Asia quake death toll tops 23,000

Americans are traditionally generous people. We don't need to wait or depend on the federal government to send aid to the tsunami victims. We can make our own donations.

There are at least 1,000 multi-millionaires in Hollywood. If each one of them sends one million dollars to the Red Cross that would equal $1,000,000,000. If one million middle class Americans each send $10, that equals $10,000,000. That is one-billion, 10-million, total. It can be done.
Is Reba making a good point or are we going to bash her again?
Do we have time for anything else, for bawwwwling outloud?
Just do it.
You just might sleep easier.

(hee hee Reba, always on your side, hugs)
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Reba said:
Americans are traditionally generous people. We don't need to wait or depend on the federal government to send aid to the tsunami victims. We can make our own donations.

There are at least 1,000 multi-millionaires in Hollywood. If each one of them sends one million dollars to the Red Cross that would equal $1,000,000,000. If one million middle class Americans each send $10, that equals $10,000,000. That is one-billion, 10-million, total. It can be done.

I just made a thread which is in relation to what you just had said. :)
jazzy said:
We are really broke. I don't know where USA get money to help them out unless somewhere our pocket has to go over there. Meaning raise our cost of living higher?

Sad.. Good question here :dunno:
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I think each person should decide how much they can voluntarily give for the tsunami fund, for the people in Florida, and whatever other causes they want to support. I don't think we should be forced to give thru our tax dollars. IMO I think the way our government can help best is thru logistic support, such as sending military hospital ships, SAR, cargo planes, water treatment teams and equipment, etc. Those are the things that require "big guy" support.
Of course, we can scratch anything military. Halliburton is there, and so are the corporate vultures to take what is left.
And what is left?
Such high emotions of goodwill and concern as on 911, but bet your bottom dollar that each buck will be stolen as usual.
It is no accident the US government has shown no concern.
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Suppose if US win the current war, then
does this mean that we will be very wealthy
by getting what these countries owe us
after the war ?
That kind of question drives me nuts !
HOW do we win this war, who is the enemy?
HOW do we make war against an idea, "terror?" It is so RIDICULOUS!
It is guerilla warfare in Iraq, which means the whole population of Iraq could be the enemy. Does that mean we win when we kill every man, woman and child in Iraq? Even when that is accomplished, Bush will tell you there are more "enemies" in another country and we will repeat the process.
Of COURSE we will never have the money at this rate.

Sorry to off a wee bit off-topic, but you had better wake up to the fact that this permanent "war" will make the ordinary citizen permanently poor.

*Whew* Felt good to scream, lol. Oops.
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ravensteve1961 said:
When USA goes into futher debt because we had to pay for this relief. Then i want BUSH to be impeached. Because we got the WAR ON TERROR to think about than relief crap. Why cant russia or china take care the relief efforts.
RS61, I agree with what you saying. Damn right things, you got my words that russia or china or japan should spend the million monies on tsunami relief, it is in asia near their land of china or Eastern europe.

I am strongly oppoiste the U.S. pledged to spend the tens of millions of dollars and another 35 million dollars on tsunami relief and viticms. Because another countries did not pay insurance for flood or diaster. in my country people who pay insurance for flood, fire, diaster, etc.. Oh wait a minute, look like that U.S. take your money from disaster insurance and even taxes to spend on another country. U.S ignore you and care about other countries like israel, iraq, africa, now asia.. gimme a break!!!
Oh Really... Beowulf, That's okay Many thanks
for your feedback This is so important
to listen and try to understand....

I had to ask this kind of question only because
I recently had a long conversation with
someone else earlier about these debts from
both Tsunami and Florida hurricane disasters and war.

He said that other countries would be required
to owe United States of America lots of money,
real estate properties, oil and assets
AFTER the war anyway...

I do have some doubts myself about
who is right or wrong whatever... but
I want to share this anyway...

Beowulf, you asked these good questions Thanks !
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ckfarbes said:
And when we had airplines crashed into WTO Twin towers, the man who bombed the fedral oklahoma city, and in California, the expressway bridges fell on and killed people, NOT ONE OTHER COUNTRY HELPED US
And what about the florida hurricanes? huh NOT ONE COUNTRY HELPED US
ravensteve1961 said:
And what about the florida hurricanes? huh NOT ONE COUNTRY HELPED US

Hey Raven, GOOD POINT !!!
This bothered me alot about WHY
didn't even ONE country help
these many many homeless people
from these Florida hurricanes... Sigh...
ravensteve1961 said:
And what about the florida hurricanes? huh NOT ONE COUNTRY HELPED US
RS61, LOL You CLEVER! Your damn right point. And this limit spend money on country here for fire, disaser, and hurrican/torando. Oh man, None one country help us, but In country (U.S.) crimes will rise, militia will rise, race or religious war will rise, and even anti-semitcs rise , gays will rise and rise many evils on and on list which would destory this country, because no one country help or improve us like in days of roman empire fall soon..
Not only that,.,,A lot of homes were destroyed by 4 florida hurricanes. And not one nation helped us? Did russia bother offer to help us? Did china bother offer to help us? Did russia japan offer to help us? or Did canada bother offer to help us? Not one offered. So why should we spend our hard earned tax dollars to help them?
110,000 dead!

With that high body count, mother nature sent a strong message.

ravensteve1961 said:
Not only that,.,,A lot of homes were destroyed by 4 florida hurricanes. And not one nation helped us? Did russia bother offer to help us? Did china bother offer to help us? Did russia japan offer to help us? or Did canada bother offer to help us? Not one offered. So why should we spend our hard earned tax dollars to help them?
well-done post! thumb up!

Plus, what the more that U.S. spend almost billions of dollors on other countries. it really never understanding me that they told U.S. people that they have to force to cut billions spend on police, sheriff acorss america, they still spend money on other country instead of police and sheriff which more hirng more police/ sheriff jobs.. U.S governments swtiched mind of people with thier cover up stories. that how it pissed :mad2: [me] off and upset me in deep with what U.S. doing to help others instead of here in our country.. :mad2:
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ckfarbes said:
Plus, what the more that U.S. spend almost billions of dollors on other countries. it really never understanding me that they told U.S. people that they have to force to cut billions spend on police, sheriff acorss america, they still spend money on other country instead of police and sheriff which more hirng more police/ sheriff jobs.. U.S governments swtiched mind of people with thier cover up stories. that how it pissed :mad2: [me] off and upset me in deep with what U.S. doing to help others instead of here in our country.. :mad2:

Pardon, but did 141,000 people die in Florida?

No. 141,000 did so far in Asia recently, and they need our help now. We have to help out to reduce the possibilities of a massive outbreak of diseases. In Florida, you don't see people getting sick or anything. Plus, they have insurance which I doubt many people has in Asia. We really don't want people coming from Asia to spread diseases, do we?

No, we don't. That's why we have to help them out. Otherwise, you'll be putting the USA and Canada in a dangerous position. Diseases are easily spread, over 60 people in Canada died of SARS a couple years ago and that was scary enough. You don't want anything like that to happen to the USA.
270,000 dead by the time

we breathe Titanian atmosphere (January 15) is my predicition of the tsunamic toll.
