Asia quake death toll tops 23,000

Banjo said:
Pardon, but did 141,000 people die in Florida?

No. 141,000 did so far in Asia recently, and they need our help now. We have to help out to reduce the possibilities of a massive outbreak of diseases. In Florida, you don't see people getting sick or anything. Plus, they have insurance which I doubt many people has in Asia. We really don't want people coming from Asia to spread diseases, do we?

No, we don't. That's why we have to help them out. Otherwise, you'll be putting the USA and Canada in a dangerous position. Diseases are easily spread, over 60 people in Canada died of SARS a couple years ago and that was scary enough. You don't want anything like that to happen to the USA.

we have excellent healthcare, and why should we give money to those when we are ingoring our own people that need the money, we are breaking our own fabric of our socities, many different sectors are affected when we give out billions and billions each year... whats the point of helping others when we can't take care of ourselves?

what do you say about the africans with the AIDS crisis? ... more than a mere hundred thousand people died there and I see nothing about sending aid there.... and its millions of people instead of a couple of thousands of people
Nesmuth, been reading Nostrodamus, have you? LOL!
ravensteve1961 said:
And what about the florida hurricanes? huh NOT ONE COUNTRY HELPED US

Florida always have hurricanes, Are we supposed to help every time it happened? It would be like spending more attention on Florida than anywhere else. Simple solution move to a safer state then you'll be fine. :)
Cheri said:
Florida always have hurricanes, Are we supposed to help every time it happened? It would be like spending more attention on Florida than anywhere else. Simple solution move to a safer state then you'll be fine. :)

We get tons of mudslides, rockslides and wildfires ...every state has their own woes ....I just felt that it was important for US to show generousity to Southern Asian countries because Bush has alienated Muslim population everywhere on the Earth and this is a good way to melt hosilities.

You have to realize that USA is very unpopular at this moment.
Meg said:
We get tons of mudslides, rockslides and wildfires ...every state has their own woes ....I just felt that it was important for US to show generousity to Southern Asian countries because Bush has alienated Muslim population everywhere on the Earth and this is a good way to melt hosilities.

You have to realize that USA is very unpopular at this moment.

Oh I know that, I have said that it would be a great deal to help the Asians Countries. That why I made a thread about it somewhere in AllDeaf. ;)
Cheri said:
Oh I know that, I have said that it would be a great deal to help the Asians Countries. That why I made a thread about it somewhere in AllDeaf. ;)

We both think alike :)

Cricket said:
we have excellent healthcare, and why should we give money to those when we are ingoring our own people that need the money, we are breaking our own fabric of our socities, many different sectors are affected when we give out billions and billions each year... whats the point of helping others when we can't take care of ourselves?

what do you say about the africans with the AIDS crisis? ... more than a mere hundred thousand people died there and I see nothing about sending aid there.... and its millions of people instead of a couple of thousands of people

Americans are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. They have jobs, cars, houses, families, children, pets, and they are able to pay their bills. Yet, that is not something millions of people in Asia are able to do at the moment, especially after what had happened. Try to show some responsibilities for yourselves, don't rely on the government to change your diapers. That's not their job. Americans are supposed to care about each other, but the problem is... you have to actually care. Many doesn't, especially when there's so much road rage these days. Basically, it's everybody's fault, not just the government for screwing up the society because they allowed it to go on.

Actually, the USA spends BILLIONS and BILLIONS on Africa and yet, the Africans don't get the message. It's a waste of money if they don't listen to the USA. Don't say that nobody is trying to help Africa out, many countries are and billions are spent on battling AIDS in Africa every year.

Now, re-read my post very carefully and you'll see why I believe governments should be helping each other out. 155,000 dead people is kinda something you can't ignore though.

You wouldn't be saying this if some of your closest family relatives or friends had been vacating there and they were caught in the tsunamis.

I'll bet. As long it has nothing to do with you... it's okay to be selfish. That's the problem with some people here, they are too self-involved.
Banjo said:
Pardon, but did 141,000 people die in Florida?
Numbers mean nothing. People have died in those diasters as well in many other areas.Pay respect them too. Only difference between here and there is that we are prepared for the diaster and they don't. And this international warning system would have save their lives but someone made fatal error by not install those warning system so we all have to pay big price for their mistakes. This lessons taught us and hope those countries will not repeat same mistakes as it was last week.

Banjo, it has nothing to do with those victims. Our govt has been lying to us by telling us, we do not have money and they cut many programs here then they tell us "Oh we have money to help those victims" I have no problem help them out but I do have problems with our govt mismanage our money by lying to us about money and cant help us. Do not call us selfish.
jazzy said:
Numbers mean nothing. People have died in those diasters as well in many other areas.Pay respect them too. Only difference between here and there is that we are prepared for the diaster and they don't. And this international warning system would have save their lives but someone made fatal error by not install those warning system so we all have to pay big price for their mistakes. This lessons taught us and hope those countries will not repeat same mistakes as it was last week.

Banjo, it has nothing to do with those victims. Our govt has been lying to us by telling us, we do not have money and they cut many programs here then they tell us "Oh we have money to help those victims" I have no problem help them out but I do have problems with our govt mismanage our money by lying to us about money and cant help us. Do not call us selfish.

You misunderstood what I was saying. That's not what I'm talking about at all. By the way, the government didn't say anything about not having the money. You are talking about the states, they always are saying they have no money, yet they are full of it while the USA is spending more than it should be. Especially due to the costs of the war. By the way, I wanted to help them out, I didn't have to but I wanted and did. But to say that you don't want the government to help the people in foreign countries who are on the verge of a potential outbreak of diseases... that is being selfish. You are showing no sympathy for these people, they need our help and it is now. They are human beings just like we are.

We can't wait. They need our help now, it's far, far different from having a hurricane. The water over there in Asia is polluted with deadly germs due to the amount of dead bodies in them and people can't drink them. People are also going to starve and get sick if no help is given.

Really, $350 million is peanuts. that's like a little more than a dollar per American in tax money. The Iraq war is costing far, far more.

Now, about the warning systems. I doubt it would had prevented the deaths on many, many islands in Asia. I've seen the pictures and these people being on the islands were doomed to begin with. Some of the islands were literally WIPED out!

Don't talk to me about respect, I do respect the dead. Always has. I didn't speak ill of them at all. 155,000 is nothing to scoff at, and many of these were from Canada, USA, Germany, United Kingdom, and many different countries. These countries were filled with tourists, and I've already known one deaf man, which happen to be a teacher too who just had survived the tsunamis and came home with some horror stories to share.

Help now, complain later!
Banjo said:
You misunderstood what I was saying. That's not what I'm talking about at all. By the way, the government didn't say anything about not having the money. You are talking about the states, they always are saying they have no money, yet they are full of it while the USA is spending more than it should be. Especially due to the costs of the war. By the way, I wanted to help them out, I didn't have to but I wanted and did. But to say that you don't want the government to help the people in foreign countries who are on the verge of a potential outbreak of diseases... that is being selfish. You are showing no sympathy for these people, they need our help and it is now. They are human beings just like we are.

We can't wait. They need our help now, it's far, far different from having a hurricane. The water over there in Asia is polluted with deadly germs due to the amount of dead bodies in them and people can't drink them. People are also going to starve and get sick if no help is given.

Really, $350 million is peanuts. that's like a little more than a dollar per American in tax money. The Iraq war is costing far, far more.

Now, about the warning systems. I doubt it would had prevented the deaths on many, many islands in Asia. I've seen the pictures and these people being on the islands were doomed to begin with. Some of the islands were literally WIPED out!

Don't talk to me about respect, I do respect the dead. Always has. I didn't speak ill of them at all. 155,000 is nothing to scoff at, and many of these were from Canada, USA, Germany, United Kingdom, and many different countries. These countries were filled with tourists, and I've already known one deaf man, which happen to be a teacher too who just had survived the tsunamis and came home with some horror stories to share.

Help now, complain later!

Not true about our USA. We already spend more $$$$ around the world than any other countries spend $$$.Also we are processing to spending more than 1 billion of dollars to help those poor people in South Asia. Stop point finger at us and calling us selfish. We are fed up with other countries and calling us cheap. We spend $$$$ on others not on ourselves. No wonder we have so many homless and poor people not getting any help here in USA. Other countries come first before us. It has been like this way since WW2.

I do not care what you think of me. I show my sympathy for those poor people. Vacationers lives would be saved if those warning system come on but they did not. Thailand Govt did not warned them because they did not want to lose business with those tourists as it did back in 1999. As for other islanders, I feel for them because they lost everything and loved ones.
As for the diseases, we already know and we send our helps.
jazzy said:
Not true about our USA. We already spend more $$$$ around the world than any other countries spend $$$.Also we are processing to spending more than 1 billion of dollars to help those poor people in South Asia. Stop point finger at us and calling us selfish. We are fed up with other countries and calling us cheap. We spend $$$$ on others not on ourselves. No wonder we have so many homless and poor people not getting any help here in USA. Other countries come first before us. It has been like this way since WW2.

I do not care what you think of me. I show my sympathy for those poor people. Vacationers lives would be saved if those warning system come on but they did not. Thailand Govt did not warned them because they did not want to lose business with those tourists as it did back in 1999. As for other islanders, I feel for them because they lost everything and loved ones.
As for the diseases, we already know and we send our helps.

Stop spreading misinformation. You misunderstood me once again, I didn't say anything about the USA not spending more than any other countries. Please, please... read my posts CAREFULLY before you jump the gun.

However, India and Sri Lanka are not members. "That's because tsunamis are much less frequent in the Indian Ocean," Charles McCreery, director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center near Honolulu, said.

"Unfortunately, we have no equipment here that can warn about tsunamis," said Budi Waluyo, an official with Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency. "The instruments are very expensive and we don't have money to buy them."

Most tsunamis occur in the Pacific because the ocean basin is rimmed by the Ring of Fire, a long chain of the Earth's most seismically active spots.

One reason experts had not pushed hard for a warning system is that the risk along the shores of the Indian Ocean had long been underestimated. Most of the devastating tsunamis in the last century or more have occurred elsewhere.

"We have believed as a community that the Indian Ocean is fairly immune to tsunamis of the kind that took place," said Costas Synolakis, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Southern California. "The last tsunami that affected the Indian Ocean was in 1883. . . . The hazard was underestimated by a factor of 10."

According to several Tsunamis experts... they wouldn't had expected anything like that to happen in the Indian ocean. If a warning was issued, it would had done some damages to the tourism industry. Especially the fact that it's not a wealth nation like Canada and the USA are. Now that the tourism industry basically had died, but it would had taken a dent in the tourism industry if the warning was issued. Now far more people will be suffering because they'll have no jobs... and no money to put food on their tables because the tourism industry is dead there.

Better to be safe than sorry, but you have to think of how it would make an impact on the country if everybody was scared of going there because of the warnings. As in the article, most of the worst tsunamis take place somewhere else like the Pacific ocean. Though they underestimated it.


I don't think it's that easy to detect the possibilities of tsunamis. Especially when poor countries probably can't afford them in the first place. Don't point your fingers at them.
Sorry if my post is topic off on you. dont accurse on me eveyrthing what i saying to you.. I can't image that if U.S. spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars on other countries, till U.S. colliaspe on broke $$$$$$ and cut ssi and welfare off from the disabilite people, deaf people etc on lists. some of you will cry the government that cut thier ssi or afdc no any longers. there hiring be freeze and won't hire you in their postions. you will cry to my country, those people will ignore you and even not help you, won't loan you fromt heir money. they will tell you go shetler or receive fund money through program for homeless people.. do you think disabilite people cry to whole world wide, they will listen to your side's compliants and will they help to pay you and people of this country?? you better think about what happened in gremany? and what happen in U.S. during great depression by 1920's did they helped gremany's invest up out of broken? did they help U.S. out of 1920's great depression???
ckfarbes said:
did they help U.S. out of 1920's great depression???

You need to re-check your history textbook, not only did the USA go poor... the world went poor too in the Great Depression.
ckfarbes said:
I can't image that if U.S. spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars on other countries, till U.S. colliaspe on broke $$$$$$ and cut ssi and welfare off from the disabilite people, deaf people etc on lists. some of you will cry the government that cut thier ssi or afdc no any longers.

The USA does spend billions on helping the other nations every year. Plus, people shouldn't be on SSI or welfare if they are capable of working including the deaf people.
Banjo said:
The USA does spend billions on helping the other nations every year. Plus, people shouldn't be on SSI or welfare if they are capable of working including the deaf people.

I do not mind paying taxes on them, It is better than having them living off on the street when there are children involved or not. :)
Imagine the waves going 500 mph then turn into a huge wave crashing into the beach? eek! :eek2:

The death count wont be finished until the rescuers finish finding all the bodies. It probably will end up around 250,000 or more. :(
I notice some of your posts that you think US are only one in the world who spents billions to other countries.
It´s not true, there´re also other countries like Germany, British, Sweden, etc who are happy to support Asia or any countries with donation.

The Germans donate over 27 millions Euro.
The British donate 84 millions Euro.
The Swedish donate 40 million Euro.

Sorry, it´s German language but you can see how many millions they donated.

Of course my hubby & I already donated yesterday at bank. We are proud to say this. Yes, we know that it´s not much but we help what we can. These situation what they suffer are the worst. We are upset when we watch the news on the TV how poor the residents who lost their relatives to quakes and their home. They dont have enough clean water to drink. We feel for them.

I´m surprise when I read some of your posts that you complaint over donation to support other countries. ***shake the head***

Yes, of course there´re many countries in the world donated 11/9. Germans are one of them.

The news on the TV of yesterday said that 3,000 German tourists are missing and over 100 are dead. Some of Germans flied back to Germany with their horror news. What a sad.
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Crocodiles eat corpses " :ugh:

In the meantime the rescue forces would come however with airplanes or helicopters and could save the homeless people. He said that he never saw for years that the crocodiles are so aggressive where Mohammed Zainuddin working on the island. "perhaps the Tsunamis extinguished all life in the sea, and this crocodiles hungry", he said. The coastal guard Narayan Lal reported, the crocodiles would have begun to eat corpses: "the beasts seem to have found taste at people meat", he said.

I do with translation what I can.
Toonces said:
I'm sure you all have heard of the terrible ordeal in south Asia as a result of the magnitude 9.0 quake which caused massive waves that left at least 23,000 people dead (and the toll is still climbing, I believe) and thousands homeless.

Here's the link: Asia quake death toll tops 23,000


just found out from my aunt that one of my cousins and his wife went to thailand.. and left for japan 3 days before this happened!! sheesh!!