Are you christian or not christian?

Defee said:
Care to clarify that?? I dont understand.....

Sablescort is right—I’m talking about the theory of evolution. I would have responded sooner, but I was on my way out the door yesterday when I posted. I believe that life on this planet was not deliberately created. It occurred purely by random happenstance, starting with single-celled organisms which formed in the ocean. These single-celled organisms grew in complexity, and eventually gave rise to the life forms we see on this planet right now.
Levonian said:
Sablescort is right—I’m talking about the theory of evolution. I would have responded sooner, but I was on my way out the door yesterday when I posted. I believe that life on this planet was not deliberately created. It occurred purely by random happenstance, starting with single-celled organisms which formed in the ocean. These single-celled organisms grew in complexity, and eventually gave rise to the life forms we see on this planet right now.

and also dont forget "the survival of the fittest" too.
l am a born again still following christ whatever happens to me in good time and bad time as well.God still loves u all .
I am christian :) nice to meet you, Is there anyone from detroit or surrounding areas on here? I am looking to meet someone who I can commune with. I am hearing and interpret services for my church weekly. Our services are the BOMB! We are on fire for Jesus !!!!!!
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I don't come in often til today, I think why not ? I check it out here, and glad to find the group of christian to share fellowship w/ each other.

I am a christian too :D
CyberRed said:
I believe in Jesus who is my Sovereign God/Supreme Being. I follow my heart to believe who Jesus really is...... :)
my very simple answer is jesus was the man as i am the man. he was that I am. because i knew that I am he. I am like him!!! he was the prophet as well as I am the prophet. He was born from the woman as well as I born from the woman. I ask you, whom do men say that I am? the voice is the man, not heaven. the eye is the man, not heaven. the hand is the man, not heaven. the breath is the man. the angel is the man, not heaven. the man is the image. God is Image, aka, Heaven is Image. Did you know that God is the head which is the man or person. because the man has the head on his body over you and the world. I knew that this man had the eternal image. the man is the king which is the kingdom set up on the earth which is the land. no one like this land with migthy city and beast in the world for rest. this mean him had powerful image to give life to the beast become reality image and speak in the world hear this. the world follwing this nation of the leader for rest. you don't know what bible or jesus and I talk about "H E A V E N", "B E A S T" AND "K I N G D O M". Because I tell the truth, you not believe me. which of you convince me of sin? And If I say the truth, why do you not believe me? I am complete in him which is the head of all principality and power. I am rest in the word of peace upon my mind. For I live and remain in head upon this kingdom as empire over you and over the world through the man is first and last, beginning and end, alpha and omega. because I am He.. I am with you when the end is come..
I guess the lion that bit the guy was not a Christian.
Yes, I am a Christian. Raised in Assembly of God church. I havent been going to church for a year which I really need to.

i'm a proud to say i'm a christian.... for one thing everything in this lifetime was given to us from our lord god. and i am proud to wear this on my sleeve and then some. i try practicing this in daily life and hope people do too. on some of things happening in this world today how could anyone not beleive in god. living with the grace he is giving us.
I grew and was bapitzed in Chruch of Christ and I still attend church reguarly so yeah I'd say I'm a proud christian. :)