Asia quake death toll tops 23,000

It's terrible having this happen. :( Very close to 200,000 dead or missing. :cry:
Hmmm, and I am not happy that the Bush family has done business with the bin Laden family for 20 years.
Reba said:
I feel very sorry for the victims and their families. I am glad that I donated money to help them. However, I am not happy that the people of that region support Osama Bin Laden.

Look at the man standing the middle of this picture:

Reba...good catch on that image. Its a shame too as I really feel for the people that are suffering this tragedy. Seeing the death toll today is just overwhelming. Its hardly imaginable to think of that many people gone in such a short period of time :(
Reba said:
I feel very sorry for the victims and their families. I am glad that I donated money to help them. However, I am not happy that the people of that region support Osama Bin Laden.

Me too I'm NOT happy about this !

Now I begin to wonder whether it's better to
donate $$$ to these DEAD people area where
they support Osama bin Laden OR
donate $$$ to homeless people who are
still ALIVE in Florida ?

How come other countries did NOT help
USA/Florida hurricanes ? (Both FEMA and
insurance were NOT enough to cover anyway)
How come other countries did NOT help
USA/Florida hurricanes ? (Both FEMA and
insurance were NOT enough to cover anyway)
Y, EXCELLENT POST!!!!!! I agree with you, :D !

Why those people focus on other victims in South Asia and pay dontation to relief fund instead of here those people who victims through their husband or relative who fought and even died in bloodbath of battlefield at Middle east, i.e. Iraq, Iran, and Arabian.

I know you don't like what I'm saying, but I'm going to tell you anyway. 'Cause I can prove what I'm saying.

Tsunamis in land of Southern Asia which is NOT HOLOCAUST NOR REVOLUTION!!!!
ckfarbes said:
Y, EXCELLENT POST!!!!!! I agree with you, :D !

Why those people focus on other victims in South Asia and pay dontation to relief fund instead of here those people who victims through their husband or relative who fought and even died in bloodbath of battlefield at Middle east, i.e. Iraq, Iran, and Arabian.

I know you don't like what I'm saying, but I'm going to tell you anyway. 'Cause I can prove what I'm saying.

Tsunamis in land of Southern Asia which is NOT HOLOCAUST NOR REVOLUTION!!!!



It's a natural disaster. Not a war. Wars are caused by human beings, not God.
TTT said:
So watch out San Francisco, GOD is coming after you too!!!
California, Los Angeles got snow and tornadoes, DUH!!!! rme.

Um, snow is virtually everywhere in the northern states and Canada... and always has been. Though, California does get them from time to time, but nowhere as often as we do. But it doesn't mean they can't get snow.


They can be everywhere. Really, you are making God look like a heartless monster. Be careful how you portray the God, he is the one to pass judgment on us, you are not the one to make decisions for the God.
TTT said:
I don't know why Atheists hate GOD...
But God had a good reason to let this happen...

Atheists don't hate God, they just don't believe in Him. Though I do believe in God. But I do understand how the atheists see it differently.

I saw on Fox News that the Pedophiles
were buying kids for sex... in India.

Old news, and it's not only in India. It's everywhere especially in the Eastern Europe, Central and South America, West Africa, Burkino Faso, Mali, Benin, South East Asia, Thailand, Cambodia and Southern Africa.

Even Pedophiles from USA are there at South Asia. They didn't even do it in private.

Old news.

They just buy kids for sex in the street in daylight where everybody see. There mother or father just sell their kids like prostitute.
Wow, open minded people, yeah right.

Old news again. Sitting and complaining isn't going to make the child trafficking go away. You have to take actions in order to make a difference.

If you can't, then don't complain. Complaining don't do any justice.

So Atheists, you need to shut the HELL up!!!!
GOD is doing what he suppose to do...
so don't you dare tell him what he needs to do.

Don't dare to tell Him what to do?

Again, you don't have a clue what God is up to. Nor will you ever discover the truth. God is a force of mystery, and beyond our capability of understanding. As far I am concerned, it was a shift in the plates which caused a massive earthquake affecting the water to suddenly go down and then rise with high waves killing thousands of people.

But is it an act of God?

I don't think so. Earth is capable of killing people on its own by simply shifting the plates around.
My friends come to visit to see us for afternoon coffee yesterday. Their word over the deaf chairman of diving club hit our head real hard like hammer. Yes we remembered that he left Germany for 3 months tour in Thailand to Puket last November.

Nobody knows where he is. His wife is worried because she havent heard from him which he called her by mobile phone regular.

I will go to Deaf Club in Nürnberg next week to find out more. All what I hoping that he is back with healthy.
Liebling:-))) said:
My friends come to visit to see us for afternoon coffee yesterday. Their word over the deaf chairman of diving club hit our head real hard like hammer. Yes we remembered that he left Germany for 3 months tour in Thailand to Puket last November.

Nobody knows where he is. His wife is worried because she havent heard from him which he called her by mobile phone regular.

I will go to Deaf Club in Nürnberg next week to find out more. All what I hoping that he is back with healthy.

I hope he is still alive and somewhere.
TTT said:
Why we have 4 hurricanes in Florida?

200,000 died in South America,, no big deal, it can happen, it is just nature?
You guys are so blind... won't admit it.

I don't know what kind of GOD you believe.

But the God I know in the Bible, where he sent the Angel of death to
kill the first born in Egypt and sent angels to destroyed Sodom.

But when you go meet him in Judgement Day, you can't be playing
game with God... you gotta bow down. And don't you dare
talk back at him, cause it said in the Bible that he will cut out your tongue.

No, you had 4 hurricanes in a short period, not all at once. Florida often get hurricanes due to the weather conditions and the currents in the ocean. By the way, 156,000 deaths has been confirmed so far in the disaster which is in southern Asian countries, not South America. Get your facts straight.

I simply said that I don't believe that God had drowned thousands of people recently. I already had given you an explanation on how the earthquake had happened and how tsunamis were formed. But it is not my problem if you choose to believe that it is an act of God, but I do think you are making a mistake by attacking people here especially when you are not the one to make judgments and you have no idea of what God is up to as I said earlier. Only God know what he is doing, nobody else.
TTT said:
Why we have 4 hurricanes in Florida?

200,000 died in South America,, no big deal, it can happen, it is just nature?
You guys are so blind... won't admit it.

I don't know what kind of GOD you believe.

But the God I know in the Bible, where he sent the Angel of death to
kill the first born in Egypt and sent angels to destroyed Sodom.

But when you go meet him in Judgement Day, you can't be playing
game with God... you gotta bow down. And don't you dare
talk back at him, cause it said in the Bible that he will cut out your tongue.

Those people died last week, it has nothing to do with God punish them. He brought them home with Him that day and many days after 26th. We are here for a short time. It is His will we all die one day.

I live right near fault line and I risk my life to live near it. Of course it may kill me if it happens but that was my choice. And it has nothing to do with God. We can't fool Mother nature. Earth move and grow all the time. We will always have earthquakes, volcanos, fires, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, etc...
jazzy said:
Those people died last week, it has nothing to do with God punish them. He brought them home with Him that day and many days after 26th. We are here for a short time. It is His will we all die one day.

I live right near fault line and I risk my life to live near it. Of course it may kill me if it happens but that was my choice. And it has nothing to do with God. We can't fool Mother nature. Earth move and grow all the time. We will always have earthquakes, volcanos, fires, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, etc...

These people are dead because these countries had no money to get sophiscated warning systems to place in Indian Ocean in the first place.
jazzy said:
And it has nothing to do with God. We can't fool Mother nature..

Hmm, that's the other way around
I believe that we can't fool God. I believe that
Mother Nature comes from God. Who created
the Mother Nature ? It's God.

If we blame Mother Nature, then we blame God.
Hope that makes sense ?

Of course, we do NOT want blame God.