.
i dont blame them a kids get on my own nerves when we go out to eat..i am not subjecting the rest of the place with it if i can help it! *sadly, its my oldest children that act the worst* :lol:
I have no problem with small children in restaurants. For the most part, the ones around here are really quiet.

I have more of a problem with the parents of a kid loudly trying to discipline them. I was in Outback Steakhouse, and we were sitting right next to a 2-year-old and her parents. The kid was acting, well, like a two-year-old (in the cute way, not the tantrum way). The mom was louder in trying to shut her daughter up than the little girl was in repetitively saying bye-bye to everyone that left. My mom and I contemplated telling them bye-bye when they got up to leave.
I can see where this restaurant owner is coming from, but it's sad that society's become so bad that this is necessary. From the time I was little my mom and grandparents consistently made sure I had manners. I knew that acting up would mean we left immediately. On one hand, I was allowed to be a kid. I could ask questions and talk about the stuff I wanted to talk about. On the other hand, I was expected to behave, and that I did.

If a parent can quietly reprimand their child, and that child behaves themselves throughout the meal, I don't see the problem. However, if the child is out of control, and the parents either can't or won't do anything about it, or the parents are making a scene trying to discipline them, then I approve of a restaurant asking them to leave, and even not accepting business from them.

I'd be scared, though, if the children had impeccable manners, were silent, and looked shell-shocked the whole time.
I don't even see Hooters as a family restaurant...sure kids go there but not all the time. Besides, even hardcore bikers go to Hooters every sunday for some reason as I heard.